A/N: This story is set in the Go Your Own Way and Light Up the World world with Chris and Audrey. It's a Christmas One-Shot for everyone. Enjoy!

Baby, it's cold outside

"Come on, Monster." I growled at Chris's bedroom door, "We're going to be late."

Finn shuffled by kissing my cheek, "Any luck?"

I frowned at Finn, "He won't come out."

Finn shrugged at me softly, "Well Audi is all ready." He rubbed my shoulders softly, "We can call the sitter."

"I DON'T NEED A SITTER!" We heard Chris shout from the other side of that door, "And Dad will you tell Rachel to stop calling me by that name."

Ouch! That stung.

I felt a tingle in my nose, I knew I might cry right then and there, "Baby, he has to be there." I felt the lump grow in my throat. "It's a tradition. He's been with us every year and just because he's 10 years old doesn't mean he just gets to ditch us."

"It's his loss, Rach."

"It's Christmas Eve, Finn." I shoot back quickly.

The door opened, "Just go." Chris growled at me, "I don't want to be around you anyway."

"Christopher Hudson." Finn shouted, "I've had about enough of your attitude on Christmas."

"What are you going to do?" Chris spit at his father, "Give me a lump of coal? You know it's her" he pointed at me, "fault I made a fool out of myself today. Thanks for lying to me about Santa."

"Will you keep your voice down?" I bark. "You're going to let the secret out for your sister."


"Jesus, Chris!" Finn shouted, "Stop acting like a baby. So, we tried to keep the magic alive a little longer then we should have, I'm sorry."

"You didn't. She did it."

"I didn't tell you either, Chris." Finn reasoned, even know, in my frustration, I can admire Finn for what a great father he is. "We are a team. Your mother and I. You don't get to take it all out on her, you hear me?"

"I heard what you said." Chris yelled, "I heard you say 'I told you we should have broke it to him sooner.'" He mocked Finn. "And she wouldn't let you, so I looked like a baby at school. All the boys laughed. You realized they already call me 'gay' because I know all the stupid broadway music because of her."

"I'm right here." I remind him, "Stop talking about me like I'm the wicked witch."

"YOU ARE." Chris yelled at me, "And even worse I know the Wicked witches name. Elphaba. And everyone makes fun of my middle name because you insisted that they say it at fifth grade graduation. You had to make my middle name be 'Berry'? Really Mom? I hate you for making me look like a, like a-"

Finn cuts him off, "Christopher Hudson, don't you dare say the f word."

"A fag." Chris yells, he knows it's wrong to say. He knows it. But he says it just to defy us.

I inadvertently gasped and Finn grabbed his arm and pulled him into the room, probably gripping him a little tighter then would be considered kosher and slams the door behind him.

I turn to see Audrey looking at me with wide eyes, filled with tears, "Why did Monster swear?" She whispered.

I shook my head, "Your brother is in a rebellious mood this evening." I explain.

"What was he saying? About Santa?"

"Nothing, sweetie." I whisper, bending down to her, trying to block out Finn's yells.

"Daddy mad?"

I nod, "Yep, Daddy's mad." I smile at her, "But you, my darling sweet baby girl, look adorable in this red dress."

"Don't I look like a Christmassy princess?" She beamed at me and I cringed at hearing Finn's voice grow in volume.

"You do. I bet Santa is going to treat you really nice this year. You've done so good in school." I tell her, "Let's go get some hot chocolate and wait for Daddy."

"Monster's not coming, huh?" Audrey frowns.

"I'm sorry, Audi. I want him to come too, but sometimes your brother is naughty." I explain.


I shrug, "I don't know, baby."

"Doesn't he want to see the Rockette's?"

I chuckle, "I guess not, sweetie. But you do, don't you?"

She nods furiously.

Finn stomps out, "God help me, I'm going to beat that boy." Finn grumbles as he walks into the kitchen, "Can we go now?"

"Don't we need to wait for a sitter?" I bite my lip.

Finn shakes his head, "Nope, we're taking Chris up to see his favorite Uncle."

I tilt my head, "Puck?"

"Better." Finn grin has an evil hint to it, "Blaine."

"Ohhhhhh" Audrey gasps, "Bain Bain hates that word. Monster is going to get it."

Chris walks in with his hands in his pockets, head down and dragging his feet as he walks, he looks exactly like his father, "You've got that right, Audi. Monster is going to get it."

"How come she gets to call you Monster still?" I asked in an irritated tone.

Chris glares at me, "Because she's the only person in this house I can stand." He shoots back.

Finn grabs his ear, "You need to learn how to mind, Chris. We are your family. Who you used to love. Remember?"

Audrey's eyes fill with tears and she looks at me, falling into my arms, "He doesn't love you no more?" She cries and in turn, tears are falling down my face.

I shake my head, "I don't feel much like going out." I tell Finn and he looks back at me and strides towards me, letting go on Chris's ear.

"Stop, Rach. Don't let his bad attitude get you down. We're going to go and have fun and he's going to have a sit down with his Uncle's."

When we drop Chris off, Audrey begs that she can stay with him and 'she'll catch the show next year' and we leave them both. Kurt explaining that he'll entertain Audi while Chris and Blaine have a nice sit down.

Finn and I walk to Radio City but I look over at Finn and he reads my mind, "Doesn't feel right without the kids, huh?"

"Nope." I shake my head. "Let's go get ice cream?"

Finn nods, "Sounds good." He kisses my cheek before grabbing my hand and we walk, "I'm sorry Chris is giving us such a hard time. He loves you, baby. He's just rebelling right now."

