Please don't kill me? I know its been long and im very sowwy…enjoy!

Merlin didn't know anything anymore. He was mentally tired. The spell had drained him and as soon as he got to his room, he fell asleep dreaming of horrible things that would happen next in his future. His first dream was of his neckerchief covered in blood, then it moved on to him stuck in the middle of nowhere, crying for help but then lastly it turned to Arthur crying as he swung his sword.

Sweat covered Merlin's face as he jumped up. Again. Why? Again. Its been the third night. He slowly got out of bed, dressing his self slowly. It'd been three days since Merlin had not seen Arthur. The longest time he'd been away from Arthur in a long time. He understood that the king had now a new heir to look after but the long wait to find out his fate was slowly killing him. Merlin slowly opened the door. What would I do today? Gaius hardly gave me any chores, he just felt sorry for me. I didn't need pity, I wanted answers from Arthur.

"And he is awake, hallelujah." Arthur's annoying voice, filled Merlins ears. The king of Camelot sat on the bench, flicking through Gaius's book. The unexpected voice scared Merlin and he tripped backwards falling to the ground.

"Have three days of no work numbed your senses?" he smirked. Merlin coughed, getting up and dusting himself off.

"What you doing here?" Merlin asked, stuck for words.

"I think you know," Arthur replied his smirk fading.

"C'mon Gwaine, just take off the blindfold!" Sophia laughed her lips pursed. Gwaine chuckled behind her.

"Not yet," he said opening the carved front wooden door. Sophia's right hand flew to her face but Gwaine caught it in both of his and kissed it tenderly.

"Be paitent, my love." He chuckled, guiding her into the massive house by the waist.

"Now?" she groaned. Gwaine moved his hand to untie the thick ribbon from around her eyes.

"A mansion?"

Gwaine smiled, "Our mansion,"

Sophia's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Well you didn't think we'd stay in the castle for the rest of our lives?" He grinned, taking her hands and guiding her to look around. The Camelot crest hung in the middle of the entry hall and beside was an empty picture frame with a piece of paper saying 'to be filled with a portrait of Lord Gwaine'.

Sophia paused, "WAIT!... you're a lord? Since when?"

"Only recently,"

"I didn't even know!" she crossed her arms, failing in her façade of being upset with her fiancé. Gwaine stepped behind her, wrapping his toned arms around her lifting her up.

"What you doing? Put me down, im supposed to be angry at you," she giggled. Gwaine nuzzled his face into her neck, knowing that she would moan in response.

"How about a tour of the bedrooms?" she whispered.

"What about the rest of our new house?" he smiled liking her idea much better.

"We have the rest of our lives to look around!" she said covering his mouth with her own.

"I don't understand, Merlin, I really don't. Why didn't you tell me?" Arthur whispered, sadly. Merlin sat a fair distance away from the king, just for precautions.

"Its banned." Merlin replied simply.

"Is that all you're going to tell me?" Arthur replied his face reddening from anger and confusion. Merlin put his hand up. For once he was in control.

"I guess I owe you more," Merlin swallowed.

"You don't say,"

Merlin ignored his comment, " If you want everything and all the truth, you don't get to comment!" Arthur nodded sensing the seriousness of his man servants tone. The feeling he got from Merlin was the one of when he saw him in a different light, the light were Merlin was wise and full of wisdom. More than he could ever be as a man.

"I was born with magic, you remember the last dragon lord we went to find…well he was my father. When I arrived at Camelot, I didn't want anything to do with you but I found out that our destiny's were entwined," Merlin put his fingers up and rolled his eyes, " trust me when I say the amount of times I didn't believe the dragons rubbish is more times than you've called me useless." Arthur brows furrowed his mouth opened to say something but Merlin quickly interrupted him,

"Yes, the dragon you 'killed', he helped me save you many times."

"You havnt saved me!" Arthur said defending his pride.

"Arthur!" Merlin warned. Arthur nodded, he knew of all his lucky escapes, his luck streak.

