Polar: ...

Shadow: *whistles casually* So...yeah...we haven't updated in a while, huh buddy?

Polar: ...

Shadow: Well, let me be the first to apologise on behalf of both of us for this late update...BUT WE CAN EXPLAIN...*whispers to Polar* we can explain can't we?

Polar: ...

Shadow:...er...well you see...the thing is er...why we hadn't updated in a while is...er...er...

ANIMUS LOADING...For those who are not a fan of Verdana font remember, you can always change the font at the top of the screen. Thank you and enjoy your animus session...

Chapter 5: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing


"Honestly, and I thought you had learned." Luffy sighed in disappointment.

"And here I was going to go easier on you and actually let you walk back with me." Nojiko let out a loud, muffled shriek through her gag at that. Nojiko had tried to jump Luffy but had been avoided. With his hands full of rope however and due to how suddenly her attack came, he couldn't properly grab her and bind her like he originally intended. Rather than fight him, Nojiko had ran for it, hastily grabbing the door knob and trying to untie Vivi from it. She barely succeeded in loosening it; by the time Luffy had recovered. He had sprinted towards her and forced her down before retying her. She had still struggled and screamed, however, which prompted Luffy to tie her up the same way he had done previously.

Now, they were finally walking down the underground tunnel. Luffy in front, holding the rope connected to Vivi's wrists as she followed behind obediently and distressed, whilst Nojiko rested over her shoulder as if she was a sack of potatoes, with an actually sack filled with their clothes and a few extra rope being held on top of her, as if to add to her humiliation. Nojiko struggled a little but Luffy just shifted her on his shoulder, as if she wasn't a bother. He even patted her a little from behind, causing Nojiko to grunt in displeasure.

"Quiet you, or would you rather I make things even worse." Luffy warned her. "Maybe I could actually hang you from the balcony, make you watch the beautiful horizon extended from a rope and with a huge drop to look forward to if it would to snap, not to mention the weather." Nojiko was quiet at this.

"Would he actually do that...? He did mention hanging them before, but he said that as a joke! Right?" Nojiko laid on his shoulder silently, thinking over his threat. Seeing no reason to risk it, now that she was already captured... again, Nojiko bowed her head, sighing in defeat. Wearily, she looked over to Vivi, being able to do so as her head leaned up from her captors back. She glanced at her sadly, upset that she couldn't do anything, even coming close to freeing them both, let alone Nami with them. Vivi looked back at her apologetically, for not being able to help her friend. With a sad smile, Vivi mouthed to her friend,

"I'm sorry."


Meanwhile, around three floors above the assassin and his prisoners, Nami was on the move. She walked calmly down the staircase into the main room, ignoring the assassins who glanced at her as they passed.

"They're not suspicious." Nami kept thinking to herself "They're curious. Just stay calm..." and, miraculously, she did remain calm. Her erratic heart beat slowed and her walk became confident. Nami reassured herself with a small quiet sigh before continuing onwards down the staircase. Bookcases lined the walls and many philosophical hooded assassins were engaging in the literature. Strangely, after Nami had met Robin, she had begun to recognise the woman of the order, due to the subtle differences in the way they wore their white robes. In a way, it scared Nami how similar all of these assassins looked when they were in their robes and it scared her even more now that she could actually tell the assassins apart by gender. It was a sign that she was getting used to them and she didn't like that fact one bit. Nami quickly re-evaluated her goals as she walked. She needed to find Vivi and Nojiko. It was imperative that she found them before she tried anything else. If she was lucky, Luffy wouldn't recognise her and, assassin or not, Nami was sure a strike to the back of the head would put him out of her misery long enough for her to escape with her friends. Already, the plan was falling into place. Nami knew just what to do...

Now; all that was left was to gain access to the lower levels. Unfortunately, a pair of guards was currently standing in front of the door Nami had taken to the hot springs.

"You can do this Nami..." the dancer thought to herself as she walked boldly over towards the guards. It was her only chance at saving Vivi and Nojiko and she couldn't very well leave without them. At her approach, one of the guards looked upwards and raised his hand in greeting.

"Safety and peace comrade" he said. Nami maintained her cool nature as she raised her right hand up in reply.

"Safety and peace" she replied.

She knew it.

She knew she'd been caught.

She knew it before the man's eyes had widened and his free hand had reached for a dagger. She had looked over at his right hand. She had counted the fingers...and that was when she had realised...

All of the assassins she had met had their ring finger missing...

She had five.


In an instant, a primal instinct surged within her, one that reacts when one's own life is in danger, filled her with a rush of adrenaline, causing her to quickly jump backwards. One hand went to hike her skirt as her heals touched the ground, distancing herself a small bit away from the men in front of her, who were drawing their weapons, in the middle of directing them towards her in warning. In an instant, her other hand went and grabbed her only real defence, clumsily taking out the round metal object. Just before the men could approach her or even speak, Nami had thrown the ball to the ground, covering the lower half of her face with the same hand as the smoke shot out of it and engulfed her surroundings.

"What the?" One voice yelled in surprise "smo...?"

The man didn't finish his sentence as he inhaled some of the smoke in his surprise and was now in a coughing fit. Nami disappeared into the smoke, a mere mirage in the vast sandy desert to these men's eyes.

"Get her!" the first man shouted as he charged into the smoke to grab her. The disoriented men uselessly flailed around in the smoke as they attempted to catch the impostor, only to run out the other side of the smoke cloud with nothing but empty hands and a pair of lungs filled with smoke.

"Where *cough* did she…?" one of the guards tried to ask in confusion. Nami, however, was much more self-aware within the smoke, having inhaled less and she let her keen senses guide her as she fled the scene.

Nami was now on the run, taking random turns and continued to head along the corridor, terrified, hoping and praying that the assassins wouldn't follow her, alert too many more to her presence, or that the very act of throwing that bomb hadn't caused too much attention as she thought it had. It was run or hide and if push came to shove, she would stand her ground and fight for her and her friend's freedom.


