
Rose Dewitt Bukater had a choice.

She chooses not to see them.

She was born into a life of privileges. She was given private school, ballet, fine dresses and jewelry. If she wanted something at her beck and call, a simple raise of the hand was enough to draw attention of an army of servants. Though, behind the sophistication and the glamor, she saw the sinister smiles.

From the day she was born, her life was being planned with no consent. Ever since she was a little girl, they molded her into something she could hardly recognized. Her own mother, her mother, wouldn't even stop to see the damage that was caused for so many years.

She couldn't take it anymore.

She wanted out.

And if that meant jumping off the back of a ship, so be it...

But then he stopped her. He told her what really was on the other side of the dark waters. It wasn't freedom. It was only more pain; sharp, cold, freezing pain. It wasn't going to make her feel better at all.

He reminded her she had a choice all this time, and she was going to blow it if she brushed them all aside. She always had the window to freedom all along. All she had to do was jump.

And he freed her.

Rose Dewitt Bukater had a choice.

The people who drowned that night as the ship sank didn't have one.