Ok I made a mistake in the previous chapter, I labeled Reid's dad as abusive. I'm sorry, I take that back, he was not abusive but just the dad he was in the show. Kay, you got that cleared? Phew, that's a load off my back ^_^

OMG I'm SO sorry for the LOOOONG delay and crappy grammar. I was so tired and busy doing other stuff and I really rushed this one. Plus tomorrow's my first day back at school (NOOOOOOOOOO) and I've got tutoring as well. I'm trying to convince my mum to let me quit but she already paid for the first term so I'll have to wait until that's over…

Anyway this chapter's a bit short so I'm really sorry for that, I promise the next chapter will be longer… hopefully. And that it'll be up sooner… hopefully. So enjoy this next chapter of a really bad fanfic.

BTW I started a Pokémon fanfic if you wanna read it (not that I think you would O_O)


Chapter 5

Spencer dragged himself along the pavement, ignoring the rain bouncing on him. All his muscles ached with pain and his right arm was bleeding. At the moment he just wanted to get home and forget anything had happened, that that day had even occurred, he wanted to just dig a hole and bury himself…

He approached his front and stood there staring at the peeling paint on the wood. At the moment he just wanted to be alone, to just stand there in the rain where no one would bother him. He sighed and dug into his bag to pull out his house keys. Inserting a key into the keyhole he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

Looking around, he realised that his father wasn't home yet; he must be working late that night. Panic hit him square in the face when he realised that it meant his mother must not have taken her medication yet. He dropped his soaked bag onto the carpet and ran towards his mother and father's room, fearing for the worst. As he burst into his parent's room he saw that he shouldn't have worried.

His mother was sitting on the edge of the bed reading a novel. She looked up as Spencer entered the room. She smiled briefly before her eyes swept up and registered his appearance. She frowned, looking concerned.

"Spencer why are you wet?" Diana said softly, gently placing the book on the bed covers. She gestured for him to sit with her.

"Nothing, mum," Spencer answered briefly, as he moved to sit with her, "It was just raining when I was coming home,"

Diana frowned, "Sweetheart, your arms bleeding!" she exclaimed suddenly. Spencer let Diana pull his arm onto her lap as she examined the wound. "Baby, what happened?"

"Nothing, really!" Spencer added hastily as Diana looked at him suspiciously, "I just… cut myself on a plant on my way home…"

"Baby, please tell the truth, I can help you…"

"…It's alright, mum, really, nothing happened,"

"…OK, Spencer, but if you want to tell me, just tell me anytime, OK?"

Spencer nodded, not bothering to try making up another excuse. She knew, his mother always knew when he was lying. He stared at the book lying on the bed cover for while before finally deciding to ask her. He took a deep breath.

"Mum, where's dad?" Spencer said.

Diana's expression darkened before turning to stare out the window. Spencer didn't need any more information than that.

Hot boiling rage threatened to overpower him. He thought his father really did love him. Even though he wasn't the son his dad had wanted, he had constantly tried to be. But no, it wasn't enough. Ever since he was born, his parents' marriage had been falling apart, was it his fault? His fault his parents' marriage had fallen apart? His fault his father hardly ever smiled? His fault Diana never took her medication properly?

His fault his father abandoned them?

That coward couldn't even find the guts to tell it to his face, to bother waiting for him to come home and tell it to him straight. Why…

"Come on, baby, I'll read to you…" Diana said after a minute of silence.

Spencer's expression immediately brightened as he nodded eagerly. He stood up and grabbed a book from a nearby bookshelf handing it to Diana. She examined the cover before smiling.

"Good choice," she said, opening the book.

Spencer leaned towards her, listening to the her voice as she read. He didn't need that coward, he would help the only member of the family he could really love and help them survive. He didn't need him…


Trinity sat at the front desk, flipping through some patient files, trying hard to block out any thoughts of the victims, she couldn't let the image of their mutilated bodies distract her from her job. She jumped a foot in the air when the phone sitting before her rang out loudly.

Grabbing the phone with unnecessary force, she raised the phone to her ear.

"Doctor Rose speaking, how may I help you?" She said into the receiver.

"Doctor, you must listen to me," A voice came from the other end of the line sounding calm but speaking fast, "Diana Reid is currently in danger, do not leave her by herself," The voice spoke the last few words firmly.

"Excuse me?" Trinity said bewildered.

"Do not leave Diana Reid anywhere alone. A man currently after her life,"

"Who is this?"

"This is Agent Hotchner of the BAU, the man who murdered the three other victims at the scene is after Diana Reid, whatever you do you MUST NOT leave her alone without company, my team is coming, do not leave her alone until we arrive, you understand?"