As she ran, Nami's fingers fumbled around in her pocket, checking the number of smoke bombs she had left. To her despair, there was only one remaining. She silently cursed as she sprinted around a corner, running towards the nearest staircase down. As she turned the corner, an assassin standing in the middle of the corridor turned around hearing her footsteps. Before he had a chance to guess what was happening, however, Nami ran straight past him, swinging the pole swiftly backwards at his neck. The man groaned in pain at the impact and fell to the floor. Miraculously, Nami managed to keep running, spinning on her heel to complete the arc of the attack until she had spun a complete 360 degree turn. Nami couldn't even accept she had done that well herself but she couldn't think about it now. Nojiko and Vivi were most likely on the floor below as she spoke. Nami quickened her pace immediately, bounding down the stairs at full tilt...only to bump into another assassin. Unlike the first, however, Nami noted that this one was wearing a fully black outfit, similar to what she had seen Luffy's father wearing the day before...

This is how Nami met Inazuma, the golden flash of the Assassin order...


Nami stepped back a bit dazed at running into someone, but instantly became fully alert with the possible danger and regained her balance to look at the new person. Nami's eyes were wide as she laid them on the tall man in black. Anxiety filled her as she watched him stare down at her, preparing to do anything she could to avoid a possible fight, but keeping a quick careful mind not to just waste her last smoke bomb. If he was affected by her bumbling into him, she had missed it. Nami's heart was beating rapidly once more. She willed herself to calm down, adjusting her hood as to remain more concealed, wondering if this was the kind of man who was familiar with the people of the organization he was presumably a part of (as she presumed he was a high ranked member, who she viewed should be responsible in knowing such things) and bowing lowly.

"I'm sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going!" Nami apologised as politely as she could. She had cringed seconds later, though, when she realized that she sounded like she was begging, something she didn't think would be tolerated by such a group who killed for a living.

"... It is alright, I should also apologise." Slowly, Nami looked up to see the man once again.

"...Is he toying with me?" Nami banished the thought from her mind, acknowledging that it's a possibility but knows that the last thing she should do is panic. Nami made eye contact with him, briefly spotting some unusual shiny black eyes under his hood, almost like he was wearing some dark pieces of glass, and then nodded her head.

"No need, I was just in a hurry... Pardon me." Nami passed him, holding her breath as she hiked her skirt a bit and jogged past him, slowly going into a slower run then last time to hurry herself but attract less attention and so she could actually see where she was going under the hood she was wearing. Nami took a big breath in relief as she finds that she wasn't been stopped. Slowing down into a stop, she turned around to find no one in the hall but herself.

"... I think, I've lost them." Nami thought to herself as she carefully turns around. She walked calmly again, taking small relaxed steps, taking note to NOT show her right hand again.


Inazuma had watched Nami as she walked away and then, he gave a casual shrug. Wherever that girl was in a hurry to or whatever she was doing, it was none of his business. Calmly, Inazuma turned away and continued to walk up the stairs. After all, he had important business to attend to. He had to locate Monkey D. Luffy and tell him to report to his father at once, in order for punishment to be exacted and to pure him of his failure. Inazuma was currently on his way towards the assassin's bedroom to give him the news. He had only heard rumours of the boy's predicament but, Master Ivankov had told him to find Luffy and bring him in to receive his judgment. Inazuma had known Luffy long enough to know that the man was pure of heart...well, as pure a heart as a murderer could be. Whatever the boy had done wrong, Izazuma felt a small pang of pity for him. Reaching the top of the stairs, however, these feelings of pity disappeared as the golden flash noticed the unconscious body of an assassin on the floor. Suddenly, realisation dawned on his face.

"Oh mother-f..."

"Fantastic..." Nami muttered, glancing around the long winding hallways. She was now well and truly lost.


Nami gripped her hooded head with both her hands tightly at this realization. She made a frustrated growl as anxiety and anger starts to seep into her.

"I was sure I memorized the way to get there!" Nami yelled in her mind "How did I get lost? ...Was it when I made that turn... or maybe I ran too far?" Nami smacked her face with her hands, covering her eyes and gripping tightly again to try and calm herself down by releasing some of the pent up tension. She was barely succeeding.

"Okay... calm down... your just a little lost. Surely you can find your way by wandering a little." Nami thought to herself positively. She smiled at herself at this thought. "Hell, there's no one even after me at the moment..." Nami instantly turned around, her eyes wide as she laid her eyes on... nothing...

Nami took a breath in relief.

"For a second there, I thought I was going to eat my words."

After calming herself down once more, she turned on her heels to go on.

"I can't stand here all day; I've got to find Vivi and Nojiko... I just hope I haven't missed them." Nami thought to herself before walking further down a hall.

Meanwhile, Luffy was in one of the hallways in the temple, having left the underground to return to his room.

"... Here we are!" Luffy announced, having spotted the door he had become so familiar to. Giving another slight tug on leash on Vivi's wrists, Luffy proceeded to open the door he left unlocked.

"We're back!" Luffy called as he entered to room, and to his surprise, he found a few changes.

For one, both Robin and the captive he left her with weren't there!

Luffy quickly scanned the room to find someone sitting on his desk chair near the book shelf. He arched his eyebrow at this, wondering why he was here. Then he turned to see a lump on his bed. There was something hiding on the covers, concealing it from his view. Finding this odd, but not too alarming, Luffy entered the room with the two silent Dancers, letting the bag fall to the floor and carefully placing the immobilised Nojiko to the ground where she could wiggle more freely if she so stubbornly wished. Luffy took a closer look at the blanket covered mystery, eyeing it for a bit, and then he noticed a subtle movement, hearing the quiet intake and outtake of breath. Something was definitely breathing inside.


With a confused expression on his face, Luffy reached down into the hammock and gently tugged the blanket away from the person. There, laying completely naked inside the hammock was none other than Robin. Her hands were lying limply by her side and her chest was moving up and down as she gently breathed in and out. Not expecting to see Robin in this light, Luffy froze in place for a moment. Then, just as swiftly as he had removed the blanket, he placed it back on again and turned to face Nojiko and Vivi. The two girls paled immediately when they saw Luffy's face. It looked absolutely livid. Without warning, Luffy stepped forward, shoving a cloth into Vivi's mouth before she could react. Nojiko struggled when she noticed this but Luffy didn't bother to try and calm her down. Instead, in a bout of anger, he gently chopped the woman on the back of the neck, causing her to fall to the floor. Vivi screamed from behind the cloth but before she could spit it out, Luffy had secured it, tightening a gag over the cloth. Then, he glared Vivi straight in the eye and growled to her.

