So, it's another My Chemical Romance story, obviously. I hope you'll enjoy it. It's going to be a multi-chapter story, which I'll update on as often as I can. To all those who have subscribed to my authors alerts, story alerts and what-not, this is my way of saying thank you, and THIS is your Christmas present, considering it is CHRISTMAS DAY, 2011! WOO!


Chapter 1 – Summertime

I genuinely hate summer. I never used to. The whole loathing-summer thing started when I was eight, because she started to visit. Skye Jenkins. The cheerleader bitch from hell, who made me dread summer.

But hold the fuck up! You have no idea who I am. My name is Gerard Way. I was eight when I first met Skye. Her mom and my mom went to school together, so we took turns staying at each other's homes for the entire summer holidays. My younger brother, Mikey, didn't particularly like Skye either, although the main focus of her evil was usually me.

She did to me though. Every summer, she'd find a new way to upset me, humiliate me, infuriate me, or get me into trouble. I'm eighteen now, and have been made victim on nine separate occasions, and I was waiting for what she was planning this summer.

Oh, you want to know what she's done? Well…

1985 – 8 Years Old: This was the first time I met Skye. Mikey and I were building a little bat-mobile model with a kit our Dad had bought us. It was fucking awesome, and it was our summer project. What did she do? She fucking burnt it. Little bitch…

1986 – 9 Years Old: I hate talking about this one so I'll keep it short. She pulled my pants and underwear down in front of a lot of my 'friends'. Those 'friends' are now jocks that have a tendency to pound my miserable ass at any given chance. Fantastic.

1987 – 10 Years Old: Mikey and I were playing football in the back yard, and Skye thought it would be funny to steal our ball, and throw it through the kitchen window. She told my mum it was me, and I was grounded for the entire summer.

1988 – 11 Years Old: I had just started listening to music. Iron Maiden, Smashing Pumpkins, Morrissey and the Smiths; that kind of thing. Skye had decided to apologise for everything she had done in the past, Of course she was lying, but I didn't know that. She seemed so sincere… But after showing an interest in my music, she asked to borrow my tapes. Me being naïve let her, and she trashed every one of them.

1989 – 12 Years Old: This summer, my Uncle Jack was getting married. He wanted me to be the ring bearer, and Mikey to be the usher. The morning of the wedding, my suit was found at the bottom of the yard, torn and muddy. No prize for guessing who did it, but sweet, innocent little Skye would never do such a thing to me, would she? At least, that's what everyone but Mikey thought…

1990 – 13 Years Old: Walking back form the movie theatre at about nine-ish, after seeing a zombie movie with my best friend, Frank, we were stopped by Skye, her 'girlfriends' or minions, or whatever you call them, and a group of four jocks. The jocks looked about 15, and one of them had his arm around Skye's waist.

"That's him, and his puny little friend," she said, before the group of jocks descended on us, and beat us to a pulp. Both of us. And we were both completely innocent. I felt bad for Frank rather than myself.

1991 – 14 Years Old: This summer I begged my mum to let me go to a summer camp with Frank. I didn't want him getting hurt again. That wasn't fair. Mikey came too, so we were free of Skye for one summer.

1992 – 15 Years Old: I couldn't get away this summer. This year, I was told by my mum that I should go to the party that Skye had brought up over the dinner table. "Just a small get together," she had said. My mum told me to go out and 'socialize'. At that party, my drink was spiked, and I ended up throwing up all over the most popular guy at school's shirt. I've been on his hitlist ever since. Plus, my Mum and Dad lost their shit and grounded me for getting drunk. I knew it was Skye. Who else?

1993 – 16 Years Old: I'll keep this one short too. She trashed my Mom's car, and I got the blame. Again. I had to pay for the damage.

1994 – 17 Years Old: This hurt me more than anything. I had this friend; Tommy. Basically, she told him a load of shit about me that wasn't true, like how I was a raging homosexual and I told her I wanted to ass rape him, which soon spread all over town (and I still get shit for it now) and turned him against me. Then she slept with him. That was the worst thing she ever did.

So that's why I dreaded summertime. I was just waiting for the blonde, head cheerleader to fuck with my head again.

"Gerard! They're here! Get up here, now!" my Mom called. She didn't like me very much. Loved me, fine, but didn't like me. After all, Skye had made out that I was a pretty bad kid, and thanks to her I was always in trouble for no reason at all.

I groaned and emerged from my basement bedroom, joining my family at the front door. I expected to see her blonde hair tied back in a pony tail that pulled her face tightly over her skull. I expected her to be wearing her bright red and white cheerleading uniform. I expected her blue eyes to shine with evil intent. I expected her to stamp on my foot 'accidentally on purpose' as she walked in the door.

None of these things happened.

What I did see, made my jaw form a perfect 'O' shape in pure astonishment. The person walking up the path was NOT Skye. It couldn't be…Could it?