A/N: Baby's first Christmas (Sammi) and Chris's coming out story. Enjoy! Review! And Merry Christmas!

Chapter Five

Finn POV

As I'm watching my Jets get crushed Rachel is yelling at Audrey to come out of her room and help her with the table, I should get up and help her, but I can't tear my eyes away.

When Sammi starts to cry though, I know it's time to get my ass into gear. I stand and walk to her room stopping by Audrey's room to glare at her. "Get your 12 year old ass in the kitchen and help your mother. Your Granddad's and Uncle's will be here any minute. Plus Puck and Quinn are on their way and your Mom is overwhelmed."

Audrey frowns but nods, "Merry Christmas to you too, Dad." She says in a snotty voice and I grit my teeth as I turn.

When I get to Samantha's room she's stilled her crying and Chris is holding her, "Oh, hey man." I say to him, "I thought you were at the store."

"I got back a little bit ago, I walked past you but you seemed… upset or something." Chris shrugs. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you and Mom about something before everyone gets here."

I grab Samantha from him smiling at her and she grins back up at me. "God your sister is gorgeous isn't she?" I say quickly before answering him, "Okay, well you'll have to talk to us while she finishes up dinner. She's never cooked for everyone before. She's freaking out."

Chris scoffed, "I noticed. But, uh, it's something I kind of wanted Mom's full attention, or whatever."

"Can it wait?" I spit, "I don't mean to be insensitive, Monster." I see him roll his eyes at the nickname, he likes to pick and choose when he cares for the name. "I just think right now isn't a good time."

"I have to tell you before dinner." Chris pleads, "Because, uh, well, I invited someone to dinner."

"That's cool. I'll tell your Mom to set another place." I rock Samantha and give her a binkie, "Is baby having a good first Christmas?" I whisper and Chris is getting restless, shifting back and forth, "What?"

"It's someone special."

A grin crosses my face, "A girl?" I shout, "Rach, baby, your son invited a girl over for dinner."

"No." Chris gasped and I tilt my head in confusion as Rachel rushes into the room.

"Baby boy!" She yells, "You are much too young for a girlfriend." She says, but in spite of herself, she's smiling. "Is she a Jew?"

"Mom! Dad! It's not a girl."

Rachel's face scrunches up in confusion and I assume a similar look is mirrored on my face, "Who is it?" Rachel asks.

"It's Jacob, you know, the guy on my soccer team." My mind goes blank but Rachel seems to know who he's talking about.

"The one that uses too much hair gel?" she asks, laughing.

"It's not too much." Chris argues, "Listen, neither of you are listening to me. Stop jumping to conclusions." He spits at me.

"Sorry, you said it was someone special and I-" I start and then my mouth seems to go dry.

Rachel's face clears from confusion to utter shock, "Monster." She says seriously, "Are you coming out right now?"

Chris shifts from foot to foot and I notice Audrey peaking her head in from the hallway, "Uh, sort of. I guess." He shrugs, "Jacob and I, we're boyfriends or whatever." He says, just like me, isn't he?

Rachel's face breaks out into a huge grin and she throws her arms around his tall figure, "Monster!" She squeals and Chris's visible nervousness falls away and he grips onto her for dear life, a tear falling down his cheek, "Baby, I am so proud of you." She says breaking the hug but holding onto him, "Thank you." She says seriously, "Thank you for telling me. Ah, baby, I'm so happy!" She turns to me, "Finn, aren't you glad he told us?"

I guess I don't know what to say, of course I'm glad he told me but I am just… in shock. "Yeah… I-I. Wow, Chris." I start and the doorbell rings.

Rachel squeals, "That will be your Granddad's." She smiles and hugs him quickly again and when she passes me and Audrey she says "Go give Chris a hug." Quietly and Audrey leaps in front of me.

"Good job, brother." She smiles and gives him a tight hug, "Told ya they'd be cool."

