
I'm back. I think. I got something. I think. Comments are welcome.

Returning to Coruscant was like returning home, but not. It was like going back to her room, but one that had things moved around, a new paint job, and dirty footprints on the floor. You settle down and then realize this actually isn't your room, just one that looks rather familiar.

Ahsoka breathed slowly as she watched the familiar twinkling planet appear through the windows. To her left stood Master Plo Koon, elegant and in control. "Master, it's beautiful."

"It is said that Coruscant is a jewel."

"It's my home. Well...this isn't but..." Ahsoka sighed. "It is as close as home as I can get."

"The Jedi Temple will always be your home." He placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

They spent most of the trip in silence, each contemplating an issue or another. When Plo Koon beckoned for Ahsoka to follow, she did as he bid, trailing behind him like a shadow. As they descended through the atmosphere, their shuttle empty except for them and the pilot. It was easy to sink back into the master-apprentice role, to be quiet and observant, to follow another's lead. The loud and frantic whirlwind of the war faded into the background.

Here it doesn't seem like they were at war, that there were thousands of clones dying. Here, there was only the quiet and the glittering cities. Here, perhaps her raging heart would be calmed. Sometimes, when she and her master were out traveling in the blackness of space, Ahsoka would contemplate about how the peace was more aggravating than war.

When they disembarked, the sheer difference between the two universes became more apparent. The shining city was brilliant, a million sparkling lights, and the strong pulse of the force. She breathed in and then out, stepping out of the shuttle.


"Come." Master Plo Koon lead the way to the Jedi temple, up the stairs, past the dozens of milling Jedi. From there, they entered the temple. "You will speak your case before the council. I have already sent a message ahead."

Sensing her trepidation, he looked at her, and in a very calm voice. "Do not worry, as long as you do not lie, there is nothing to fear."

Ahsoka flicked her eyes up and then back down. "I know, Master. But..."

"You are worried about your master, that he will be in danger here. I think you should give your training master credit, he has trained an excellent padawan. I do not believe your master would be incapable of living without your presence."

"Thank you."

It would seem, no matter which universe she came to, some things were the same.

Master Windu looked up from his datapad, nodding to Yoda. "Welcome back Master Plo Koon...and guest."

From the short message sent, he couldn't make heads or tails of what it was about. The message itself was a series of nonsensical idioms from various cultures. The only thing that it told him was that, Plo Koon required an audience. The child bowed to them, showing difference, respect.

The Kel Dor jedi master took his seat, leaving the young female tortuga in the middle of the chamber. She was very young and nervous, dressed in an atypical uniform. If not for her strong presence in the force, one would not have noticed anything unusual about her. Master Windu pursed his lips.

"I am Jedi master Mace Windu, may I ask, what is your name, young padawan."

From his position, with a slight touch of the force, he could see the shatter points.

How curious this was, it was as if he was viewing a...did Anakain Skywalker always have such a square jaw?

Windu frowned severely.

"My name is Ahsoka Tano. I am a padawan under Master Skywalker."

There was a quiet hush that fell over the few masters that were there.

"Truth, this is." Yoda said quietly, his long gremlin ears moving up and then down. "A vergence in the force, you are."

"I...I can't explain it." Ahsoka said softly. "I'm not from here, not this universe. I...We were caught in some sort of cosmic cloud, and when I woke up, everything changed."

"Padawan, if I may interject." Windu began, his hand at his chin. "By changed, can you tell me, exactly what is different?"

He wouldn't say anything about the strangeness he saw in the shatter points, the strange beings that flickered before his eyes. There was an almost manufactured touch to the visions, a sharpness in color and shape that would belong on objects than people. It was like looking at a painting in motion.

"Well, Skyguy...erm, Master Skywalker is different. I suppose he didn't have a padawan." Ahsoka stared at her feet. "And uh, I suppose I'm not a Jedi here. Since I don't exist in the records."

"You said that I found you." Master Plo Koon. "May I ask for more details?"

"Master Plo Koon, you found me on a mission on the plant Shili. I was very young when you sensed my force sensitivity, about three years old." Her own memories of the encounter were still quite sharp. "I..I could still remember how you greeted me, then."

"Shili?" Plo Koon leaned back in his chair. "I recall such a mission, but I was not sent."

How peculiar, that one small thing had sent ripples across the pond that was time.

"To think that another strong Jedi were to come from our homeworld." Master Shaaki Ti said softly. "It is good to meet you, even in such a circumstance."

"Thank you Master." Ahsoka said even quieter, her normally energetic nature subdued by the presence of so many masters and without the comforting support of her own.

"For now, you are to stay here until we can figure a means for you to return to your universe..." Windu paused. "If it is possible. Perhaps our universes are not so different, that you can give valuable intelligence. Or they are far too apart."

Ahsoka nodded. "My master...He's here too."


"Yes. I felt him across our bond. I don't know where he is, but I know he's here and I know he's alive."

"Two Skywalkers." Windu mused. "Two."

"I shall take Padawan Tano and help her." Plo Koon stood. "By your leave masters."

Anakin swore. "What do you mean you don't take credits?"

"Trade only." Said the stubborn alien.

"But..but you speak common, so you must get some money from pilots from the Republic! And they carry credits with them."

"No credits. No good. Trade."

The young jedi scowled and began to rifle through his things. What could he trade? All he had were a few power cells, some rations, clothes and a few personal items. Nothing worth passage on a freighter. He mussed through his hair with his robotic arm before turning around to speak to the alien. "I can fly. I can repair things. I'm good for work."

"Huuuh..." The male or possible female alien indicated with a hand. "Fix this droid. You can fix in...one day, I will let you on. You pay by fixing broken panels. Do this, and I will get you to where you need to go. Good mechanics, hard to find."

"You won't regret this. I'm one of the best mechanic ever. Best pilot too."

"Humph. We see later, yeah? Fix droid. Then we fly."

"Right. Got ya." The jedi knight pulled his things over, plopping down onto the sandy ground. "Let's see what's wrong with you little buddy." He pulled out his emergency tool set and began to work on the droid.

Three hours later and Anakin found himself passage on The Void.