Title: Wonderful Life
Fandom: NCIS
Author: Alidiabin
Words: 300
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings/Spoilers/Rating: none || G
Parings: none
Summary: Pre-Series. Tony explains to Abby why he doesn't do Christmas.
Wonderful Life
Christmas was not a big holiday on Anthony DiNozzo's radar. When his mother was alive it had been but as soon as she died it became just another day for the men she left behind. In school Christmas meant staying back with the other kids whose parents didn't give a crap. During college it meant sitting in a bar alone while most of his frat brothers celebrated with their families. Once, he joined the police he discretely volunteered to work Christmas so that the cops with families wouldn't have to.
Still, every year he made time to watch It's A Wonderful Life. It was his mother's favourite movie; she would watch it whenever she was down, whether it was December or July. So, as an ode to his long dead mother Tony would watch it. Then he would get drunk.
However, during his first year at NCIS, he found that the gothic forensic scientist had other ideas on what he was doing for Christmas. Abby, insisted he eat Christmas dinner with her and Ducky. There was no mention of Gibbs but Gibbs didn't strike Tony as the type of person who would go to Christmas dinner with his colleagues. Tony refused.
But Abby was persistent. As Christmas Eve drew to a close she knocked on Tony's door. He was halfway through the movie and had poured himself a glass of Jack Daniels. He was annoyed at the interruption.
"Abby," he said as he opened the door.
"Nice PJ's," Abby remarked with a smirk. Tony was dressed only in boxers and his OSU t-shirt. "Please spend Christmas with us. I promise they'll be booze," Abby looked around his place. "You and Classic cinema,"
"It was my mother's favourite movie," he blurted out.
"Was?" Abby asked.
Tony started to explain.