"STAY...HERE..." then, dropping a shaking Vivi to the floor, Luffy walked over towards the knocked out and clothed assassin and decided to wake him up. He slapped the man hard across the face and immediately, the assassin shot up off his chair.

"What? What's going on?" the assassin groaned. Unfortunately, before he could fully recover from this surprise, Luffy grabbed him angrily by the throat and hoisted him out of the chair.

"YOU ARE GOING TO STAY HERE AND WATCH THEM!" he shouted, pointing towards Nojiko and Vivi "AND IF I COME BACK AND THEY'RE GONE, I'M GOING TO HANG YOU FROM THE BALCONY BY YOUR TONGUE! UNDERSTAND ME?" The assassin, now fully scared awake, nodded as Luffy let go of him and dashed out the door.

"Nami..." he growled under his breath "If she's not dead when I find her, I'm going to kill her..."


Nami walked to another corner, inspecting the area around her as she peaked behind it.

"At least this outfit has given me some good luck"

Nami had managed to pass through a few other Assassins' who were not yet suspicious of her and had yet to resort to her last smoke bomb. She was now currently in an outside clearing, the same one that had the training ring, the front entrance, and was where Nami remembered the entrance to the Underground was nearby.

She looked around a little more. There was currently a few Assassin's about, some practicing in the small battlefield provided, some throwing knives of some kind at some dummies, and others just idlywalking by or chatting. Nami took another breath and then adjusted her hood.

"As long as you don't show your right hand, you'll be fine." Nami said to herself "... They might question why I'm wearing a dress, but hey, I'm a girl." Nami shrugged to herself.


Nami then took a deep sigh and began to walk towards the door to the catacombs. As she neared the door, she noted there was only one guard there. The assassin was female.

"Safety and peace" she greeted as Nami approached "What can I do for you?"

"Safety and peace" Nami replied cautiously "I'm just heading down to the hot springs for a soak" The female assassin replied with a nod, before stepping out of her way.

"You're in luck! The hot springs are so warm today. I tried them earlier. You better hurry though, it'll be mixed bathing soon and I'm guessing you want some privacy"

"Oh yeah, thanks" Nami responded with a smile, bowing low before she walked towards the door. She pushed it open with her LEFT hand (hiding the right from sight) and then began to descend into the depths of the citadel. Nami grinned with victory as the door shut behind her.

"So far so...ACHOOO" Nami began to speak but was suddenly interrupted as she sneezed. For a moment, Nami was still before she kept on walking. Her mother had always been suppositious about sneezes. She had told her 'Nami, when you sneeze, it's most likely that someone's talking about you'. Of course, such an idea was ridiculous...

"I'M GOING TO KILL HER! I'M GOING TO FREAKING MURDER HER!" Luffy shouted, sprinting along down the corridors. Without a second thought, he jumped some stairs in front of him, running into Ace.

"Hey Luffy, what's the rush?" Ace asked as Luffy bounded past him. Luffy, however, didn't reply and kept running. He wanted to kill her when he found her...DAMN THAT CREED!


Luffy ran, no, sprinted down the hall. There was no subtlety in his movements, no classy assassination technique or circumstance that he was taking at this moment to achieve his goal. No true goal in mind besides to reach his escaped target. Once he did that, he would decide what to do with her. If she wasn't murdered by his hands, he would no doubt see to it that she would never be free to do this stunt a second time.

Luffy went down the fastest civil way to the front courtyard, remembering how he led Nami last night. He instinctively presumed she would go the same way he showed to her, for the Temple could be a pretty easy place to lose yourself the first few times you tried to find your way around. Of course, this was providing that she remembered herself. Luffy shot out to look down on the outside front area, searching every speck of the environment, living or not, in an attempt to spot the sly Jinn. It then dawned on Luffy.

"What did she look like?" Luffy searched his memories, seeing Nami's form and comparing her to his raven headed friend, Robin.

"How did she even get past her, let alone..." Luffy stopped what he was thinking, instead recalling the image of Robin's naked form.

"...Did she..." Luffy contemplated the possibility. Whilst Luffy was rather simple minded in his thought process, preferring to do what came to him on instinct, he was also a trained Assassin, and one who could think and analyse if needed. With Luffy now thinking over the situation and most likely conclusions, he started to imagine Nami in a black dress with a white hooded cloak. With that in mind, he went to go see the woman at the entrance to the Underground.

"Monkey D Luffy!" Luffy's eyebrow rose at his name being called, but then he immediately furrowed them as he turned around. Not in anger or annoyance though, rather in bile curiosity at why Inazuma, Ivonkov's right hand man wanted him.


"I don't have time to talk right now Inazuma!" Luffy called, continuing along to the underground tunnel entrance.

"This is important Master Luffy." Inazuma replied. Luffy sighed at this and gestured for Inazuma to follow him.

"Come on then, let's walk and talk." he responded. Reluctantly, Inazuma nodded and sprinted after Luffy. The female guard stood aside noticing Inazuma and the man nodded in acknowledgement as Luffy and he ran through the doorway.

"What's up then Inazuma?" Luffy continued to ask.

"Well, you see Master Luffy, your father wants you to meet him tonight," Inazuma explained "it is a matter of urgency."

"To receive my punishment?" Luffy asked, looking away from Inazuma. The golden flash nodded.

"Yes..." Inazuma replied.

"Well, I'll have to go then," the raven haired assassin growled "...but first, I need to find Nami!"

"Nami?" Inazuma asked in confusion "was she one of the girls you came in with yesterday?"

"How does everyone know about..." Luffy began, before he sighed "yes, yes she is. She's stolen Robin's uniform and is currently on the loose though. I need to find her as soon as possible before things get worse"


Nami sighed once again in frustration.

"NO ONE'S HERE!" she practically screamed. She had done all she could just to get this far, and already she was too late.

"He's probably back in his room by now... letting Nojiko and Vivi eat while I'm here at the end of a wild goose chase!" Nami lamented in a frustrated panic. She then realised her stomach was hurting, growling as it demanded food. Nami gave out another anguish moan at this

"And I've still not eaten!" She dropped to her knees, tired, scared, anxious and practically defeated. As if it wasn't bad enough for her that even trying to sneak up on her Captor was a risky and likely doomed to fail plan, let alone carrying Nojiko and Vivi out of here and getting all three of them out free, but he couldn't even find him.

"I'm barely keeping myself from being caught... how am I supposed to..?" She took multiple intakes and outtakes of breath, trying desperately to calm herself.

