Aria stared lovingly at her man from across the room. Although they hadn't actually done 'it', they had come very close and Aria had loved every moment of it. 'That was amazing Ezra!' she gushed. 'It's made me love you even more - if that's possible.' Ezra chuckled slightly. 'I love you so much Aria.' And she knew it. Aria sat smiling to herself on the bed as Ezra walked over and sat down next to her. His arms snaked around her bare stomach and she began to laugh. Ezra loved it when she laughed. Her deep, brown eyes always lit up when she did and shiny, white teeth formed a perfect smile. Aria turned round to face him and for a few moments it felt like there was no one else in the world but the two of them. Her hazel eyes gazed into the ocean blue ones of his. It had been those eyes that she was first attracted to that long time ago in the bar. Ezra was just about to speak when Aria forced her lips onto his, silencing him and whatever it was he was going to say. He returned the kiss,
lasted for a couple of minutes until Aria's phone began to beep. She managed to force herself away from Ezra's arms to look at the Caller ID. Hanna's name flashed across the screen. 'Ugh just leave it,' Ezra moaned in between his affectionate kisses on her neck. 'I can't.. it could be important,' she giggled.
Ezra looked deep into her eyes. 'Please.. for me?' Aria gave in and let the phone ring on, although she was too focused on Ezra now to actually notice it kept ringing.
'She's not picking up!' Hanna panicked.
'What?' gasped Emily. 'What if shes in trouble?'
'Oh come on guys I'm sure there's a very reasonable explanation to all of this' that was Spencer, the ever logical one. 'Just try her again in a half hour and if she doesnt answer then we'll go round to hers.'
'Alright!' Hanna sighed. 'Although I don't know how you can be so calm, for all we know A could have her in a dark room tied up!' 'Oh come on Hanna, even I know that's a bit extreme!' Emily interrupted.
'Seriously Ezra I need to go now,' Aria giggled, pulling herself away from his grip. 'I've had like ten missed calls from the girls.' 'Fine, but you better call me later!' he moaned. Aria jumped out of the bed and ran across the messy flat to the bathroom, with a single sheet covering her body. Ten minutes later she emerged, looking as beautiful as ever. She blew a kiss to her loving man, who was layed admiring her on the bed, and picked her way across to door. Ezra quickly jumped up and grabbed her, giving her a generous kiss on the lips, and then let her leave. Aria whipped out her phone and rang speed dial three (Hanna) while Ezra carefully shut the door behind her. 'Hey Han whats up?' she asked. 'Don't you hey Han me, we've been worried sick! We didn't know where you were or...' her voice trailed off into the background as Spencer interrupted.
'Look, the main thing is you're alright. We need to meet though.. twenty minutes at the grill?'
'I'll meet you there' Aria confirmed.
'So what's up guys?' Aria questioned?
'There's something we need to show you' Emily replied, with a serious look on her face.
'And I doubt you're gonna like it' On cue Spencer whipped a purple file out of her bag and handed it to Aria, gesturing for her to open. No sooner as she did so was it on the floor, her mouth in an O-shape. A few photographs had escaped the plastic wallets inside of the files. They were all of Aria and Ezra. One of them kissing in his flat, one of her sitting on his knee in his office, another of them holding hands in a car park. Yes they had wanted to move the relationship forward once he started at Hollis but there was no way her mum and dad could see these. She wanted to tell them herself. This was trouble. Spencer was the first one to speak: 'Em, go get Aria a coffee will you?' Emily got up and walked over to the counter. 'Somone e-mailed all of these to Hanna last night. She called everyone to get over to hers straight away, but you obviously didn't get the message..' 'Yeah, erm i was with Ezra' Aria explained. Hanna sighed. 'So is there anyway we can trace the e-mail address?' she asked the two of them. 'No, we tried to do it last night but it just kept saying this e-mail address is non-existent' Hanna replied, with a hint of frustration in her voice. Emily walked back over to the table with a black coffee in her hand. 'Here take this,' she said to Aria, handing her the warm cup. 'You know we're gonna do everything we can to stop these pictures getting out' Spencer expressed. 'Thanks guys, I don't know what I'd do without you' Aria smiled.
**This is my first ever story for fan fiction so if you dont like it then please don't be too harsh with your comments. Please review with some good ideas for the next chapter and what you'd like to see happen next!**