Hiya! This is the story based off my Submit a Demigod, and it's basically about a daughter of _. I'm not telling you, silly! It's not one of the Big Three, Artemis, Hera, or anything. I'm trying to make it a mystery! My computer likes to remove some words, which annoys me, so I tried to fix the holes.

Disclaimer-Let's get this straight. I don't like writing disclaimers. This stands for the entire story. I don't own Percy Jackson, or any of the other characters. They belong to Rick Riordan. Some of them belong to others, thus the point of my whole submit a character. The ONLY character I own is Andromeda. Deal with it.

I'm not crazy. Well, not completely, at least. I hope. Everything started off as a normal day. Well, pretty much a normal day. I slept in because my stupid alarm clock was broken, got yelled at by , the annoyingly loud caretaker of all us orphans, and ended up getting a tardy for my first period class.

Yup. A normal day. You know, besides the fact that I don't remember anything before what happened two weeks ago. Literally, I woke up in the middle of Los Angeles, snuck on the nearest flight to literally anywhere (turned out it was to San Francisco), and then tricked a taxi driver to drive me to anywhere. We got to Lafayette until he realized I had no money. I slept on the streets that night, and in the morning, child services stumbled across me, and tossed me over to the local orphanage, St. Mary's. Basically, the third day after I woke up with no memory, I was already thrown into a High School with the most boring teachers on earth.

And, of course, now it was the last period of the day and with my luck, it was the most boring subject in the world. History. I mean, literally, who cares about what happened a million years ago? Who cares that the Egyptians believed in the afterlife? Does it matter if you know the names of the people who ruled over France 297 years ago? To be honest, it's not like the teacher cares what happens while she's teaching. Half the class falls asleep when she lectures us, but just keeps droning on and on.

"Now, in 1754, the rebels in the Norwedgian countryside had long since..." my teacher began , and I saw half of our classes' eyes go foggy as they stared blankely at the teacher, hoping she would notice their 'attention,' and give them a good grade.

There was a wet sloshing sound, and something trickled down the back of my neck. My hand snapped to my neck and grabbed it off, recognizing the texture before I even saw it.

A spitball.

I whirled around, eyes wide, only to see my best friend, John, giving me a sly smile, peeking the tip of his spitball launcher over his desk so I could see it. I rolled my eyes, stuck my tongue out at him, and flipped him the bird. He snickered with an annoying grin.

"Andromeda?" said my teacher (what was her name again?), and I turned to look at her in confusion. She never singled out students in class. She held her classroom phone in one hand. "The office would like to see you."

What would they want to see me for? I hadn't done anything bad! Well... Except take one teacher's glasses... And steal another's car. But I gave it back! Four hours later, of course. I had spray-painted the boy's locker-room pink, but the janitor took care of that.

There was a loud clang, and I turned around to see that John had stood up rather hastily, knocking over his desk. "I-I'll go with her." he stammered.

My teacher seemed confused. "Why would she need you to go with her? Andromeda is just going to the office."

John frowned, obviously stumped. "W-well, Anna might have to fill out forms, and she can't do that."

She nodded. "Ah, yes, her dyslexia. Sure, you can go with her." she waved her hand lazily, dismissing us. "As I was saying, General Du' Far decided to execute these rebels..."

I walked out the classroom, the door clicking behind me. I glared at John, seething, as we walked down the hallway.

"What?" he demanded, noticing my glare. "What did I do?"

John was my best friend, and he was, I'll admit, pretty handsome. He had curly brown-gold hair that was always stuffed under a San Fransisco Giants baseball cap. Not that I had anything against that, the San Fransisco Giants are my favorite baseball team. Of course, it had to be, due to the fact I lived in Lafayette, a small town by the bay. Actually, it was closer to a place called Diablo something, a huge mountain my friends and I loved to go rock-climbing on. Diablo rock? Something with an abreviation at the front...

"You made fun of me in front of the entire class!" I grumbled. "I'm sure everyone wanted to know about my dyslexia."

"They already knew about it." John pointed out as we continued to walk down the bright white hallways, the gentle murmur of other teachers reaching us through the doors.

I hate it when he's right. "Yeah, well..." I struggled for a comeback. "Shut up." I muttered.

He gave a cocky grin, obviously proud he had beaten me in a verbal fight. We approached the office, and he held the door open for me. "For you, your highness." he said with a mock bow, a devilish smirk on his face.

"You'd better not have done anything." I said warningly. "I don't trust that smile of yours."

As we strode into the office, and the secretary, was holding the bleak gray office phone in one hand, and scribbling down something with the other. "Phone, dear." she said as she continued to write, as if she'd done it a million times. Then again, she probably had.

I took the phone from 's overly-manicured nails, and pressed it to my ear. "Yellow?" I asked cheerfully, wondering who it was.

"Andromeda Leon?" came a rather calm voice, and I frowned, wracking my brain for anyone who sounded like this.

"Who's asking?" I demanded.

"Ah, my dear, I'd love to tell you, but I can't be on the phone for long. Tell your protec-tell your friend, Jonathan, that it's time, and you need to come now." the voice said, keeping a steady tone.

