Katniss POV:

We finally arrive in front of my house. It's about 10 degrees colder and my face and hands feel numb.

Peeta senses that I'm cold and puts his arms around me once again.

"It's okay" He hums in my ear.

I just nod and the next thing I know, I hear footsteps.

I look up and see.."Gale?" I say sniffling.

"What'd you do to her?" I hear Gale yell, taking angry steps toward Peeta.

I guess my swollen face and puffy eyes gave it away.

"Nothing, Gale. It was a misunderstanding.." Peeta says calmly.

"What "misunderstanding" was so bad that you had to make her cry?"

"Gale, Please, not now." Peeta tries to calmly say.

I bury my face into Peeta's chest trying to disappear.

"You really have out done yourself this time Mellark." Gale says chuckling and clapping.

"Gale not in front of her. We can discuss this later, just not now."

"Whatever" Gale says rolling his eyes.

"I'm serious. Just let me get her inside, then we can talk."


Peeta takes me inside the doors. Mom's asleep and Prim's out cause she's not here.

"Get some sleep. I'll see you tonight." He says setting me down on my bed and kissing my head.

"No wait!" I say reaching out for him.

"Yes?" He says raising an eyebrow.

I get up and grab the gift from my nightstand.

"I told you, I'd pay you back for what you did for me. I know it's not much, but I really do love you and I hope you know that. I understand if you change your mind for after what your mother said, but happy 6 months." I say looking down at my feet. A tear leaves a trail down my cheek and I hand him the gift, still concentrating on my feet.

I feel Peeta's hand wipe the tear from my face and I look up at him.

"Don't cry. You never have to owe me anything. You're enough for me always and nothing my mother can say will keep me away from you or make me love you any less."

I nod and smile a little.

He opens the gift and holds the small bottle of paint in his hand.

"Sunset." He says.

"It's your favorite."

"I know." He smiles.

I faintly smile back.

"I'll be back later. I promise." He says kissing my temple.

Before I can protest, he closes the door behind him.