Chris nods awkwardly, "Yeah, thanks for talking it through with me, Audi. Even though I didn't get to use my speech." He laughs.

"You had a speech?" I tilt my head, still bouncing Samantha, "Can I hear it?"

"Uh, yeah, I mean-" Chris starts to mutter and Leroy runs in.

"You didn't even wait until I was here to proclaim yourself." He laughs and pulls him into a hug, and Chris is laughing and crying and Hiram is walking in behind his husband with a grin on his face.

"Sorry Grandpa, just wasn't thinking."

Hiram nudges me, "Merry Christmas." He says under his breath and Leroy and Chris banter softly.

"Happy Hanukkah." I say back with a grin and Samantha begins to get restless, "I've gotta take her to Rachel so she can get fed." I say looking back at Chris, we make brief eye contact and I smile are him softly before I walk away.

After handing Samantha over to Rachel I groan as she asks me to cut the prime rib. My head in reeling, spinning. I can't react like Rachel. I can't squeal and clap and hug him because that's not how I feel. I am happy that he was honest with us and I recognize it as something that he is and not a choice but damn… I don't want him to go through what I watched Kurt go through. I hit the counter top and I turn when I hear Leroy clearing his throat, "Oh, hey." I say awkwardly.

"We have a problem, I see." He walks up to me, grabbing the knife from my hand and begins to slice, "I'm surprised."

"It's not what you think." I admit leaning against the counter, "I am so glad he told us and I accept it, obviously but I'm so scared Leroy."

"How come?"

"You forget, I went to high school with Kurt." I raised my eyebrow and Leroy chuckled and nodded, "I don't want Chris going through that." I frown, "I love him too much to watch him hurt. And you know I'll fucking stab the first kid who calls him a… well you know." I shake my head.

"He's already been called that." Audrey's small voice appears, "Everyone knows. I mean, his ringtone is from Wicked."

"His mother was in Wicked." I reason and Audrey laughs.

"Dad, I'm sorry. You're delusional." Audrey giggles, "Whether he came out or not, he would still have to deal with that."

I nod, "I know, but I don't want him to. I don't want him to hurt."

Leroy turns to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Finn, all kids have struggles, and I know this seems like it's going to be hard but think about how lucky he is."

"How do you figure?" I shoot back.

"He has two loving parents, four grandparents and a whole bunch of Uncles and Aunts that will accept him." He smiles, "And a Dad who isn't going to be disappointed that he'll never have a son to play football with, rather a Dad who worries for his sons happiness and well being. Just like any good Dad would. Finn, you are an amazing father and Chris is lucky to have you. Do you think he would have come out if he didn't think you'd accept him?"

"You're right." I nod and hear the door open and Kurt squeal, "Where is my nephew? I can't wait to hug him!" Kurt hands is one year old son to me with a grin.

"Hey Alex." I mutter to the little brown skinned, curly haired baby boy that Kurt and Blaine adopted from Haiti last March. "Merry Christmas, little one."

Alex grinned and clapped his hand on my face like he does every time he sees me, "Well, where is he?"

"Oh, sorry. Uh, Sammi's room, I believe." I chuckle and Blaine puts down his diaper bag and follows Kurt to the back of the house.

Leroy patted my back and I watched Rachel walk back in with Sammi in tow, with a sleepy smile on her face. "Baby girl is all fed, no one is letting our Monster breath and Audi is texting. All is right in the world." She giggles, walking towards me. "Hey there, Alexander Bryan Anderson. Did you have the merriest of Christmas's?" she asks the baby boy in my arms. "Gosh, he's cute." She laughs and looks at me. "How are you, Finn? You haven't said a lot."

I give her my half smile that is always just for him and lean down to kiss her, "I'm perfect. We're really lucky." I tell her and she nods.

"Merry Christmas, Finny." She tells me softly and I kiss her cheek softly and I know that Leroy is right. We're going to be okay, Chris is going to be okay.

