I don't own Big Time Rush

"Kendall, can you take care of Katie tomorrow night?" Mrs. Knight asked her son when he came down stairs. Kendall was only 14 but he was mature for his age and she had to work that night. She had enough money to get her kid's presents for Christmas which was only a few days away but she still had to buy other people presents.

"Sure mom" He said his voice sounding scratchy, he let out a painful cough and sat down at the table.

"Honey, are you getting sick?" Mrs. Knight asked as she looked carefully at her son and noticed he was a little pale.

"No mom" Kendal said as he started to eat his food which he had no appetite to eat. Mrs. Knight was in no mood to argue with him and left it at that.

It was a Sunday night almost Monday. It was 2:30 in the morning when it happened. It started out with the chills they were violent, he wrapped up in many blankets trying to get warm, he didn't really know what was happening.

Monday morning Kendall woke up feeling worse than last night. Shivers wracked his body, his body felt ache, he felt a dull throb in the back of his head, and worst of all his stomach was starting to act up. Which was the last thing he needed, he had hockey practice tonight and he was the captain and not to mention work and watching Katie, he just couldn't afford to get sick.

Kendall got up taking a hot shower; his mom had left for work already. He made his way into Katie's room ready to get her up for school.

"Katie bug get up" Kendall said as he rubbed her back waking her up.

"Kenny, I don't want to get up" She whined and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Sorry baby sis but we have to" He said softly as he stroked her back soothingly.

"Fine I will be up soon" She said softly pushing Kendall away.

Kendall made his way to school waking out in the cold Minnesota weather. Kendall let out painful coughs every few minutes making his lungs feel horrible.

He already walked Katie to school and now it was his turn. Kendall let out a sigh of relief when he saw his school in sight. Kendall entered the school walking over to where his friends always meet.

"Kenny" Carlos squealed as he jumped on Kendall's back screaming in his ear, it only made Kendall upset and cranky. All the screaming Carlos did making his headache worse.

"Carlos get off" Kendall huffed as he lowered Carlos to his feet; he was too nice he couldn't yell at indecent Carlos.

Logan noticed Kendall looked like really sick. But he didn't want to tell Kendall he knew he was looking like crap because when Kendall was sick he wasn't the best person to be with, don't get me wrong Kendall is amazing at everything and is an amazing friend to have, but when he got sick you do now want him angry at you.

The bell rang for them to go to their lockers, their lockers were all next to each other's which was nice so they had more time to talk, but today James and Carlos talked about Christmas while Logan studied the sick Kendall.

They all had different home base teachers this year, well it was made sure they had different teachers because what happened last time. Last year they caused so much trouble she quite working for middle school and left to teach elementary school. But they were there class rooms were all next to each other's so it was terrible but they wished they were all together like last year.

After home base they all joined up together in history which had to be the worst class ever, it was so boring and the teacher was terrible. Logan and James sat in the back while Kendall sat in front of James and Carlos sat next to Logan, the best part of that class was that they were able to pick their seats.

Today was so boring they were listening to some guy talk about something boring. Logan paid no attention to the class which was very unusual for him. Instead he studied Kendall, he was slowly falling asleep. Logan grabbed his pencil and chucked it at Kendall's head. Kendall snapped his head over to where Logan sat and shot him a 'what was that for look' Logan pointed to his phone.

Kendall pulled his phone from his pocket and noticed he got a text from Logan.

Dude u OK? –L Kendall read the text message and rolled his eyes, but of course with his aching head he reached over and massaged his temples trying to relive some of the pain.

Yea dude quite worrying about me-K Logan read the message and of course Kendall always ignored his needs and helped everyone else first.

James had noticed that his two friends were texting during this boring lesson so he pulled out his phone.

Hey whatcha talking about? –J Logan and Kendall both looked at James the same time the message showed up on the phone.

James don't u think Kendall looks sick? –L James looked at Kendall and noticed he looked pale and he was coughing a lot in class and they didn't sound too good.

Yea he doesn't look too good-J Logan finally had someone to agree with, Kendall looked terrible.

Keep me updated on his condition –L James nodded his head and looked at Kendall who had his head lying down on the book and had fallen asleep. Good thing there teacher is so stupid to notice he had fallen asleep.

"Kendall wake up" Carlos said giving the sick boy jumper cables which made the boy want to hurl all over the desk but held it back and let out a smile. The bell rang and James and Kendall had all their classes together while Carlos left to go to math and Logan to go to his advanced classes.

The rest of the day was a blur, all Kendall really remembered was going to the bathroom after lunch and puking everything from what he ate in lunch which wasn't much. Whatever he learned during the day went in one ear and came out the end. But all he knew was his head ache was getting worse and there was a tickle in the back of his throat, and he just felt plain sick.

At the end of the day he met up with his friends to go to hockey practice which Kendall wasn't too thrilled to go to. His head pounded in his skull, shivers wracked his body, the tickle in his throat was making his throat go raw with all the coughing, his lungs were tired, and Kendall just didn't want to be yelling orders at his team but he had no choice.

"How's Kendall today?" Logan asked James once they were on the ice; Kendall was skating across the ice taking attendance so he couldn't hear the question that burned through Logan the whole day.

"He's getting worse; we will just have to wait until he passes out." James said softly to Logan looking at their captain who was wobbly when he skated across the ice.

"You two be quite" He shouted to Logan and James.

"This is going to be a long practice" James said as shared a chuckle with Logan.

"You two, 20 laps now" He shouted to them.

Kendall had no patience for anyone when he was sick.

"What crawled up his pants today?" A guy mumbled as he started to do the drills Kendall had set up for them.

