This will be a 2 parter. Takes place after Voldemort's defeat & Hermione finishes her 7th year.

He was stacking & reorganizing potions supplies in his store, with Granger cramped in the claustrophobic space, handing him the next ingredient to replenish. A thunderous boom from the level above; Charms; Snape thought darkly and the dungeon walls shook, sprinkling him with cement bits and dust motes shaken free. A gasp from Granger and Snape looked up, annoyed at the 2nd interruption.

"What-" he didn't get to finish his query as Granger rushed toward him and butted him rudely out of the way.

Snape watched as the tall cupboard stores came crashing down on her, spilling precious and lethal liquid where he had just stood. The girl had foolishly pushed him aside and taken her place. Curse Griffindor pride! His eyes watered as some of the liquid vaporised when their containers broke. He levitated the heavy oak furniture off the floor, ready to give her a piece of his mind. He sifted through pieces of glass, and withdrew his hand quickly when a drop of golden liquid started burning his fingers. A quick scourgify fixed that. His searching more urgent now as he pushed the debris aside to get to Granger. The silence from the normally irritating Know-it-all was unbecoming.

He stopped. Her bushy hair covered her face obscuring the extent of her injuries. As gently as he could, he lifted her into his arms. Her stillness and the blood pooling in her middle and down her legs worried him. And for once in his long, suffering life, Severus Snape panicked.

Under Pomfrey's ministrations, Granger was stabilized. She suffered 2nd degree burns on her torso as well as a broken femur where the cupboard had struck her. She was put under with Dreamless Sleep to allow her body to heal. Snape stood virgil by her bedside, looking at her vulnerable form. Only the crease between his brows betrayed his emotion.

'Why did you do that?' he asked the slumbering know-it-all, knowing she couldn't answer. He took a step toward her bed and stopped.

Potter. Weasley. The rowdy pair was making their way into the infirmary.

A swish of his cloak. And Snape was gone.

Hermione opened her eyes slowly, winced as she felt her head throb. Instinct told her she was not in her dorm, but in a bigger room. The smell of Healing Potions convinced her she was in the Infirmary. It was dark. Her body clock told her it was after midnight. And it was raining outside, the occassional lightning streaking across the sky, illuminating the empty beds beside her. The flash also revealed a dark figure sleeping beside her bed, his head resting on the mattress, near her right hand.

Prof Snape.

She lifted her hand, hesitated for a moment and placed it on his shoulder. He was pleasantly warm under her touch.

"Sir?" she shook him awake gently.

He stirred with a slight jolt. A quick look around and he relaxed. Looking at her he spoke in a hushed whisper.

"you're awake."

She nodded without a word.

"How do you feel?"

She made a face. "My skin feels kinda raw and I can't move my right foot. Oh - " she gasped at the sudden pain when she tried to move.

"Easy there," Snape said, his large hand holding her legs down, "your bones are still reknitting."

She calmed under his ministration. Silence between them only to be broken by thunder rumbling in the sky. Everything was still and silent, she could almost believe they were the only 2 people left in the world.

"Why did you do it?" Snape asked, repeating the question he asked earlier when she was unconscious.

Hermione shrugged. "I saw the cupboard toppling over, I didnt want you hurt, it was instinct I guess. Although I might not have done the same if it had been Draco or Goyle."

His lips pursed into a thin line. When he next spoke, Hermione expected a sarcastic remark or a dismissal.

"Thank you, Granger." His thumb caressed her leg absently.

Her jaw wanted to drop in surprise, but she caught herself.

"You should get some rest, sir." she said, a soft smile playing on her lips. "You're getting dark circles under your eyes." Her hand reached out tentatively toward his face, afraid of his reaction. When he did not protest, she traced the beginnings of the eye bags under his left eye, trying to smooth them over.

At her touch, he let out the breath he did not realize he had been holding. Her carress seemed to calm him and he closed his eyes and concentrated on her tension left his face and the crease between his brows lightened. Her hand traced the sharp line of his jaw, her thumb caressing his cheek as he leaned towards her. She could feel the light rasp of his morning stubble on the pads of her fingers. Her heart gave a tight clench when he nuzzled her palm. She had always thought of Severus Snape as an idol; brilliant and powerful but cold and unfeeling. She forgot he was once a man who stayed true to his heart who protected Lily's son despite unrequited love. Thinking of Lily, she started to withdraw her hand but Snape caught her hand in his. His eyes flew open and she stared into the dark orbs. Gone was the unfeeling even cold gaze that he often bestowed upon her, replaced by liquid black irises of such intensity that she gasped aloud.

"Foolish girl."