A Wicked Christmas

Dear Elphie,

Please come home. Wherever you are, jus

It's Christmas, and everyone's supposed to be happy. But I'm no

I miss you. :'(

Love, Glinda

I stared at the words on the page, dropping my pen. I knew what was on the page was what I wanted her to see, but I was still nervous. My hands shaking, I folded the piece of paper, and stuck in an envelope. I picked up my pen, and quickly wrote on the front:

To Elphie

Wherever you are….

I sealed the envelope, and pulled out something I never thought I would have to use again. The sparkly pink wand was dull from years of neglect, but I knew I had to use it. I had been practicing my spells for years, just for this moment. I laid the envelope on my desk, and held up my wand. My voice cracked as I said the words…..

Day and night,

Stop and go.

Away to Elphie,

You shall go.

The letter disappeared in a flash of pink light. I smiled, tears streaming down my face. "Have a Merry Christmas, Elphaba."

I dusted the bookshelves, listening to Fiyero humming behind me. I hit the armchair with my foot, knocking something off of it. I picked it up slowly. "Fiyero," I said, turning around. "Do you remember getting a letter this morning?"

He shook his head. "No, not that I can recall…."

I turned it over, looking at the address. "To Elphie…." I muttered. "Galinda." The last part came out loudly, and Fiyero looked at me, confused. "What?"

Tears started to build up in my eyes. "It's Glinda!" I shouted, hugging the letter to my chest. "Glinda!" Fiyero stood, very confused at this point. "What's going on, Elphaba?"

I was full-on crying at this point. "She wrote!" I was jumping up and down, smiling. Fiyero grabbed my shoulder. "Well, for Oz's sake, open it!"

I tore open the envelope, unfolding the paper inside. Fiyero looked over my shoulder.

"I miss you…"

The words came out as a whisper, and I hugged the paper to my chest. "I miss you too."

I checked over every single nook and cranny in the room, writing things down, crossing things off. The hustle and bustle of readying for the Christmas party kept me busy, away from thoughts about the letter.

An hour later, the guests began to arrive. Many were my old classmates from Shiz, some just floaters that I knew. I checked each name off the list with my sparkly pink pen, trying not to look at the bottom.

The festivities were as usual, bright and merry. But I was being gnawed at on the inside. I couldn't stop thinking about Elphaba.

The Christmas songs rang in my ears as I sat in silence. I played with the pleats on my dress. The doorbell rang, and I bolted to get it, needing something to do. I opened it, and burst into tears.

I was unable to speak. It was the greatest moment of my life. "Hi, Glinda."

"Hi, Elphie."