Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. If I did, a number of people wouldn't have died.
This is dedicated to Amy (meet me under the mistletoe) I hope she knows how special she is, and that she is loved for so much more than just making the NGF person. She's one of the epicest people on the forum, even if I don't know her that well yet. Merry Christmas Amy, a BlaiseParvati, just for you. Apologies if it isn't very good, as I've never written this pairing before!
She shivered, and pulled her waterproof coat tighter around her, wishing she'd had the sense to invest in a thicker coat. The rain fell down as if it had a personal vendetta against her, trying to force her back inside her dingy, lifeless flat. She looked down at her gloves, cursing Padma for opting to buy her the fingerless ones, and wondering exactly how long it would take for her fingers to drop off completely.
She briefly wondered why she'd agreed to go out on such a cold night, and carried on walking, her high heels clacking against the hard, chewing-gum coated pavement. She looked a sight, that was for sure. With her her tight purple dress and black heels alone she would have looked glamorous, but her green anorak and fingerless gloves took away any previous illusion that she was anyone but a broke just-out-of-school girl. She was flawed, she was broken, and boy, did she know it.
"Curse you, Zabini." She whispered to the cold, empty night, "Curse you."
"Curse me?" a voice rang out, "Why would you ever want to curse me?"
Parvati sighed, "You know I didn't mean it like that."
She turned around to face him and looked up at him, even in her heels he was still taller than her. She hated that.
"How's my favourite midget doing?" he laughed.
"Shush!" She warned him. "People could be watching, people could be listening!"
Blaise frowned, "Afraid to be seen with me, are you? Embarrassed?"
"Yes! No! I don't know..."
"The war is over, Parvati." Blaise whispered, his hand meeting hers.
"But the hate is not!" Parvati exclaimed, brushing his hand off hers.
"I know." Blaise murmured, "Believe me, I know..."
He wrapped his strong arms around her as the rain mingled with her tears, and in that moment, Parvati felt like everything was alright again.
So maybe it was only for a moment, but who cared? Even if it was only for a moment, it was the closest to perfect she'd ever had. In that moment, nothing else mattered.
Thanks for reading, as a Christmas present for me, please review? Merry Christmas to all!