Hello everyone, ixApple here with an updated first chapter. Although it isn't much of a difference to the previous chapter, I have fixed some minor mistakes and what not and I hope that it will be better than the last. Please keep in mind that I was in a rush while writing this and it may contain many mistakes as I did not have YinKitsune proofread for me. I am in the process of rewriting other chapters so please sit tight because a new chapter will be coming soon.

"Scarlet, Elena is here for you" my maid told me as soon as I was awake. I turned over and pushed my head under a pillow.

"What time is it?" I mumbled my words slurred with sleepiness.

"About 12 a.m.. m'lady" Ann replied. I peeked out of my pillow to see her smiling sheepishly. I hated when people call me 'm'lady' and Ann knows that better than anyone. It sounded as if I was a spoiled heiress.. wait.. DID SHE SAY 12 A.M?!

I hastily jumped out of bed almost tripping over my covers; I ran down the stairs and grabbed a bun promptly stuffed it in my mouth. I ran outside and flung the door and standing there was none other than my best friend, Elena. I swallowed the last of my breakfast and walked out barefoot to meet her.

She looked at me up and down and bursted out laughing. "Scarlet.. you didn't oversleep again did you?" she asked after catching her breath. I scowled at her, "Isn't it obvious, Elena?" She flashed me a smile and reached into her purse, pulling out a small mirror. Upon seeing my reflection, I gasped.

The person staring back at me had hair stuck up in odd angles, drool on the corners of her mouth, and even worse.. blood shot eyes! Why, my father would be laughed at if anyone saw his daughter looking like.. this. I looked away from the mirror and examined Elena. She was looking perfect as usual. Not a strand of her honey blond hair was out of place. Her clothes neatly pressed, not a wrinkle in sight; the early morning light made her appear as if she was glowing. I envied her perfection.

We trudged inside and went up to my room. Elena made a beeline for my closet. I sighed and sat down at my bed observing her. Half an hour later, Elena was still rummaging through my closet and I was bored to death. At last, Elena finally emerged holding a simple aquamarine colored dress and a thin black overcoat. I stared wondering when I had acquired such clothing, she must've my face in awe since she gave me a knowing smile and walked out.

Ten minutes later with my hair tamed and face clean I entered the carriage parked outside my house. "Well, that looks better if I do say so myself" Elena remarked, smiling. I scowled. Honestly, sometimes her overly confident personality was a tad bit annoying.

After what seemed like an eternity, the carriage finally pulled to a halt. I eagerly flung the door open and jumped out. The town always seemed to amaze me with it's bustling crowds and diverse population. There always seemed to be something going on and I loved it. Elena stepped out after me and smoothed out her dress. I rolled my eyes.

Elena and I strolled around window shopping, tasting samples, even dancing with the people in the square at one point. It was the most fun I've had in a long, long time. Before long, the sun had began to set; time really does go by quicker when you're having fun. Elena and I stopped by our favorite bakery and bought a few pastries. We sat outside to watch the sun set; we ate in silence. After Elena and I had finished our food she cleared her throat. I stared at her, waiting.

"Scarlet, you're my best friend and I think you'd ought to be the first to know…" Elena started, trailing off. An awkward silence threatened to enter the conversation.

"What are you trying to say?" I replied, impatient.

"I met a guy" Elena said sheepishly. The skepticism on my face must've been evident since Elena quickly assured me that I was going to love him and that he was different and sweet. I nodded slowly. "His friends are having a ball tomorrow and I think this would be the perfect opportunity for you to meet him" Elena rambled.

I sighed, "Does he really mean that much to you?" This was typical Elena; always hastily entering relationships that were bound to fail.

"Scarlet, he isn't like the others, I'm sure of it" Elena replied stubbornly. Again, I sighed.

"Well, if he means that much to you.. I suppose I'll give this a shot." She let out a huge smile and babbled on about how tomorrow was going to be so amazing. A ball huh? I haven't attended a ball in a long time.. This would be good publicity for father.

I collapsed on my bed and let out a thankful sigh. Ah, finally home sweet home. On the way home, Elena wouldn't stop meandering about that guy and about the ball. She warned me that the ball was extremely formal and that I should wear my best gown or whatever. As I grew weary of sleep, thoughts of the ball floated through my mind.