Watashi o Mitashite Kurete Arigatou

Summary:Alice begins to wonder, since she's been gone so long, how much the world she came from has changed, so she asks Nightmare, who offers to take her back. As they get ready to leave, the other role holders decide to tag along, and they leave, but after a mishap that Nightmare makes, they are stuck in the new world. Alice is surprised to see what has happened, instead of dresses, it's skinny jeans or shorts, instead of suits, it's baggy shorts, jeans, and converse. Oh my, how will this go?

Me:So heya there. It's me, Kira-chan~

Sarah:Why am I in this again?

Me:Do you want me to go on a lecture again?


Me:Uh-huh, so anyways, as always... -_- Don't shoot me, I'll be in this story, but not like you'd usually see me... Anyways, character profiling will be up soon on my profile, just skip through all that random stuff.

Sarah:Now for my disclaimer~

Disclaimer:Kira-chan does not own J/C/HnKnA, Calidornia, Alamitos Middle School, the Block, or any other settings used in this story, people, or animals... She only owns herself, thanks.

Chapter 1: To the Present!

Alice's POV-

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, dreaming about my home, when I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I opened my eyes, sighed, and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Morning Alice, breakfast is ready. Oh, and don't worry, Gray didn't cook it."Nightmare said, smiling. I chuckled and nodded.

"Okay Nightmare, thanks. I'll be down in a bit, just let me change. Okay?"I said, closing the door. I prepared myself like always and sat on the bed, pulling up my socks. I all of a sudden spotted something on my dresser.

"Is that a book?"I asked. I facepalmed, of course it's a book. I picked it up and noticed it was a book I had before Blood brought me back here...

"Alice? Are you ready yet? Breakfast is getting cold!"Gray called, knocking on the door.

"Yeah! Hold on."I said, and put the book down, heading downstairs with Gray.

"So Alice, what took you so long?"Nightmare asked, drinking a cup of coffee. I wasn't paying much attention because something was on my mind.

"Alice? Alice? Alice!"Nightmare shouted, making me flinch.

"O-oh, yes?"I responded, taking a bite out of the toast.

"Are you okay? Is there something on your mind?"he asked concernedly.

"U-uh, well... You know, I've wondered how much the world back home has changed. I mean, it's been a while since I've been there, I don't know, I'm like... 20 year old now?"I said. Yep, my birthday was just 2 days ago, and I'm now an adult.

"Hmm... I have an idea Alice."Nightmare said, and a smirk crawled upon his face.

"What would that idea be Nightmare-sama?"Gray asked, raising en eyebrow.

"Yes Nightmare, what would that idea be?"I asked, holding my head up with the back off my palm.

"Well, how about I take you back to your world to see yourself?"he asked, and I nearly got up to start dancing.

"Could you really Nightmare? Can you?"I asked, making me want to kiss him.

"Umm, that depends, only if you want to."he said, blushing. He must have read the kissing thought...

"Of course! Thanks so much Nightmare!"I exclaimed, hugging him.

"Okay, we'll leave tomorrow morning."he said, and I skipped outside.

3rd Person POV-

Alice skipped all the way to the Amusement Park. She couldn't wait to tell Boris! She felt as if he were the only one she could talk to without being killed.

She soon arrived inside the huge park, and began her excited search for Boris. It was challenging, but she found him napping up in a tree in the shade.

"Boris! Boris! I have wonderful news!"she cried, making the cat flinch. He was so surprised, he fell off the branch he was on, but luckily landed in the bush.

"Yes Alice nya~?"he purred, brushing the leaves off his boa.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Boris! W-well, anyways, since I've been wondering about my home back in my world, Nightmare offered to take me there! I'm so excited! We're leaving tomorrow morning! Oh, I have to go now, I need to pack!"Alice said, and rushed off back to Clover Tower.

"Her world huh?"Boris said to himself. He'd have to tell the old man about this!

Later that Afternoon-

"Hello Boris! I have some great news!"Gowland said, as usual, holding his violin.

