It's been ages since I've posted and I'm sorry abotut that guys! Exams, writer's block etc.. Please R&R and I promise they'll be coming more frequently!
Byron and Ella Montgomery sat hand-in-hand on the sofa with puzzled expressions on thier faces. Both were mentally preparing themselves for what could be of such importance to their daughter that she had to call them together for an emergency talk. Standing before them however, Aria knew that no amount of mental preparation would help them for what she was about to admit to them. Whilst thinking this, she also knew that even if A wasn't threatening to expose her's and Ezra's relationship, they would have to come clean sooner or later. This led her to her next thought: that the phrase 'come clean' was the wrong description entirely for revealing to her parents their relationship. It made it sound as if they had done something wrong, as if they were naughty schoolchildren admitting to the teacher that they had forgotten to feed the class pet before the weekend. Realising that she was just procrastinating the inevitable, Aria slowly began to explain.
'Before I tell you fully what's going on here I want you both to promise not to do anything rash and to hear us both out before you make any hasty decisions, or jump to any conclusions...'
'Both?' Byron and Ella both asked at the same time.
'Yes, both. The two of us.' Aria took the biggest gulp she could muster before carrying on. 'Ezra?'
She watched the colour drain from her parent's faces as Ezra Fitz walked into the front room of the Montgomery household. Ella clutched at her husbands hand more tightly as Ezra took his place by Aria's side. It was only when she clutched his hand with her left that her parents noticed the engagement ring on her finger.
'What the hell is that?' Byron demanded, the colour in his face quickly returning and changing from a light pink to almost deep purple. Aria blinked timidly at him whilst Ezra squeezed her hand supportively.
Ezra was cut off by Byron. 'I wasn't talking to you, you pervert. I was talking to my daughter!'
'Don't you dare call him that Dad! We didn't plan this, he wasn't even my teacher when we got together!' Aria interjected.
'I don't care at which point he became your teacher, he should've stopped whatever this is as soon as he found out!' Byron retorted.
'There is nothing that you can say now that will change anything Dad! I'm in love with Ezra and we're getting married and there's nothing at all you can do to stop us!' Aria blurted.
By this time Byron was standing with his fists clenched by his sides. He had let Ella's hands fall limply into her lap. She was still trying to make sense of what had just happened before her eyes. Ezra and Aria? It didn't make sense. He was the teacher, she was the student. He had abused his place of trust, and now he actually had the nerve to come before her and Byron and was probably going to try and justify it. Well the man had guts, and obviously a whole lot of love for Aria to do this.
'Byron, sit down,' she spoke calmly.
'I'm fine standi-'
'I said sit down Byron!'
Her husband knew better to argue with her at this point, even in light of the current situation. He didn't want to make things even worse for his wife. Especially after she finally forgave him for cheating on her with Meredith. Up until this point, Ella hadn't had anything to say so he retreated and slumped back down on the sofa. He raised both hands to his very flushed face and began to massage his temples very slowly, trying to make light of the situation. As he did this, Ella stood up and put her point across.
'Although I don't approve of this relationship Ezra, I can obviously see that you love my daughter and she loves you very much in return. But Aria, you're still so young. You still have so much ahead of you. Graduation, university... How do you know that Ezra is the man you want to spend your whole life with after you've had those experiences?'
'Mom, Ezra is my soulmate. We're meant for each other and of course I want to spend my whole life with him!'
'I think you're rushing into things Aria...'
'Hmph, of course they are!' Byron scoffed.
Ella shot him a look that told him to keep quiet or else, a look he knew all too well.
'I need some time to talk to your father about this Aria, go to your room please. Ezra, I think you need to leave,' Ella adressed the two of them.
'I understand Mrs Montgomery. But before you decide anything I want you to know that as soon as I found out she was my student, I tried to stop our relationship. I couldn't do it though, I loved her too much from the moment I met her. Which is why I'm begging you now to just consider the idea of us together, because I don't think either of us could live apart,' Ezra declared.
His miny speech earned him a sad smile from Aria. A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye and cascaded down her cheek as she thought of how much love she had for him to be able to stand up in front of her disapproving parents and confess that to them. Her smile turned from sad to hopeful as she felt his warm finger wipe the tear away and trace a light pattern on her face before he left.
Aria just hoped that wouldn't be the last time she felt his touch or heard his voice.
I wasn't sure about updating this chapter, I didn't think it was good enough but a great friend of mine convinced me otherwise. Sorry again about the wait and I'd love to hear any suggestions or feedback you have so please click review!:)