"If you needed John, why did you call me?" I pointed out.

John cast me a strange look. "Anna, who're you talking to?"

"Ah, is Jonathan there with you? Would you please hand me over to him?" asked the voice politely.

"Yeah... Sure." I muttered, and held the phone towards John, covering the receiver. "Some weirdo on the phone wants to talk to you." I grunted, and tossed the phone to him, and he caught it easily, but I still noticed the disapproving stare from . I shifted uncomfortably, trying to avoid her gaze as I eavesdropped, or more so, attempted to eavesdrop on John.

"Now? But Chiron!" he whispered. "I-Yes, I know she's older than thirteen, and I know she should be claimed by now! Her scent is powerful, not like the Big-Three-... Yes, I'm positive it's not the Big-Three, but it's stronger than the average demigod scent. Older, even."

John caught me staring at him, and spoke in a much quieter voice, and I had to strain to hear. "You've already sent a chariot? With-... Oh, a son of Apollo? But why? Oh, I guess he'd be good with the chariot... Where would we... The rooftop? We'll go as fast as we can. Be prepared, I think there might be some monsters following us... Yeah, I'll try to keep her safe. I'll try." he handed the phone to .

"Who was that?" I asked, feigning curiosity.

"No one." he said, but I could see the terror in his eyes. "Let's go." he said, and began to walk quickly from the room, with me on his heels. "Anna, you're a terrible liar, I'll give it to you straight. I know you heard my conversation."

"Am I really that bad?" I said in surprise, having thought I had been a good liar.

John flung open the staircase, and waved his hand, ushering me up the stairs, and following me close behind as we raced up the stairs. I couldn't fight the feeling we were being followed. "Yes, when you lie, your eyes start blazing, it's kinda scary." John admitted. "I see it all the time when you lie to about your homework. Aw man!" he wailed.

"What?" I demanded, and turned to look at him. His Adidas sneaked had fallen out, showing a round Styrofoam hole in the middle. Why did John need to stuff his shoe? I looked at his foot-or more importantly, where his foot was supposed to be. "Y-y-your foot." I stammered. Right where his foot should have been, the was a dark brown hoof, somewhat scratched, but still shining bright. And right where his pants met his hooves, there was some fur sticking out.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a satyr." John grumbled.

"You're a sheep." I said, still in shock.

"Bla-ha-ha! A sheep! I'm part goat! I'm goat, not sheep, from the waist down!" John said with a creepy laugh.

A deep roar grumbled from lower on the staircase, sounding like a lion's roar.

John flinched, and quickly flung off his other shoe. Now he had two hooves... This was getting better and better, wasn't it?

"That isn't good," I guessed "So let's start running up the stairs, sheep boy. And by the way, I don't lie about my homework. I have actual reasons!"

"I'm not part sheep!" John snapped, but we started running up the stairs anyway, his hooves making weird echoing sounds against the metal staircase.

"If we die..." I said, "I'm removing you from my will."

"You don't have a will." he said pointedly.

"Shuttup." I grumbled, and realized we were at the top of the staircase. I flung the door open, blinking and leaning away from the bright light. I wasn't sure if it was the sudden sunlight I was surprised by, or the fact that all the sunlight was reflecting off of a solid gold chariot pulled by two handsome horses. Only the horses had wings.

"Whoa." I said, awestruck.

There was a loud crash behind us, and the door was ripped off it's hinges. I hound myself staring at a giant eagle. No, it was a lion... What were those called again? Griffins? It was drooling, globs of spit dangling from it's razor-sharp beak. Large claws came from it's paws, looking as if they could tear through steel. A drop of spit fell to the floor, and it's eyes narrowed.

"He really needs to wipe his mouth." I said stupidly.

"Get in the chariot." John hissed, shoving me toward the glowing cart. I clambered in, and to my surprise, there was another guy in there. He held the winged horses' reigns. What are they called? Pegasuses. Pegasi. Whichever. What was going on here? Crazy griffins, pegasi, this was getting out of hand.

There was a loud screech, and I turned and looked in horror as the griffin lunged at John. John darted quickly away on his hooves, but the griffin just lunged again. It's claws caught on John's shoulder, and he cried out, blood pouring from the wound.

"John!" I screamed, trying to get out of the chariot o help him, to save him, to rescue him.

"Go!" He bellowed. "Head to camp! I-I'm sorry I failed as your protector!"

The griffin lunged again, and this time, it's claws dug deep into John's chest, right where his heart is.

"JOHN!" I howled, "NO! JOHN!" I tried to get out of the chariot, but the other kid held me back. "JOHN!" I screamed.

His beautiful calf-brown eyes looked at me in desperation, and blood streaming from his mouth, he choked out, "I'm sorry I failed you Anna. Go, get to safety." and with that, he went limp, blood pooling around him, staining the griffin's claws and beak.


But by then, the other guy had snapped the reigns, and we were off at lightning speed. "How could you leave John like that? We have to go back and get him!" I screeched.

The guy just threw me a long, sad look, and flicked the reigns again, as if to tell me that he's already dead.

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