Scoop III: A happy end?


Yes, they're back in this very short story: Len and Nami and Kahoko and Ousaki!


Scene 1: Eight o'clock inside Kahoko's car


"I'm so glad Tsukimori-kun came back for Christmas; it's hard to believe that he managed to turn down other engagements to be here."

"Well, he would have some nerve to refuse his best friend, when she's done so much for him."

"Eh, what do you mean Nami-chan?"

"You made him human, Kaho. It's not a small matter. I hope he realises that it's worth missing a couple of Viennese concerts to be with those who support him."

"Actually I don't think I deserve that much credit; I'm sure Tsukimori-kun came home as much to see you as to listen to my performance on Sunday."

"Na-nani? What nonsense are you spouting, Hino Kahoko?"

"Well, aren't you friends nowadays? I remember the two of you spent a lot of time together the last time he was in Japan…"

"Oh, that… it was only for the sake of that interview which I did for Yokohama's Art and Culture magazine. So there's no need for you to give me this funny look young lady."


Kahoko stopped the car in front of the Tsukimori mansion. There were several vehicles parked outside already.

"But aren't you glad you're here Nami-chan?"

"Sure. It's a select Christmas party after all. Should be interesting! Do you know who else is on the guest list? It's a shame that Ousaki-san couldn't make it tonight."

"I know, but it couldn't be helped. He can meet Tsukimori-kun at the concert. As for the guest list, I'm thinking that close friends and relatives would be invited. You know that Tsukimori-kun wouldn't want his parents to make a fuss over his presence this week."

"That goes without saying, pfufufu!"


Scene 2: Inside the house


"Oh, Kahoko! Hissashiburi ne?"

Hamai Misa hugged the redhead affectionately before shaking hands with the latter's blond-haired companion.

"And how do you do Amou-san?"

"It's such a pleasure to see you again Misa-san."

"Come in, come in. Len is talking to Rena-san. I'll introduce you."

Then went into the living room where guests were mostly all sitting comfortably in armchairs by the fireplace.

Kahoko immediately noticed Len beside the Christmas tree. In contrast to the stiff and aloof violinist of her school days, she found a relaxed and casual young man. Next to him was a girl with a dark turtle-neck woollen dress. She had short golden hair, and seemed to be quite at ease with him.

"That girl…"

"Do you know her?"

The redhead nodded quietly.

"I met her once years ago. It was after the concours. Her name is Miyaji Rena and she plays the violin beautifully…"


After the initial shock, Kahoko went forward to greet the pair. She had long stopped feeling embarrassed about her own level of skill, since her friends and mentors always told her that she had other strengths to make up for any lack of technique.

As for Nami, she shook hands briefly with Len with mixed emotion. It was nice to see him, she couldn't deny that, but she was oddly disappointed to find there was another girl he was close to besides herself and Kahoko.

Still she had to keep up her spirits; it was Christmas after all, and there was plenty of interesting stuff and gossip to discover. So she raised her glass and smiled brightly when Len's parents suggested a toast for the happiness of everyone present.

Dinner that night was tasteful and elaborate. Both Kahoko and Nami being unused to such finery had to agree that they had never eaten so well in local restaurants. Surely the Tsukimoris must have secured the services of a gifted chef to create the wonderful menu.

"Misa-san, all that's missing from this party is some live music, don't you think?"

"I couldn't agree more, sir, and I hope you won't be disappointed when I accompany my son later on this evening."

"Ah, your words are music to our ears Misa-san."

Indeed the guests looked forward to a live performance from the celebrated pianist and her tall good looking son who was now growing more and more famous outside Japan.


As they took their seats around the grand piano, Kahoko smiled to her friend. "Aren't we lucky? I love seeing Tsukimori-kun and his mother play."

She reminisced about the time that Len offered her a ticket to a charity concert where he performed a moving duet with Hamai Misa. A lot of things had happened since then but the quality of the music and the happiness shared with the audience was the same, if not better.


"You have stars in your eyes Kaho…"

"Ha ha ha! Maybe. They just sound so wonderful. I hope they play some more."

It was then that Miyaji Toda, who was Rena's amiable father, suggested that her daughter should join the players, since she had a violin with her. If a duet was nice then a trio should be even nicer!

And it was, even Nami acknowledged, for Rena had a lovely style and her violin's music blended really well with Len's. Furthermore Hamai Misa's piano accompaniment softened to give the two violinists centre-stage.

"These young people are well matched, aren't they?"

Kahoko heard people behind her whispering their appreciation. She in turn felt transported to the summer of her second year of high school when she had gate-crashed a music camp with classmates Tsuchiura Ryoutarou and Kaji Aoi. There she had encountered Miyaji Rena and accidentally scattered a binful of dry leaves at her feet.

Tsukimori-kun had tried to help me then…pfufufu… I wonder what he thinks of her…


After the piece, Rena's father got up and placed one hand on Len's shoulder while he smiled at his daughter.

"You sounded perfect together my dear. I think the two of you should get engaged already! What do you say? It would be called a violin romance."

Len stiffened instantly, while Nami almost choked on her drink.

Kahoko stared in confusion. Had she missed an episode?

Tsukimori-kun… getting engaged? This would be the scoop of the year!


(to be continued)