But meeting this boy, that's going to be a whole new story.

"I didn't think I would have to deal with wanting to kill a boy that was dating one of my children for at least another four to six years. I was hoping for eight, but Audi is too pretty for that." I tell Rachel and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Be nice, Mr. Hudson." She glares and my face drops with a realization.

"Wait, is this the same Jacob that has slept over every other weekend for almost six months now?" I say with wide eyes and Rachel pulls Sammi's face up to her own.

"Look at this face." She instructs, "Isn't this the cutest litt-"

"Rach. Come on."

Rachel points to Alex, "Look at this baby boy, isn't he-"


"Yes." She admits.

"Christopher Berry Hudson, get in here this instant."

There is a silence that takes over the house for a long moment and finally Chris answers, "Okay Dad, no more sleepovers."

Despite myself, I can't help but laugh. "God, that boy is smart."

Rachel smiles evilly, "Well he is my son." She beams and I roll my eyes and lean down to kiss her.

"I love you, you know that."

Rachel nods as she bounces our happy baby girl, "I know. I guess you're alright yourself." She teases. "And if you keep being so cute you're going to ge-"

"Hey! Hey!" Sam says as he walks in the door, two twin blonde girls following behind him, "I know it's Christmas and all, but calm down the sex talk. You've got little ears."

"They can't even talk yet." Rachel points out.

"Don't mean they can't hear." He says hugging her. "Oh, Sammi is looking so much like her Daddy every day." He grins, "And with a name like that, how could she not be adorable."

"God you're annoying." His wife, Stephanie, teases him as she walks in, her pregnant belly looking like it might pop at any moment.

Rachel hugs her and they exchange 'Merry Christmas' talks as Sam and I disappear to take Alex and the twins, Isabella and Jane into the play room.

"Steph looks like she might burst today." I tell him.

Sam shakes his head, "Right?" He chuckles, "She still has another month but she'll probably go sooner. Hopefully not today though." Sam jokes and I set Alex in the play pin and Isabella and Jane run up to hug me.

"Merry Chwistmas Uncle Finny." Isabella says brightly.

"What did Santa bwing you?" Jane asks, her arms wrapped around my legs.

"Merry Christmas Bells, Janey." I say to them. "Santa brought me two beautiful twin girls to give me big hugs, what did he bring you?"

"A bike." Jane yells.

"A ballet tu-tu." Isabella beams and I laugh, kissing them both on their cheeks.

"Watch Alex for me, will you?" I ask sweetly. "I'm sure Noel and David will be here soon to play with you too." I smile and stand.

"Be good, girls." Sam scolds. "I mean it."

Within a couple minutes Quinn and Puck walked in with their three year old son, David and their six month old daughter Noel. It was just by chance that Rachel and Quinn got pregnant so close together.

Quinn and Rachel hugged and Noah took Sammi and wished her a Happy Hanukkah and it was crazy how crowded the house became so quickly. I looked across the room and locked eyes with Rachel who tilted her head at the brunette who was awkwardly standing by Chris, her 'subtle' way of telling me to say hello.

I walk over awkwardly and mirror Chris's motion of standing with my hands in my pockets, a stance he picked up from me. Chris really was the perfect mix of Rachel and me. "Hey there, Jacob."

Jacob smiled, "Hey Mr. Hudson."

"You can call me Finn." I tell him smoothly. "Merry Christmas, man. Thanks for coming over. Your parents don't mind?"

"We do all our Christmas stuff in the morning, so it's no loss on their part. Thanks for having me." Jacob told me and I nodded.

"It's good to have you." I tell him honestly, "Oh," I lean a little closer and talk softer, "Make sure you compliment the chef. She's very self-conscious."

"Noted." He grinned at me and I looked up at Chris who was smiling with tears in his eyes.

"Thanks Dad." Chris told me softly and I pull him into a big hug, "I love you." He mumbled into my ear and I hugged him tighter.

"I love you more, Monster."