Set after season 4: I've been playing with that idea in my head for quite a long time. But the way Merlin ended made the idea for my story perfect. Epic finale although I liked part 1 tinsy binsy bit more but yesterdays episode had amazing Gwen and Arthur moments, I'm so happy they didn't bring the bracelet back up. It proves that true love conquers all. Don't you think? Anyway… heres chapter 1

Leaving was the hardest bit, but it had to be done. Sophia knew only too well that without the money her father and brother would die and she couldn't live with that.

"Oh c'mon Gwen, you used to be so fun," Gwaine joked,

"That was before I become a Queen," she replied, caressing her little baby bump.

"And pregnant." He remarked.

"Yes! And pregnant." She smiled adoringly at her swollen stomach.

"Ok, fine I'm gonna find Merlin," Gwaine said giving up and walking into the city market. Behind him he heard a light giggle coming from the adored Queen.

Ever since her arrival to Camelot, Sophia had been dressed in her brothers clothes and working as a grocer. It was odd. But she liked it. No, she loved the fact that she had a sense of freedom. The trousers didn't restrict her from riding her horse like a dress did. The shirt, which covered her chest didn't attract attention and the fact that she was going to return home with a fee to pay the doctor, gave her hope. The cold weather allowed her to wear a hooded scarf to cover her hair without any suspicion.

"Should I cut my hair?" I asked, my sister Maria.

Maria who had been tending to father, turned to look at me aghast.

"You are joking!" she replied.

"Well, no if I'm to go to Camelot and look for work, I have to go as a boy." I said, lifting my auburn locks and experimenting how it would look short in front of the mirror, Maria left fathers side and stood behind me,

"Even with no hair, you'd be too beautiful to pass as a boy," My sister said, as she took my thick hair out of my hands and let it fall down my back.

"That's not true and anyway I can definitely act like a boy," I said picking up my sword and swinging it.

"Sophia, you said it your self, you love your hair, its your only redeemable feature,"

"Well, what else I'm I suppose to do. No one would want a girl working with them,"

"No, you're right," Maria said, just then Robert started coughing. We both ran to our brother's bed side,

"Use my winter hood, it'll cover your hair and keep you warm." I smiled at my brother and hugged him,

"I will get enough money for a doctor," I whispered reassuring him.

"I know you will, you never let us down, Sophia."

"Stop daydreaming child and get the boxes of fruit, from the cart in front. Its 10 cartons, be quick and take the right amount. The supervisor isn't patient." The big man who had reluctantly hired me said. I nodded, running out of the wooded shed store and across the street to carry the cartons of fruit back in. Just then, there was a boy who ran past stealing an apple. The supervisor saw and wasted no time in catching the boy,

"You will pay for this, boy!" the angry man shouted, attracting a lot of attention. I looked into the poor boy's innocent green eyes and saw nothing but confusion. Still holding the carton of fruits, Sophia panicked. Surely, the man had a heart and would not beat the poor hungry child. The first strike with the stick caused the youngster to scream but as he went for the next hit. Sophia thought fast, dropping the box of produce,

"Oi, pick on someone your own size. It was only an apple." It was enough to distract the man and give the boy time to scramble away. The irritated gruff man turned to Sophia and smiled,

"Oh, so you think your self a worthy opponent," He said, smiling at Sophia petite figure. Oh silly Sophia, what have you done? You and you're big mouth! She thought as she watched the man step forward and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Well, at least the boy escaped. Sophia examined her surroundings, looking for a means of help. The little crowd that had formed weren't going to be of any support and Sophia knew that. She would surprise them all, the man stepped forward and pulled his sword out. With that, she ran, jumping onto the cart full of fruit and grabbing the donkey whip. People started clapping at the unplanned choice and cheering. The man laughed and ran forward swinging his sword at her legs. Sophia jumped over the blade and ran diagonally across the cart, giving her more time get away from the man. Sophia knew that crossing the slowly increasing crowd wouldn't be easy, but there wasn't any other choice as the mob had circled the two of them together. The people's stubbornness to budge, let the adversary catch up and he wasted no time in swinging his sword at her head, Sophia ducked, losing her balance and rolling on the ground,

"Now, before I kill you. I want to see who so dared to fight me," the man said, moving his hand to lift my hood. Sophia, couldn't let them man see who she was and grabbed his wrist, twisting it into a painful lock. The man shouted in frustration and Sophia jumped up kneeing his shin and elbowing his right arm. Dropping his sword with a clang. The man who held his now swollen wrist, lay on the floor, his face contorted with anger.

Gwaine's search for Merlin wasn't going as well as he hoped for. He knew Merlin wasn't with Gaius or Arthur as they had both let the boy off. Gwaine kicked a pebble and noticed how empty the street was and looking ahead he saw a group of people at the end of the street, cheering. Being the bored knight he was, he went to look at what had so captured the town's people attention. He hadn't expected to see a young boy standing over John Lising at sword point.

"I order you to stop!" Gwaine shouted out of impulse. Everyone turned to see the knight dressed with his red cloak and golden arms. At that most people started to scurry, looking as though they were doing there daily business but some lingered behind wanting to see the rest. The little man in the hood similar to the one Elyan wore dropped the sword and ran but Gwaine who had been trained to run faster caught up and got the boy arms behind him. He would have gladly let the boy run John through but he knew that without him Camelot's merchant industry would start to crumble.

"You two are coming with me!" he said grabbing John by the unharmed arm and dragging him towards the castle.

The first thing that went through Sophia's mind was OH CRAP! Then it was how on earth will I get out of this? The walk to castle was short but dreadful, but the knight that lead us there wasn't. There seemed to be a continues grin plastered on his handsome face, it was rare to find men with long hair but it surprised Sophia how much she wanted to hold it. She shook her head, reminding her self of the mess she had gotten her self into.