"I need to THINK." Nami shifted herself on her knees to concentrate, trying with all her inner might to think over any useful information that could help her in her plight.

"... First off... I have no idea where the hell I'm going." She bitterly chuckled at this first bit, finding it funny how thinking about it only made the situation more hopeless.

"There are... at least, 2, 3, 4, over 7 people who's seen me and at least 5 who could suspect me..." Nami looked down on herself. Nami searched her memories again, realizing something...

"Maybe if I changed into something less conspicuous?" At this thought, Nami got up. She remembered that Luffy left her here in the room full of geysers to get spare clothes for her.

"Maybe I could find something. One thing's for sure, I can't stay here."


With renewed determination, Nami exited the hot springs and headed into the wide open corridor. Slowly, she glanced around the corridor, scanning all of the doors. All that was left to do now was to search for the room Luffy had fetched clothes from

"Let's see," Nami thought to herself "it can't be too far away from the hot spring, as Luffy probably still wanted to keep an ear on me last night...so where could it be?" On instinct, Nami grabbed one of the random door handles on the right hand side and cautiously opened it. To her luck, the room was actually a small closet filled with rows upon rows of clothes."...That'll work..." Nami thought to herself with a smile.


Suddenly, Nami's ear perked. With a raised eyebrow, Nami turned her head down the hall.

"What..?" She stood there for a few moments, trying to figure out what the noise was, and slowly realizing it was becoming louder... Nami's breath hitched.

"Crap!" she cursed with a small squeak before going in the door and shutting it behind her lightly. Nami walked deeper into the closet, or rather stumbled. It was even darker in the room and nearly impossible to see.

"How can anyone find themselves in here, let alone clothes?" Nami muttered, feeling that everything was working against her in these circumstances. Nami blinked, however, noticing the room's layout was starting to become clearer to her. The room had become lighter all of a sudden. Not sun light, but something was definitely illuminating the room. Nami looks up, and then covers her mouth to not let out a gasp.

"A LAMP FULL OF INSECTS?" Nami screamed inside her head. Her eyes widened more, however, in both surprise and fright that they were in fact glowing. Slowly, Nami took a deep breath, telling herself that they would not get to her. They were trapped in the glass...

"But why did they turn on now?" Nami froze. For the first time since entering the room, she could hear something, or rather, someone.

"There's someone else in the room?"

Earlier, Luffy, Inazuma and a few Guards were running down the Underground, currently looking for the orange headed Dancer.

"Are you certain she's down here?" Inazuma asked "One wrong deduction could lead you into even more trouble."

"... She has no reason to go anywhere else." Luffy confirmed, knowing first hand her strong loyal tie the woman had with the other two Dancers.

"Very well." He said and then called to his men, "Check every room, and bring her back, alive!" Inazuma commanded and the assassins scattered as he and Luffy ran directly to the hot spring. Luffy quickly opens the door and scanned the whole room for any signs of her.


Failing to spot the dancer, Luffy groaned loudly and, in a small burst of rage, he kicked out at the nearby wall with a roar of rage.

"That wasn't nice," Inazuma said in a dull tone, staring at the new scratch on the wall "what did that wall ever do to you?" Luffy almost laughed but stopped himself as he sighed.

"Look, I just want to find her. I kept her alive because of my own stupid creed and now, she's on the loose...I must be one pathetic assassin, huh?"

"Of course not Master Luffy." Inazuma murmured, gently patting the man on the shoulder "You have upheld your own honour. It is just too bad about the punishment..." Nami's eyes widened at this andshe pressed her ear closer to where she could hear the voices. Punishment? Were they talking about Vivi and Nojiko? Were they going to get hurt? She shuddered at the thought. Luffy nodded in agreement

"...When is it going to be again?"

"Tonight, in the sacred halls." Inazuma informed him "That is usually where punishments of this magnitude are performed..."

"...I-isn't there another way?" Luffy suddenly asked. Inazuma gave him a look of disbelief and sighed.

"The crimes that have been committed against the creed MUST be punished." the golden flash explained.

"...I suppose so..." Luffy reluctantly replied, before looking upwards down the corridor "...we best get going through. We need to find her before Dragon dishes out the punishment tonight..."


Nami listened as the men behind the wall start moving again out of her ear shot, but Nami had heard enough... or that's what she hoped as she took her ear off the wall that was conveniently not thick enough for her to hear their conversation, even if it was a muffled along with separating her from the room to the Hot spring. She turned her head abruptly to listen to another figure approaching closer APPROACHING HER! With no time to loose, Nami quietly leans down she was on her bum, removing her shoes before hastily getting up again, carrying her footwear, sneaking around to conceal herself within the hanging clothing. Nami quickly searched for any means to escape as her flexible and soft, but by no means too delicate, feet walk on the dirty ground. Suddenly she spotted a basket.

"... I can't believe I'm desperate enough to do this." Nami thought to herself in distress. It was not that she didn't believe hiding in a basket could work mind you. Rather she was too careful to rely on such a trick, for if you were spotted inside a container, whether by opening the lid or not, you would practically have packed yourself for abduction. Still, Nami only slightly hesitated before opening the lid and hurriedly spilling out the contents... but as she was about to climb into it, she had an idea.

"If I'm over thinking this, I'm going to never live this down!" Nami cried in her head in distraught before quickly stripping herself of the coat and dress she had stolen from Robin, (but keeping her footwear and the wrist guards.) throwing it into the bundle of clothing she just spilled before climbing into the basket, taking with her all the things she kept and as well as quite a bit of the bundle of cloths, before a bit clumsily closing the lid above her. Adjusting the lid slightly and placing the cloths above her head to cover her, Nami sat there as still as she possibly could, awaiting to see if she still had a bit of luck left that would see her through this.


It took a while but finally, the assassin grew tired of his search and quietly skulked out of the room and into the corridor. Slowly and cautiously, Nami gently heaved herself out of the basket and, then she sat once more, waiting for a short while before she acted again. After a small rest, Nami sighed and quickly changed into another pair of assassin's robes. Unlike Robin's, these robes seemed much more bulky and were obviously not meant for a female. Also, the assassin garb seemed to rather suit that of an assassin recruit than a fully-fledged Assassin like Robin. Without hesitation, however, Nami quickly put the clothes on. All the while, however, her mind was preoccupied.