"Why is he always so hard on me? You can do no wrong with that boy." I point out with a frown.

"You two are so much alike, Rach. It's like you and Kurt, you fight more than me and Kurt because you are too much alike. And you know how he is. He just feels everything too much."

Rachel nods, "I know, baby. Maybe we shouldn't try for another." I frown.

Finn shakes his head, "No baby." He frowns and stops in his tracks, "You promised me. You promised me that for Christmas, we would try. It was my one Christmas wish." Finn gives me his dough boy eyes and I can't refuse. "I mean, you just finished your last show and I've been out of the game for a couple months now, I think it's time." Finn nods at me, "Come on, another Finchel baby."

I laugh and he knows he's won because his lips find mine and his hand finds my back side and he pushes my body to his, "Okay." I whisper.

Finn grins widely, "You make such beautiful kids, Rachel." He beams at me.

"I make naughty, Finn-loving kids." I frown.

"Just like their Mama." He slaps my ass and I giggle. "Now let's feed Mama Berry some ice cream before we go get those kids. And when we put them to bed, I'm having my way with you."

"After we put out the presents." I remind him and he chuckles.

"I thought that was Santa's job." Finn acts shocked and I give him a look and he kisses me again. "Just teasing my baby."

I snuggle close to Finn and start to sing.

"I really can't stay."

Finn laughs a little before following up with, "But baby it's cold outside."

"I've got to go away."

"But baby, it's cold outside."

"This evening has been, so very nice."

"I'll hold your hands" Finn grabs my hands, "They're just like ice."

I giggle and we sing the whole song as we make our way down the street, changing our mind to coffee instead of ice cream on our way.

When we pick up the kids we thank Kurt and Blaine and Kurt hugs Finn tightly as Blaine smiles sadly at me, "What's the deal?" I frown.

"Chris will talk to you tonight. Just, Merry Christmas." Kurt smiles, "We'll see you tomorrow?"

I nod, "Brunch at Puck and Quinn's." I beam. "And then Carole and Burt are getting in town when?"

"8 PM." Blaine reminds me and I nod.

When we get back to our apartment, Finn takes Audrey to the bathroom to help her get into her pajamas and a very quite Chris sits at the kitchen table.

"Listen Mom," He starts.

"So, you're talking to me now?" I tease him and set a glass of milk and plate of cookies in front of him, he mistakes them for his, instead of Santa's, and starts to eat them. I barely have the heart to tell him. "What's going on, Mo-, I mean, Chris?"

"Mom, I'm sorry." Chris looks down at his plate, "I have just been having a hard time, you know? It's hard when everyone teases me and stuff."

I nod, "You would think kids would have progressed past that." I shake my head. "But, you know what and who you are. You can't let them make you feel bad about yourself."

Chris nods awkwardly, "But, what if I don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't know." Chris almost shouts.

I shake my head in confusion, "You don't have to know who you are yet, buddy." I explain, I think I'm catching on, but I don't want to assume, "But whoever you turn out to be, your father and I will support you. You know that."

"I know." Chris sniffles, "I know you will. But, I just, I really do love musicals, and everyone says that makes me gay and I don't want to care." He frowns, "But I do. I don't want to be gay."

I swallow back tears, "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to have a hard life like Kurt. I don't want to get a slushie in my face or to fight for my right to get married."

Rachel shook her head, "Liking musicals doesn't make you gay, it makes you cultured. Liking boys would make you gay." I tell him, "And if you did, I would understand."

"I don't, Mom."

"It's okay, baby. I like boys. Your Uncles and Grandpa's they like boys."

"I DON'T." Chris yells again. "I just like musicals." He frowns, "I like girls. I think they are pretty and their lips look real soft and there is this girl in my class that I wish I could kiss but I know I'm too young."

I giggle, "That's really sweet, Chris." I furrow my brow, "Then why are you so scared of being gay?"

"I don't know." He shrugs, "After everyone saying I was, I guess it just kind of stuck."

I grab his hand and he, for the first time, makes eye contact with me, "Christopher Hudson, you don't get to let anyone tell you who you are. The only person who gets to tell you who you are is you."

He gives me a light half smile, looking up at me with his Dad's eyes and grin, "I know, Mama." He mumbles.

"Now, the Santa thing was my bad, the Berry thing was my fault, and I won't call you Monster anymore." I tell him with a smile, "I don't want to embarrass you."

"You can call me Monster, just not in front of the guys, okay?"

I laugh lightly, "Deal." I pull him in for a hug and he hugs me tightly back, "I love you, C."

"I love you Mama." And hearing him calling me Mama again is music to my ears.

I pull back, "Now get to bed before Santa decides to skip our house."

Chris rolls his eyes at me before running out of the room, "Whatever, Mom."

I visit Audrey who is already fast asleep and kiss her forehead, "I love you, Audi."

I walk over to the living room to see Finn playing Santa, "Hey, you started without me."

Finn grins widely, "I couldn't wait." He admits. "Chris seems like he's in a better mood. He even hugged me. What did Kurt and Blaine do? An exorcism?" Finn teases and takes me in his arms.

I nod, "Clearly."

"We've got a good boy."

"He's got a good Dad." I tell Finn, "I make it hard on him, being on Broadway and naming him 'Berry' and just being… me."

"You don't either. He's lucky to have you."

I frown, "I know I'm a good Mom, I just wish I was better at all the boy stuff."

Finn brought his lips to mine, "That's what I'm here for. We're a team, Mama."

I nod, "Merry Christmas Daddy Finn."

He laughs and kisses me again, "Merry Christmas Mama Rach."