"Me too old man!"Boris exclaimed, his tail swinging from side to side.

"Really? Then you go first!"Gowland offered generously.

"Okay, be prepared... Alice is going to visit her old home!"Boris shouted, and Gowland stood there quietly for a second.

"Alice is leaving? And you're happy about that?"Gowland said, pouting.

"No, no, she's not leaving, she's just visiting!"Boris corrected, punching Gowland's arm.

"Oh! I see... Then why don't we tag along? Pierce will come too."Gowland said, with a big lightbulb above his head.

"Great idea old man! I'm sure Nightmare won't mind!"Boris shouted in glee.

"Won't mind what chu~?"Pierce asked, coming out of nowhere.

"We're going with Alice to her world stupid mouse, so get ready."Boris said, holding up a fork and knife, and Pierce ran away as fast as he could.

"Hehe, boss is gonna wanna hear this!"Dee said to his brother. They both hid behind bushes, spying on Gowland and Boris.

"He certainly is brother!"Dum agreed, and they both ran off to the Hatter Mansion to spread the news.

Blood's Office-

"Oh? So they're going too? Then we're also going! Get ready now."Blood commanded with a smirk. Elliot and the twins rushed out the room to go get ready.

Joker's Circus-

"Hmmm, what's this? So they're all going to Alice's world huh?"White Joker said, as Black walked in.

"Why are you talking about that b*tch?"Black Joker hissed, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, well, the other role holders are going to Alice's world. I was thinking, how about we tag along?"White asked with a smirk.

"I don't give a sh*t. But who's going to watch over the damn prisoners?"Black huffed.

"The afterimages of course."White said, and he thought of something.

"What?"Black asked.

"The residents of Heart Castle haven't heard of it yet... Hmm, that wouldn't be fair, now would it?"White said, and Ace appeared out of nowhere.

"Hiya Jokers! What're ya doing?"Ace asked, with his usual carefree smile.

"It's a good thing you're here. Apparently Alice is going to visit her old world, and everyone is tagging along. I want you to tell the queen and see what she has to say about it."White explained, and after 3 times of explaining, Ace nodded and left.

Heart Castle-

Ace had finally found his way back to Heart Castle, and told Vivaldi about the news he heard.

"What? And we are last to know about it? Bring us a card soldier, it's off with his head!"Vivaldi yelled, and Ace went to his room to get ready, or, at the very least, tell Peter.

Next Morning-

Alice woke up in a daze. "Was that a dream?"she thought to herself.

"Nope, it was real. C'mon Alice! Let's go!"Nightmare shouted, and Alice flinched.

"N-Nightmare! Geez! Don't just come into my room like that and shout in my ear!"Alice yelled, throwing a pillow at the incubus, who coughed up blood into his purple handkerchief.

"Okay, sorry Alice. Just meet us outside, okay?"he asked. Alice nodded, and he headed outside.

Alice did as usual and grabbed the only thing she would need, her book. After, she headed out just like she was told, and was surprised by the sight.

"W-what are you all doing here?"Alice shouted. All the role holders stood outside, along with Julius, Gray, and Nightmare.

"They all decided to tag along Alice, so we're all going together!"Nightmare shouted, and took out a music box.

"What's that for?"Alice asked, putting a finger to her chin.

"It's the traveling device of course! How else are we all going to get there?"Nightmare asked, winding it. He let go of it and let the song play, and there was a sudden flash of bright light engulfing them.


Present Time-

The role holders and Alice laid on the grass, unconscious.

On the other hand, a pair of girls were walking home from school when they spot the role holders.

"S-Sarah! A-are they okay? There not dead are they?"the small one shrieked.

"No... at least, I'm not sure... I'll call an ambulance."the taller one said, and dialed 911.

Me:... OMG, crappy ending.

Sarah:XD "They're not dead are they?" seriously?

Me:*blushes*Uresai! I-I tried my best okay?

Sarah:Yeah, you did. *pats head*

Me:Baka... Don't touch me...