Punishment...they were going to punish Vivi and Nojiko...and, presumably if she was caught, they'd punish her too...

Of course, she wasn't going to let that happen. How to get to the girl's, however, remained a problematic thought. Soon, Nami was in her new clothes. She was dressed head to toe in a pure white robe with a hood. Across her waist, she wore a small leather belt, of which weapons could be strapped to. Unfortunately for her, the only weapon she had was the pole she had stolen; she was forced to find another holster, in order for her to keep the weapon strapped to her back. Finally, once she was dressed in her new attire, she gave a satisfied nod. Now, she had to get to business. With a deep breath, Nami quickly pulled up her hood and opened the door to the outside corridor. Cautiously, she stepped outside and...

"Hey you!" a voice suddenly shouted.

"Shit!" Nami thought, turning to face an assassin with a nervous shudder.

"Was she in there?" the assassin asked calmly.

"What?" Nami asked in surprise.

"Was that dancing girl in there?" the assassin specified. Quickly taking in the situation in, Nami shook her head.

"No, she wasn't." she replied. The assassin sighed.

"All right then, we best get checking the other rooms for her then. Come on!" he instructed and turned on his heel. Nami followed him.

"These guys are blind..." Nami thought to herself, following the man with a sly smile. Of course, she didn't really mind that...


Luffy walked out from the Hot spring, having checked the area with Inazuma only to find nothing. All that was left was just to wait and hear Inazuma's men's report. They stood in the general area for a while before Inazuma's men returned and gathered around. Inazuma took a quick inspection to find that none of them had the young Dancer, struggling or otherwise.

"Nothing then?" Inazuma asked expectantly. One of his men stepped forward hesitantly.

"... I could not find the girl, but I found these..." At this Luffy walked forward to inspect the man's findings.

"Clothes?" Luffy thought to himself, but then his eyebrows furrowed in realization and he took them off his hands.

"... These resemble the clothing you had described to us on the way here." The guard explained. Luffy unfolded them and quickly confirmed that they were indeed Robin's cloths. Luffy growled at this.

"She changed clothes." Luffy deduced out loud in mild frustration "She's probably long gone by now!"

"And likely into more generic garbs..." Inazuma added thoughtfully. He then inspected his men once again. Nothing seemed odd. He counted them just in case though but finding the number hadn't lessened or grown. She wasn't hiding among them. This could have meant that Luffy was right and she left a while ago, but there was always the possibility...

"Did anyone find anything odd at any time when amongst yourselves?" This confused everyone in the room. They all looked at each other, partly in wonder at his words and partly to heed them as they searched their memories that would suggest an answer to his question. Luffy sighed, however, and decided to walk off.

"May I inquire to where you are going?" Inazuma asked. Luffy stopped and turns around to face him.

"My room. I need to give these back, and it's the most likely place for the girl to show up anyway." Luffy explained. Inazuma understood this reasoning and nodded his head. He, however, felt he needed to remind Luffy. Before he could however, Luffy spoke again.

"I'll be there tonight, willingly and on time." Luffy confirmed with full honesty. Inazuma stared at him for a moment before nodding his head again.

"Very well, Safety and Peace."

"Safety and Peace." Luffy said in return before walking off.

Nami calmly walked out of the Underground and passed the Woman who had been guarding the door. She didn't say anything, didn't question why she was alone or voice whether she recognized her or not, and she was glad for that. Nami smiled as she disappears into the crowd of Assassins unnoticed, safe from discovery, at least for the moment.


It was ironic in a way. Luffy had always been the person hiding in secret, blending into the crowds and doing everything he could to avoid being spotted. Right now, however, a complete amateur was defeating him at his own game. It irritated Luffy to no end as he stamped down the hallways. Every assassin who crossed his path was confronted and interviewed by the assassin as Luffy's desperation lowered into new levels of hopelessness. Unfortunately for Luffy, none of the assassins he met on the way back up to his room had any knowledge of where Nami was. By now, the word of a hidden assailant in the midst of the order had spread to all of the other assassins and now, almost everyone was engaged in the desperate search. Luffy sighed loudly at the situation. If he wasn't going to be punished already, he was certainly in for it now. Even as he reached his room once again, his rage had not subsided. Stepping inside the room, however, Luffy was surprised by what he saw. Nojiko and Vivi were still in place and now, both of them were sitting against a wall, being watched by two assassin guards. Robin, however, was absent from her bed.

"Where is she?" Luffy asked, turning to look at the other assassins with a glare.

"I'm the one who should be asking the questions here Luffy." a gruff voice spoke up from behind him. With a shudder, Luffy turned around to look the green haired assassin in the eye. Zoro did not look pleased with the situation.


Luffy frowned at his friends displeased look. It was clear he was not happy. Cautiously, Luffy looked back towards the two guards and the Dancers.

"Outside, I'll explain the situation." Zoro nodded briefly at this, allowing Luffy to pass as he opens the door and lets them both out before closing it again.

"I want answers Luffy. What happened here?" Zoro asked patiently, though still quite sternly. Luffy scratched his head for a moment, "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure myself... but the Orange haired Dancer has escaped." Luffy informed him. Zoro didn't react, his expression didn't change, and his next question was spoken almost instantly. "How?"

"I... I don't know, I left to clean up the other two, and when I got back she was gone..."

"You left her alone?" Zoro asked with a raised eyebrow. "Surely you didn't forget to lock the door."

"NO!" Luffy exclaimed, "... Well, I didn't lock it, but Robin was there!"

"Is that so?" Zoro asked inquisitively. He paused for a few moments before opening his mouth to ask another question. Before he could however, Luffy spoke up.

"Listen, I don't know how, but..." Luffy looked down, just remembering what he was holding and hands them to Zoro who inspected them in mild confusion. "The Dancer seemed to manage to knock out Robin and steal her cloths. But she's switched them though, and we're all looking for her right now." Luffy looked towards Zoro, who just stood there quietly, no longer looking at Luffy.

"So..." Zoro finally spoke "Robin got caught off guard by this Dancer?" Luffy thought over the question for a bit, before nodding his head slowly.

"I think so, but Robin was left on my hammock, and..."

"Don't worry about that, I have it covered." Zoro said before walkingaround him "Thanks."

"Huh?" Luffy asked in confusing, looking back as Zoro walks away.

