I've found myself locked in my room, depressing music playing. Again. I'm not listening to the lyrics though; so many scenarios are rushing through my mind; what would be the best way to just end it all? My parents clearly wouldn't give a fuck, not after telling them. How I wish I could take that night back, the night that I told my parents. Told them that I was a lesbian. Everything was fine before I told them. Quinn knew. I was texting her one night – slagging off sue Sylvester – and I still wonder what made me do it, but I just came out with it. She was amazing about it though; she had always joked about Britt and I acting like a couple, but the reality of it was, we were. A couple I mean, not officially, but we had everything a couple needs. It was perfect for me, but Britt wanted more. I try not to, but I hate myself for the hold that Britt has over me. She was the reason I came out to my parents. She made me feel so comfortable about being gay that I felt like I needed to share it. My mistake. The love I have for this girl has made me resent her, hate myself, and here I am. Locked in my room wanting to die; and not one person knows. Everyone thinks I'm fine. Berry would be proud of my acting skills.

The next morning, I have the debate with myself about attending school. I have this debate every morning. Why the fuck should school even be an option for a dead girl walking; I suppose keeping up appearances is essential though. Until I can come up with a plan to end this all, alerting people is out of the question! I don't want their fucking sympathy; I want them to bury me. The buzzing of my phone pulls me out of my thoughts; it's a text from Britt. A sad smile crosses my face as I read the girls text.

'Hey san, my mums bringing me to school this morning, would you like a lift? B xx' – I reply instantly

'Hey Britt Britt, a lift would be great. I'm running a bit late this morning! See you outside mine in 10! S xx' I realise I'm still in bed.

'Shit!' – I jump out of bed and grab the nearest clothes I can find, run a brush through my hair and do my teeth, I'm downstairs within 6 minutes. I've only just got my bag ready when I hear Britt's mum beeping the horn to let me know she's outside. I put my hand on the door handle to open it but hesitate for a moment; I feel the knot in my stomach, another day of acting like I'm okay. Maybe the car will crash on the way to school but I know I'm not that lucky…