He sighed deeply, while he walked slowly with a slouch in his steps, towards home.
It had gotten late.
His editor wouldn't stop pushing him.

"You need to write a new book. What happened to your last idea? The readers are waiting for some new stuff. Hurry up and get something done"

He brushed with his hand through his orange locks, emitting another sigh.
Kurosaki Ichigo, 25 years old and a popular newcomer author of fantasy and romance novels.
Currently, without any good ideas for a new story.

It was like his muse left through the door, just like his last lover, Hisagi Shuuuhei.
No, he wouldn't start thinking of him again, wouldn't wail after him.
He slapped himself and restarted his walk home.
He needed ideas, but he couldn't pull them out of his sleeves like a magician a rabbit from a hat.


It was dark and dirty.
Where was he?
Who was he?
There were no answer for both.

He saw some tall persons stand in front of him.
A blue haired muscle pack, a man like a bean pole and a bandana over one eye and another muscle pack with an eye patch and odd styled hair.
They removed their pants, while grinning mischievously.

The blue haired came closer, he lifted his legs, pulling them into his peripheral space.
Now he knew at least, how he must look like.
Something pressed against his lower region, sliding slowly into him.
It hurt, but he didn't make a sound, he was as silent as the night, that surrounded them.

"Hey Grimmjow, leave somethin' fer us ta ravish."
One of the others spoke in the blue haired ones back.
"Don' worry. Ya get yer peace."
Grimmjow turned around with him and spread his ass cheeks.
"Ya can have yers now."
He looked back, seeing the bean pole come closer now and he also pushed inside of him.
The two tore him completely, but still no sound came passed his lips.
"Bitch knows to stay put. I like that."
Soon they released inside him and let him drop to the ground.

The third of them, now took his turn.
He lifted his backside and thrust inside.
His length felt bigger in him, than the other had together.
The third one growled with every snap of his hips, filling him to the brim after a few minutes.
They left him lying, beside the trash of the neighboring houses.

He lifted himself up and stood on shaky legs.
Slowly he stumbled out of the alleyway, after all noise had died down and he was certain the three were long gone.


Ichigo walked through the lone streets.
He wasn't far from home now, just a few blocks and he could drop dead on his bed.
He wouldn't have guessed what would happen, to crush his wishful thinking.

The orangette had been some hundred meters away, when some guys came out of a alleyway, laughing like maniacs.
Now when he was close to the dead end street a person stumbled out of it, completely naked.
It was a man, with lily white skin and matching white hair.

Ichigo had heard that there were people who were a spitting image of one another, without being related. So this man must be his one.
The orangette pulled himself back to the here and now.

The man was loosing blood and if the footprints were any indication it was a lot.
He gently called out to the pale man to catch his attention.
The man turned his head, spotted Ichigo and hurried to get back, to where he came from.

Ichigo cursed.
What did he think?
The man had obviously been violated, hell if he would welcome anyone to help him with open arms now.
Ichigo followed the pale man, finding him sitting in a corner and stare at him.


He had been sure everything was save, but when someone called, he had to flee.
This person would want the same as the other three, he was sure of it.
Now he sat there, beside the dirt again, watching as the orange haired drew closer and closer to him.

He knelt down and lifted a hand, and he flinched, waiting for the pain to come.
"Hey. I won't do anything. I'm here to help you."
He didn't listen to the orangettes words, instead he pulled his knees up and spread his legs.
"Just take what you want and leave."
Was that his voice? So watery and shaking?
The others shock widened eyes told, that it really had been him who had spoken.

The orangette lay his hands on his knees after the first shock and pushed them close.
"I'm not here to rape you."
The man stood up again, than he pulled him up and steadied him.
"It would be best if I brought you to a hospital, but my place is closer so we'll go there first and I see what I can do for you."


Ichigo had been surprised by the cold voice of the pale man, when he offered himself so freely after being violated.
But what shocked him more, were those eyes.
Molten gold swimming in a sea of black, so broken and afraid.
The mans voice betrayed his state of mind.

Ichigo got them both to his home, in deafening silence.
He thought the man might have finally entered a state of shock and he had to fight the urge to ask him the questions that run around in his mind.

Ichigo brought the man to the bath, he let the tub fill with warm water and got a washcloth to clean the pale a bit beforehand.
"I will wash the blood off now. No need to be afraid ok?"
The pale simply looked at him, then nodded slightly.
When Ichigo washed between his ass cheeks he flinched a bit.

The tub was full and Ichigo helped him into it.
The orangette got fed up with the silence and just asked what was on his mind all of the time.
"What's your name, by the way?"
The pale stayed silent, so Ichigo thought he wouldn't ever speak.
"I don't know."
Ichigo blinked in disbelieve.
"Really? Or do you just not want to tell me?"
"I really don't know."

"Have you been hit? On the head, or did you fall? Can you remember anything?"
Silence spread again.
"I remember...the faces and the name of one. I woke up in this alley with them in front of me."

"Do you want to go to the police?"
"Yeah. When they get them with your information, they'll receive punishment for it. They'll rot in jail for years for what they did to you."
Ichigo said, a tint of rage mixing into his voice.

"I, don't want to speak to the police. If you think I should do anyway, why don't you go for me?"
Ichigo felt like the man started opening up, maybe a bit to fast for a crime victim, but he was fine with it, as long as they wouldn't sit in silence any more.
He raised from his seat, beside the tub and told the pale.
"Stay here. I get you some clothes."

He fetched some of his loose clothes and went back to the bath, seeing the man rinse out his hair.
"Feeling better?"
Ichigo laid the clothes on a little table and helped the man out of the tub, than handed him a towel so he could dry himself, while he steadied him.

"I guess you don't remember where you live. So how about you staying here for the time being?"
The pale nodded in agreement, handed the towel back and took the clothes Ichigo gave him.
"Tomorrow we will see a doctor and I will meet with the police."
He told when they walked over to the guests room.

Ichigo sat the man on a chair, than he prepared the bed and helped him lay down.
The man was fast asleep and Ichigo went to his on room.

As he laid in his bed, he wished he could do as the pale man and just fall asleep, but instead he had to think of that fairytale snowwhite, because of the mans skin.
Maybe he had found himself a new muse with the pale man.

Chapter 1

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Until next time

See ya
Shiro Yue