A while later, Zoro walked into a dark room, one with only a small portion of light that flickered absently as Zoro closed the door behind him. A light muffled noise was heard at this, but Zoro ignored this as he locked the door behind him. He then slowly walked towards the middle of the room, approaching a lone figure. He stopped in front of the figure, staring at it for a moment, before reaching out to roughly to grab a woman's chin.

"My dear little Robin, I've good news." Zoro said softly. Robin did not answer, and just waited for the man to continue. "I've found your clothes." Zoro informed her, lightly throwing the fabric elsewhere. Robin heard this and grunted slightly. "Unfortunately though, I also have bad news." He said, just as softly" Robin again doesn't try to answer and again awaits his him to continue.

"I'm not happy, do you know why?" Zoro asked, feeling up Robin's arm that was suspending over her head, tied together with her other by the wrists. Her left flexible leg was bounded by her ankle and calves, forcing it to strain upward as her right foot stood on the ground, forced to shakily stand by her tip toes do to her suspension. Whatever else was hidden in darkness, but Robin's face was clear to Zoro. He looked into her blindfold eyes, listening how she grunted beneath the cloth tied around her mouth that was holding in a ball of cloth.

"I'm disappointed in you."


Robin's body tensed at the insult and Zoro sighed, tracing his hand gently along Robin's chin, caressing it softly.

"You're an assassin Robin...and you were caught off guard, weren't you?" Zoro continued to mock her, looking away from the blindfold with a grunt "even worse, you were defeated by a dancing girl. A girl who stands in the light defeated the mistress of shadows. It is an embarrassing fact" then, Zoro leaned in closer to Robin's ear and gently whispered into it "how do you feel about that?" As usual, Robin did not respond, except for shivering slightly at the cold breath on her ear lobe.


"... And to make matters worse," Zoro said, leaning himself more into her body, "By the time I found you, you were unconscious in another man's room, completely bare and easy to sweep away." Zoro informed her. Robin's body cringed at both Zoro's words and the contact between their bodies, anticipating what Zoro was up to and shivering against his worm form.

"You were too easy to catch this time, and for all this, you will be punished." Robin shifted her head in confusion as Zoro suddenly lets go of her and walks away.

"...What?" Robin thought, morbidly curious what he had in mind when he said he would 'punish' her.

"Surely he doesn't intend to whip me." Robin commented to herself. Robin just stood there, not that she had much choice, on her one leg, waiting ever so patiently for Zoro to return to her. Her keenly trained ears at the very least, a sense that she greatly relied on that Zoro chose not to hinder, gave her a clue to the upcoming event, listening as what she presumed to be fabric of some kind softly hitting the floor. She gasped when she was suddenly groped by Zoro's hand, shivering as it wonders downward.

"I am going to torment you." Zoro whispered to her. "I can take you anytime I want, but I'm going to make you crave me." Zoro explained to the helpless woman as his hands slither around her exposed body. "I'll torture you, until you beg me to truly violate you, my dear Robin." And with that said, Zoro began to send Robin into a world torture like no other...

But I'm not going to bore you with the details of these two's private alone time. Instead we shall focus on what I'm sure you all REALLY want to see. Let us resume the actual plot.


After returning to his room, Luffy initially considered relieving the guards of their duties but, remembering how easily Robin, one of their most skilled assassins had failed to prevent Nami's escape, he had decided to keep the guards there as added insurance that the girls could not escape. Whilst Nami might have disappeared, he did still have the other two girls, so he doubted that Nami would flee without them. She'd try to find a way to release them...so all that meant was that he had to sit and wait patiently. Sooner or later, Nami would show herself, either to him or to the other assassins and when she did, she'd be defeated and quickly locked up again...Until then, all that was left to was to focus on more important matters...

"Royal flush!" Luffy announced, dropping his cards onto the table. The two assassins groaned, flinging their cards down in frustration.

"Are you sure you aren't cheating?" one of the hooded men asked.

"Nothing up my sleeve!" Luffy replied, whilst he flicked out his hidden blade, getting a laugh from the two across the table.

Plus, if Luffy had to waste some time, at least he could do it in style...

Nami was tired. No dance she had ever performed was wearing her out quite as much as this was. Her acting skills had improved but she was slowing down. She was still down in the training ground, searching for herself in a futile attempt at fitting in but right now, she wanted to run. She wanted to get away from everyone and plan her next course of action. Knowing of her escape, the assassins would most likely put Vivi and Nojiko in lockdown, keeping a close eye on them if they attempted to escape. It was becoming clearer that the only way she'd be able to get them out of here was to smuggle them away either just before or during the 'punishment' that Luffy had spoken of later. The assassins would hardly expect her to do such a foolish thing as to directly take them right from under their noses. Nami grimaced at the thought and gripped the last smoke bomb in her pouch. She'd have to use it to aid in their escape...but it would still be risky...She needed to plan very carefully her next course of action. It would be her last chance at getting her sister and her friend out unharmed...


Time... was like a creeping drop of blood at this point for one particular Assassin.

He couldn't decide whether it was slivering by too quickly, or flowing down too slowly. He spent the entire day that was left in his room, just letting time go bye. All the while, he waited, hoping that any hour, any minute, and any second now that he would see her again. He longed to see her pulled, pushed and dragged back into his room and shoved down towards his feet in her sorry state. Down, defeated, and forced to deal with however he decided to give the ungrateful tricky sneak a piece of his mind! All throughout the day, he had plenty of times to imagine how exactly he was going to do so and had come up with a disturbing amount of varied ways to humiliate and stick a knife down her throat.

"Or maybe I'll just settle for using her as my next training dummy?" he thought, smiling a bit too happily as he imagined all the ways he could beat the defenceless girl to an unrecognisable pulp "That will show her!"

However, such thoughts were mainly used to simply vent the young man's anger and frustration at all the trouble one woman has seemingly piled on into the span of a measly few days, not helped by how he was denied the opportunity to even CONSIDER acting out such horrid fates for his Former Captive. He merely occupied his time in waiting for one of the two inevitable events by playing with the other two men in his room, working briefly at his desk, which he had earlier found to be missing a few things much to his confusion, and laying in his hammock as he cut away the plank of wood he had been working on since arriving back...

Time... was a creeping drop of blood for this Assassin. It felt like it was standing still, and was moving swiftly. He felt isolated from the rest of the world as he just stared at the shapely figure in his hand he had stopped working on for the moment... a feeling that made him flinch uncontrollably when the time finally came.