"My destiny was to help you become king and change the way Camelot ruled without magic, but now I don't know anymore. You hate magic which means you hate me but know this Arthur you are my friend always will be and I don't regret any moments with you."

A silence fell upon the room. Merlin stared at his worn out boots as he felt Arthur's gaze on his face.

"Merlin, im sorry" Arthur replied getting up and leaving the room. Merlin exhaled loudly. He could still feel the heavy disappointment.

Arthur tried to leave the room calmly but as soon as he was away from the wizard his mind started to go into overload. Merlin was his friend the only person he could confide in sometimes, so why was it so hard to except this part of him. Arthur knew he wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him but he still was confused. Hadn't his mother and father been killed because of magic. Not really? He thought it's been the people had handled it. Magic was like money. If you possessed it, the fate of what to do with it was in your hand. You can use the money to do good just like with magic and you can use it to do evil just like money.

Arthur entered his bedroom,

"Whose mama's little angel," cooed his wife, Arthur smiled at the beautiful picture of his two favourite girls in the room together. Walking over to them, he kissed his daughters head and moved his lips towards his wife's. Gwen stopped him, placing her palm on his chest.

"You spoke to Merlin didn't you?" she whispered, rocking her new born daughter. Arthur sighed, sitting on the edge of their bed. Gwen lowered the angel into her cot, kissing her forehead. She walked over to her husband, untying the sash to her lavender sleeping robe.

"Why can't you just leave aside the fact that he has magic for a while and just think of Merlin as a person?" she whispered in his ear. Arthur shivered with pleasure, he tilted his head to steal a kiss from her sweet lips but Gwen pulled back.

"Arthur you have a problem to figure out," she said shuffling away from him. Arthur grabbed her hand,

"I don't know, Merlin without magic is my friend!"


"But he has magic!"

"That saved our daughter and loads of tears,"

Arthur nodded. The new light of his life wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Merlin.

"You just need to get passed the fact he didn't tell you about the magic and everything will be fine," she yawned. Arthur could see the fatigue in his beautiful wife face.

"Go to sleep my beauty, ill sort it out," he smiled, helping her get into bed.

"Do you promise that by the time I wake up, you and him will be fine,"

"I'll try," he said kissing her lips longingly. Gwen sighed against his mouth and ran her tongue against his, the kiss deepening. Her hands found there way to his shirt and she pulled him down, Arthur separated and kissed her cheek,

"Go to sleep," he smiled, touching one of her curls.

********************************************************************************** "We should get going," Gwaine sighed, kissing the top of Sophias head.

"But I'd rather stay here," she said patting their bed.

"Were not married yet, imagine how improper it would be for them to find us here!" he gasped in fake horror. Sophia slapped his naked chest.


"I like it rough," he smirked holding her hand.

"Is that so?" Sophia said moving her legs to straddle Gwaine. She lowered down slowly, breathing sweetly, her thick hair forming a curtain between each other faces. As soon as their lips were barely touching, Sophia pulled away, jumping of him and the bed. She started dressing fast and Gwaine groaned.

"Don't tease me like that!"

"Like what?" Sophia faked innocence, buttoning the knee length blouse. Gwaine just walked over to her, picking her up and placing her against a wall. He lifted her till her legs wrapped around his torso.

"Sophia, my love remember one thing," he murmured softly yet roughly in her ear, his lips moving up her neck slowly. He dragged his teeth and tongue slowly sucking in one area, leaving a mark. Sophia tried to regulate her heavy embarrassing breathing but her emotions were everywhere. His lips finally found her sweet mouth and he devoured her lips, pulling of the blouse she had been previously been putting on. Sophia tried to stop the kissing but his kisses were now an addiction. His hands touched her all over, leaving a hot trail all over her body.

"Remember what?" Sophia finally broke away asking. Gwaine just smiled,

"That I love and need you too much to let you get away, till were both pleased."

Quick note, there was an incident where an author copied my story and me and her have sorted it out so if we can forget about it then, that would be great.