Trinity sat holding the phone against her ears feeling petrified. He was coming? He was coming to murder another patient? She was glad when a distraction came in the shape of a man wearing a cloak. Her smile didn't last long however.

It was the same man who had handed her the letter addressed to Spencer. He reached a hand into his pocket.


"-Until we arrive, you understand?" Hotch said quickly into his phone. They were currently in their cars driving to the scene. He heard silence on the other end, what was going on? His heart skipped a beat when he heard a deep threatening voice on the other end of the line.

"Tell the Federal Agent you're talking to to give this to Spencer Reid…"

"Doctor?" Hotch said after a moment.

"A-agent Hotchner, th-that man, h-h-he…"

"Doctor, what happened, what's going on?

"…L-letter… He g-gave another l-letter…"

Hotch sat there in the car seat bewildered. The Unsub had just visited the sanitarium to give a letter? Had they been tricked? He looked out the window, noticing that they had already arrived.

"Doctor, my team has arrived, do not panic, we're coming in," Hotch muttered into the receiver before hanging up.

He, Rossi and JJ left their car while in the car behind them, Morgan and Prentiss climbed out of their own car and approached them. Hotch turned and led the team into the building.

"Agent Hotchner!" A doctor immediately confronted them, "The man came back… He gave me another letter…"

"Did you see what he looked like?" Hotch asked scanning the room for any sign of a suspicious person.

"No… I'm sorry, the only thing weird about him was the same coat he wore last time and the hat that covered his face. But he wasn't wearing gloves like the last time he came, I-"

"He wasn't wearing gloves?" Rossi repeated.

"I… no… and it seemed like he had a firm grip on the letter too…"

"Did you touch the letter?" Hotch said.

"No, he just left the letter on the desk and left. I was so shocked, I didn't touch the letter and I hung up when and left the desk when she said you were here,"

Hotch turned and nodded at Morgan who reached a hand into his pocket and withdrew a plastic glove and bag. He walked towards the desk that the doctor indicated. Upon the desk lay a single envelope which Morgan assumed must have been the letter the doctor was talking about.

"Ma'am, is this the letter?" Morgan said pointing to the letter. The doctor nodded.

Taking care to not damage the letter, Morgan lifted the letter and gently placed it into the bag.

"Doctor, did the man say anything about when Reid had to read the letter?" Hotch said.

The doctor shook her head.

"No, sir, he just gave me the letter and said it had to be given to Spencer by you,"

Hotch nodded before motioning for his team to leave.


It was Saturday. That meant Spencer could enjoy the blissful moments of being away from the place where he was bullied and picked on.

His mother was still asleep. Deciding to tell her to take her medication when she woke up, Spencer stepped out of his room towards the kitchen. His eyes lingered on the TV remote control as he passed through the living room, hit by the sudden desire to watch the news. Wondering why he suddenly felt this, Spencer grabbed the remote and clicked the on button. He flipped to the news channel before slumping down into the nearest chair.

"-reports of an escaped gorilla. The zoo is begging any signs of the gorilla to be reported to them immediately. You are also advised to lock your doors and windows as the gorilla is particularly ferocious and-"

This was a waste of time. Spencer stood up and grabbed the remote from the coffee table, finger on the off button.

"Thanks Hugh, and now the report on a child who was found murdered in a shack located in the outskirts of town-"

Spencer froze, his hand in midair. A child was murdered in a shack?

"-Dylan Park, here. The body of Jennifer Jayson-"

Spencer's eye widened in shock. Jenny's body?

"-discovered by police. Her face and body was mutilated beyond recognition, police found an ID in her backpack which was also discovered in the shack. Police also found a message written on the walls of the shack in the victim's blood. The words read 'She had to pay the price for his stupidity, it was his fault'. Jennifer's parents are devastated and refused to-"

Spencer stood there, completely paralysed with shock and fear. 'His fault'? Was the murderer talking about… him?

"-Police are urging anyone who might possibly know anything about the murder to come forward. Back to you, Sarah-"


Garcia punched a command into her keyboard. She had basically given up on finding any information about the victims. Instead she had decided to find out all she could about Spencer Reid and hopefully tie anything about him to the victims. She couldn't help but feel that he was the true victim here, she just didn't believe that he was the killer. Something was telling her that…

Her eyes widened as she read a news article clipping. 'The accused claims to have been…' Claims to, huh…

Garcia dialed Morgan's number and sat waiting for him to pick up.

"Talk to me, Garcia," Came Morgan's voice sounding wary.

"Hey, Morgan. I was reading a newspaper clipping I found after searching for Reid's name,"


"I found something that might interest you…"

A/N: What could it be? -Cue dramatic music- Yeah, the escaped gorilla report was completely random, it has nothing to do with the story xP It might be a recurring 'story' if any of my characters ever watch the news again though xP