"Are you ready Master Luffy?"

"..." He said nothing for a few moments, before looking away from the individual and towards his other two Captives in his room. He got up and walked towards them, kneeling down to make sure they were still securely bounded, sorting them out for the night and instructing the guards to keep a constant watchful eye and NOT try anything. When he was done, he faced the door, then replying to the previous question;

"...I'm ready."


She was ready.

She had been patient and calm and now, her waiting had paid off.

In a swift motion, Nami leapt from the hay-stack she had been hiding in, glancing around in an attempt to notice anyone who could stop her. Luckily, she had located the perfect spot to hide. The eastern tower of Dawn temple was almost empty for the moment. Nami guessed that most of the guards had left to go to lunch, whilst the guards on duty were currently snoring away at their places. They had not gotten much of a break today, looking for some orange haired witch and now, they were taking a much needed break. Not one of the sleeping guards heard the soft pitter patter of footsteps as Nami walked calmly over towards a nearby sword rack. Calmly, Nami pulled out one of the blades, briefly inspecting it, before carefully shoving it into an awaiting sheath which she had strapped to her new assassin garb with a long red sash. Slowly, she raised her hands upwards, gaining a tight grip on her white hood. With a sudden defiant breath of air, she pulled her hands forward, dragging the pale hood over her orange locks. Shadows leered out of the hood, casting over her eyes.

Nami fingered the hilt of her sword with her right hand and with her left; she gently squeezed the smoke bomb trapped securely in her pocket. With a new unwavering courage, she stepped forwards out of the shadows of her hiding place. From the large open part of the tower she was standing in, she had acquired a perfect view of a bright blood red sunset in the west, highlighting the various large windows from which bird like perches loomed behind Nami. The dancer had heard some of the assassins mumble something about a 'leap of faith' but she had done little to investigate. She had more pressing matters to attend to...

Once again, the clock had started ticking and this time, Nami was more than ready to meet whatever was waiting for her.


Luffy was in no hurry to get to where he was supposed to go.

Nami needed to get their as fast as possible.

The Boy knew exactly where he was being taken.

The Girl had yet to deduce where to turn.

Never the less though, the young man followed his escort with no intention of running. He was fully prepared for the upcoming pain.

All the while young woman was risking life and limb to find a guide. With this thought in mind, she debated going back to the first place she saw, which would be the office that she was carried away from when she first got here. Maybe she could ascend to Luffy's room, which she may be able to catch her friends being led out…

On the one hand, it would be extremely dangerous heading towards where the leader of a whole Clan of Assassins worked. But then the later choice would probably not only be heavily guarded, but also more expected of her. With little choice, she decided to go for the former, with the added bonus of it being near where she could search around for information. She just needed to pray she wasn't spotted and pray harder she could find a lead...

As calmly as she could, she made her way towards the large area she was first dragged from.


The courtyard was dark now and very dimly lit indeed. Only the occasional torch on the side of the walls illuminated the path and even then, the torches were scarce with lots of space between each one. Nami couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. The darkness was perfect for her to sneak up closer to the main citadel's entrance. The main library, just near the main entrance, was filled with numerous assassins, some who were now in more relaxed attire, reading a pleasant book. Nami ignored the relaxed assassins and strolled confidently forwards, dodging the passing scholars, two of which almost barred her way due to the heated debate they were in. Overall, however, Nami remained calm. Her breathing was relaxed and despite the odd shifty nature of her eyes, she appeared to be acting normal enough that no-one spotted her.

"So far so good," she thought to herself "now, I just need to find where that 'punishment' is taking place"

As soon as the thought had vanished from Nami's head, she heard a loud voice calling from nearby. Luckily, the voice was not calling to her...but it was definitely saying something. Nami glanced around for a moment, attempting to locate the source of the voice when finally, she spotted exactly where the voice was coming from.

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember,"


"Where other men are limited by morality and law, remember,"

"EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED." Dragon sighed with content as the words were repeated back to him. Behind him, two nameless assassins, his personal bodyguards, stood in wait. They were the ones who had recited the creed back to him during his evening chant. With another sigh, Dragon dipped his hands gently into the large dish of water in front of him, before wiping the water onto his face. If he was going to lead the assassins in their chant before the punishment of his only son, he at least wanted to look good...

His son...

Dragon winced slightly at the thought.

No, he couldn't lose himself in petty emotions now.

Luffy had done wrong.

He was an assassin first and he needed to be punished for his failure...

With that thought, Dragon at last gave a nod and turned on his heel, heading away from the grand master desk he had been standing at…Neither of the guards notice the watchful brown eye that had been observing them from across the room.



Nami waited as the man descended the circular stair case that led to the dark gloomy room that she had previously been in before she was carried off into the Gardens along with her friends, waiting as he came down to her level... and somehow, she didn't even need to turn back as he approached. As if she could just FEEL his very presence, she began to sweat profusely as he merely passed her, only calming down when she heard him leave the vicinity. She listened in for a few more seconds while taking the time to calm down before she herself made her exit. As calculated, he was at about the right distance as the three assassins made their way through the courtyard while she took the liberty of making her own way down.

Despite the distance between them however, Nami paced herself as she alternated between walking in a calm, almost casual manner, to working her way to as many potential hiding places as possible as her unsuspecting guides led her to the destination she was hoping to get to in time.

"I need to play this safe." was what she constantly reminded herself as she trailed the leader of the assassins, as he made his way through around twist and turns through the temple, all the while completely unaware of her presence.

"...Sir?" One of The grand master's faithful body Guards spoke up.

"If you are about to refer to why I'm extending the path to our destination, then do not."

And that was all that was said of the matter, all the way through as they made their way to the Sacred Hall.


Nami continued to trail the assassin leader, her gentle footsteps soundlessly tapping on the floor as she walked along. Her breathing was so quiet that for a moment, the dancer wondered whether she was breathing at all, or whether she was now merely living on sheer courage. As it turned out, she was indeed still breathing and Nami took comfort in that fact. Now, her exact pace was matching the pace of Dragon and his own men, but she was also making sure to stay out of sight and to distance herself when most appropriate. Despite her white clothing, she had become a shadow, fleeting quickly out of sight from cover to cover. So far, she had been quite successful. Dragon had not yet spotted her in her trailing, despite his alert senses. Normally, Nami would have gotten quite happily conceited by this fact but now, she was being much more careful and watchful of her own didn't have time for pride right now, she had to keep an eye on where Dragon was heading. It was the only way of finding her sister and her friend...

