'I wish he were mine, he's really divine, the hero who conquered the Dark Lord'.

'Shut up, Fred'. Ginny said crossly, huffily turning away from her older brother. 'It wasn't your business to read it'.

The twins cackled with laughter as they continued to walk alongside her.

They were currently in the stone corridors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, wrapped warm against the frost that clung to the glass windows and the hems of their robes. Ginny was walking briskly along to Charms, her first year arms awkwardly wrapped tight around the enormous books that she was required to lug around all day. With some envy, she noticed that neither of the twins had a book on them, and something told her that they got away with it.

'Seriously Gin', George said with a deadpan expression, 'it's not very nice to say that someone's eyes look like a toad'.

'Oh go away.' She snapped. 'I wrote it in five minutes, I was pressed a time'.

She'd been writing it for three months.

Ginny had fancied herself in love with Harry Potter ever since Ron wrote home around Christmas time.

Dear Mum,

Missing you too, and don't say that I don't write enough, 'cos I do. I am at the moment aren't I? Well, you know how I'm friends with Harry? Harry Potter? Well, he's a really good mate, and we were talking about how Christmas is coming up and I asked him if he was going home for Christmas, and he said fat chance, and I said why, and he said that his cousin was a pig, literally, and so I asked why and he said that Hagrid had done some magic, only I wasn't supposed to tell you. Shit. he had an accident with a real pig, and – what was I saying? And basically, Mum, he isn't going home for Christmas because he has a shit bad family life and he's really unhappy and everything, well he didn't say that but I knew because mates know that kind of thing. Mum, what I'm trying to say is – can you please send him some presents? Not much, I know that it can be expensive, but like you can take it out of the stuff that you were going to get me. I don't mind, honest. But if you wanted to mainly take it out of Perce's stuff, then that might be better. Mum, you know that I wouldn't ask normally, but he's a great mate, and I know that you'd really like him to.

Love Dad, and punchkiss hug send my love to say hi to Ginny for me.


Well, since Harry Potter had gone up in Ron's books, they'd gone up in Ginny's. And after spending a whole year of fantasising about him and having wonderful adventures with him like he'd done with Ron, like defeating You-Know-Who! Ginny got the shock of her life, when she came down in her old stained 9-year-old nightie and found him sitting at the kitchen table.

She didn't get it actually. She'd met dozens of boys before. She had six brothers after all! And they all had friends. But her heart leapt every time he looked at her.

So imagine her surprise when she woke up and he was leaning over her with a concerned expression. Immediately she burst into tears. He thought that it was to do with the trauma of being possessed. They all did. But what Ginny Weasley was crying at was the terror that he might hate her for opening the Chamber of Secrets. She could have gotten them all killed. She talked to his enemy. She let his friend be put in a critical situation. She was a terrible person. These things were later blurted out to her mum. Mrs. Weasley hugged her daughter, pleased that Ginny had finally said all of her true fears out loud.

But she hadn't said everything.

The real reason as to why Ginny Weasley was crying, was because as those beautiful green eyes looked at her, there wasn't any love in them.