"What did you say" Kendall roared as he skated up to the boy, he was only a freshman on the team and Kendall has been team captain for 8 years straight and every one on that team knew Kendall was usually a fair captain with a few exceptions and being sick were on the exceptions. Everyone on that team also knew not to question his judgment, his moves, his anything, you don't talk behind his back, and never talk back to him, otherwise he was pretty easy going. "20 laps for you to" He yelled and pointed to James and Logan.

"Anyone else want to join them to?" He yelled across the ice everyone shook their head no. "Good, we start with a 15 lap warm up then we will start on drills, and you three and 15 laps for warm up" Kendall yelled to James, Logan, and the other guy.

The rest of the practice they spent doing drills, the guys on the team called them the 'killer drills' because they were hard but they always made great improvement on the team.

After practice every one was muttering about how they were gonna kill Kendall if he was like that again tomorrow, but many of them had noticed their team captain looked like he was gonna pass out any minute.

"Kendall, go home and get some rest" Logan said softly as he rubbed Kendall's back as he went into the 100th pain fullest coughing fit that night.

Kendall shook his head. "Can't got work" He mumbled as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "Oh that reminds me, Logan can you pick Katie up from school and watch her until 7?" He asked Logan forgetting that he had to work and take care of Katie.

"Sure" Logan said.

"Thanks man, I owe you big time" Kendall said before he went into another hacking cough.

"Kendall I think you should skip work today, that cough doesn't sound too good" Logan said.

Kendall knew Logan was right, and plus he felt like crap everything was getting worse almost so he could barely stand the pain, his head was pounding, and his stomach was twisting, it hurt to talk, and his lungs felt like they were on fire, and not to mention he felt like he was gonna collapse any minute. "Can't" He said as they all left the locker room.

Logan and James shook their head while Carlos looked at Kendall with a puzzled look wondering why he wouldn't want to go to bed if he didn't feel good.

"Thanks again Logan" Kendall said as he started walking off to his house. Kendall finally reached his house, freezing he felt so cold right now but he knew he had to get to work soon.

Kendall was bundled up in clothes ready to go to work. Kendall took the bus to work and started his shift right when he got to the store. Kendall was coughing so hard his manager looked at him as he fell once again, it had to be at least the 5th time he did.

"Kendall, go take a 15 minute break" The manger shouted to Kendall when he was close enough to the store so Kendall could hear him. Kendall nodded his head, grateful for the well needed break.

It was around 10:00pm when Kendall got home, his mom was sitting on the couch waiting for his return. The guys had told Mrs. Knight that Kendall had been sick at school today, so she waited for him to come back home and sure enough he looked awful.

"Hey mama" He said as he took off his jacket and other winter clothes that were soaking wet.

She had noticed that his voice sounded rough. "Honey, why didn't you tell me that you felt sick?" She asked softly as she walked up to her son who stood at the door. She placed a cool hand on his forehead and it was burning up and his eyes were bright green with fever. She stoked his face genteelly as he gave up the act and let his weight sink into her side.

"Oh honey" She cooed as she helped him over to his bed. She pulled out some dry clothes and handed them to him, she had stepped out of the room for her son to change. She came back in with a thermometer, water, bucket, and a bunch of medicine.

"Mom" He whined softly as he let out a harsh cough. He saw all the medicine and knew he was gonna get it good.

"Shhh" she said as he placed the thermometer in his mouth and waited for it to beep. "104.8" she read to him. She let out a sigh and grabbed some fever reducers and handed them to him and the bottle of water.

Kendall to the pills without complaining. Not that he liked taking medicine he was just too exhausted and his mom knew that.

Mrs. Knight dug around the medicine and found some cough medication. She poured it in her big spoon and slipped in his mouth that was lightly parted for it. "Aww… sweetie" She said softly as she tucked him under the blankets. "OK Kenny I won't do much talking tonight because you are obviously tired, but I want an explanation tomorrow and no school, hockey or work there is a bucket next to you just in case yell if you need anything and feel better soon" Mrs. Knight said as she placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Mama I'm sorry" He said softly as he rolled over on his side and fell asleep quickly. Mrs. Knight watched her sick son sleep in peace she shut off the light and closed the door.

Kendall woke up around 3:00 am feeling sick, like puke sick. He whimpered out and clutched his stomach hopping it would pass but no luck. He threw up all over his bed whimpering out with each heave. The light flicked on and he felt a hand rub his back. Kendall let out a few more heaves then collapsed on his bed feeling exhausted.

"Oh honey" She said softly as she saw how sick he was, his hair was matted to his forehead, his breathing was ragged, his bed was a mess, and the thing that wasn't Kendall like was that he clung onto his arm as if he was a little kid again.

"Mama I don't feel so good" He whimpered out as he buried his aching head in her lap.

"I know sweetie" She said softly as she rubbed his arm. "Come on lets go into my room" She said softly as she rubbed his back coaxing him to get up.

Kendall whimpered out but slowly stood up leaning against his mom for support Kendall slowly shuffled off towards her room. It felt like forever to get there but it was really only down the hall way.

Mrs. Knight let him lay down on her bed he let out a harsh cough into her shoulder. "Honey lay down" She said as she pushed him so he was lying down on her bed. Kendall whimpered out and coughed harshly into his fist.

Mrs. Knight rubbed his back until he relaxed and soon was asleep. Mrs. Knight spent that morning doing the sheets to Kendall's bed and her bed. Kendall had puked all over her bed around 5:00 that morning she wasn't too pleased to see her baby so sick.

A/N: Oh Great another Kendall sick fic, yes but it was only suppose to be a one shot but it was getting to long so yea, but it will only have a few chapters in it so yea =(

Merry Christmas to every one that celebrates!

Ok so I will try to update other stories tonight, I have half of Big Time Sick done and some of Cancel the concert so yea, I hope you liked it and tell me if you want me to finish it please!