Dragon wasn't even three doors from the sound when he heard a loud familiar voice.


"Please, calm yourself Master. You need to be fully prepared for tonight's ceremony and it is expected that you appear in full uniform!"

"But no-one can see my face! AND IT'S TOO WARM IN HERE...I...think...I...could...faint from this..."

As the group rounded the corner, the two assassin bodyguards were most shocked to see a senior member of their order lying on the ground, panting for air. Standing over the man was Inazuma, who didn't appear to be amused at his master's behaviour. Out from underneath the large hood provided, a big bushy purple afro stuck out.

"MASTER IVANKOV!" the bodyguards cried in worry. As soon as the words left their lips, the two bodyguards were beside Ivankov, making sure the man was okay. Ivankov coughed loudly, spluttering in his illness.

"I...I...I..." Without warning, the large faced man leapt off the floor and stuck a triumphant pose of victory.

"I'M OKAY!" he yelled loudly, slapping his knee at the joke "IT'S TOO WARM!~HEE-HAW!"

"Oh, you got us Master Ivankov!" the two assassins commented with a sigh of relief, almost laughing at the misunderstanding. Dragon did not seem amused in the slightest.

"Good evening Ivankov." he replied in a monotone voice. He was used to Ivankov's attitude by now and had decided long ago that making a scene of it would just be wasting time, seeing how his friend never changed his ways "How're you on this nice night?" Ivankov immediately stood to attention as the grand master spoke, his grin never faltering for an instant.

"Why I'm doing splendid Master Dragon! Can't you tell from the large grin on my face? You of all people should be able to spot a face such as mine after all! HEE-HAW~" Dragon smirked at Ivankov's announcement, before shaking his head and refocusing his attention.


Nami watched as subtly as she could from down the hall. She peaks her head out from the wall to spy on the Grand Master as he briefly conversed to a larger man. She couldn't make out who the later person was however.

"Whoever he is, he's so loud."

She then kept herself even more hidden as they began to move again. It was only then when an excruciating fact becomes apparent to her for the first time, something she failed to consider until now as her eyes widen at the two assassin's being instructed to stay behind, as the two men enter the room she presumed her friends were, CLOSING the door behind them...

"Oh crap." Nami muttered in distress as she then leans on the wall she was hiding behind, thinking over her options again...

Whatever she had to do, she had to do it fast.

"They're counting on me." Nami chanted to herself as she pushed herself off the wall.

Using whatever knowledge of the building she already had and after some searching around some more, Nami found there was only one possible way to even have a chance of getting around that door… Out a window. As it turned out, the only other way to get into the tower was through a window opening, which meant climbing out of one and keeping her back to the wall as a rocky cliff edge where the temple was built on top of greeted her.

"...Don't look down, don't look down, calm down." Nami said to herself repeatedly as she carefully leaned and shimmed across. Fortunately, our persistent and multi-talented Nami just happened to be an experienced climber. It had been a long while since she had to use her pakour skills, but right now she was desperate enough to use them.

"Well, at least it can't get any worse." And as if the architecture itself had a malevolent sense of humour, the narrow edge Nami was stepping over just then happens to crumble down, making Nami fall down with it. Despite letting out a very high pitch scream at her sudden misfortune, she miraculously enough still managed to grab a hold of some leverage, clinging to it for dear life at her lucky save.

"...Okay..." Nami breathed, taking another moment to rest before making her way up the tower high above, and with much excruciating effort, she managed to actually make it to the window leading inside the building, slowly pulling herself over it... and then proceeded to lean on top of it in a shaky mess.

Nami lay where she was, exhausted from the climb and her heart ached from beating in her chest from the shaky terrifying climb. For a moment, she just wanted to lie down, wait to be found and captured again for at least then she would probably be safe again…

"...Come on, I've almost made it, right." Only then did Nami focus on what she was hearing, other than the cold wind from the outside, as she looked up from her leaning position.


The noise itself sounded like it was coming from inside the room. It was sure she had heard before. Slowly, Nami scrambled inside the tower through the open window, landing on the floor with a gentle thud. For a moment, Nami's eyes were shut tightly, praying she hadn't been heard...Once again, luck was on her side. Slowly, Nami surveyed the room around her. It was a dark one with no candle or lantern illuminating the way. The only light she could find was a cold sapphire ray that shone down from the rising moon and a bright crimson glow that emerged from a small hole in the floor of the tower. Nami glanced around the area and quickly began to realise she was in some sort of storage room. Chests and crates filled the corners of the room, leaving the hole in the floor open to sight. Slowly, Nami moved forwards towards the hole in the floor, trying to make as little noise as possible as she moved. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted some kind of rope hanging along the wooden beams. Nami recognised that these ropes were linked to the hole and a large hook which hung high above the hole, just out of her reach. Nami noted these objects for a moment, but became increasingly more concerned with the noise, which was growing louder as she approached the hole.

"Destroy the corruption, protect the meek," a strong determined voice called from out of sight.

"Search through shadows, find the truth we seek." a crowd of voices responded.

"Protect the order with all our might."

"We work in the dark to serve the light."

"We are assassins!" all of the voices confirmed together as Nami finally reached a crouching point beside the hole. Looking down, she got a clear view of the middle of the stone room. From the large size of the room she was in, Nami highly suspected that the room below was far bigger than this, with balconies and crowd stands for the assassins to watch her sister and friend's punishment.

"Assholes..." she muttered to herself, but once more, the chanting called out quite loudly, alerting Nami that events were moving forwards.

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember"


"Where other men are limited by morality and law, remember"


With that, all noise became silenced. Nami did not know what was happening now but she knew whatever was happening, it was just about to get started...

ENDING MEMORY SESSION... (Insert instructive advice here.)

Polar: ...

Shadow: Well, I hope you all enjoyed that...you won't be expecting another for a while now though right?



Polar: ...*Get's up and leaves...*



Er, hey guys...I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review, constructive criticism is welcome, all that good stuff and hopefully we'll get the next chapter done a bit quicker next time :D
See you next time.

Advice and Criticism would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading.