Chapter 6

30th August 2018

Everyone, Masen Manor.

"Edward is that you?" asked the figure reaching our her hand as if to caress Edward's face, she couldn't believe that he was really here, maybe she had finally gone back to being as crazy as she was when she was human. He was really here, in front of her after all these years, he hadn't changed much, his emerald eyes were now golden, an angelic contrast to her burgundy devil eyes. He was a little taller but his head was still adorned with that messy bronze hair that she loved so much.

"Hello Countess Isabella" replied Carlisle, bowing as was custom at the time.
"It has been sometime Doctor Cullen" she pushed herself off the windowsill taking slow, wobbly steps toward Edward, she gently brushed past Carlisle who had instinctively put himself between Edward and Bella, she stalked towards Edward, under the watchful gaze of all the Cullens, her eyebrows burrowed in thought as she took him in. "I've lost my mind, I know I have, you're all a figment of my imagination" She took one more step towards Edward when her human clumsiness kicked in and her knees buckled causing her to fall.

Edward swept forward to catch her before she hit the floor "It's me Bella, I'm really here" he whispered to her, it felt so good to have her back in his arms after all these years, he was certain she had died when she shot herself, that he'd never see her again but here she was, physically in his arms and he couldn't be happier.

"Is it really you, have you come back to me after all this time?" she whispered back.
"I have my love, I kept my promise, I still love you Isabella de Castile Swan Masen" with those words he picked her up off the floor, still gripping her in his arms, for fear he might lose her again, and kissed her passionately, trying to convey how much he missed her and how much she meant to him. The rest of the Cullens gasped as Edward did so, no one had ever seen Edward be so romantic, Edward to them was the sensible but moody character, now they realised why, he'd lost his reason for existing but now that it was found they saw he complete person, one that had just been hiding from them.

The whole scene was one of complete joy until Jasper picked up the sudden mood swing in Bella's character.

"Why didn't you come back for me?" She shouted suddenly, startling the Cullens with her sudden mood swing, Interesting thought Carlisle, he thought back to his days that he spent with the Volturi, how they seems to grow more and more mad whilst he was here, however Bella wasn't as bad a they were, Carlisle had thrown himself into finding out the cause and putting an end to this madness before the only ruling force for the vampire world fell, leaving the world in complete disarray.

The cause of the madness was the fact that the Volturi liked to feed every other day, this increased intake of human blood overrided the control functions of the vampire brain, causing such things as a loss of control over their emotions, making them more like newborns, thirsty for blood but also unpredictable. A very dangerous combination and situation for the Volturi to be under, it was easily fixed however, the Volturi limited themselves to only feeding every two weeks, this seemed to allow the brain to heal the control functions easier, however it seemed as though Aro had been cheating these past few years, he'd turned slightly unpredictable again.

Bella's condition had been getting worse as Carlisle had got lost in his thoughts, as he tuned back into the situation he saw Jasper staring intently at Bella, who was being restrained by Edward, Esme was now standing by Bella trying to get her to calm down with her motherly touch.

"Get out, I don't want you here anymore, leave" she screamed

"It's best we do as she says, I'll explain everything to you later Edward but we must do as she wishes" consoled Carlisle as he knew that Edward hadn't been watching any of his thoughts for the past few minutes, the pain that was held in Edward's eyes reflected in his movements, slowly trailing behind the rest of the Cullens who had already filled out the room and the house. Edward gave her one last look before he slowly closed the door, I've caused her so much pain, he thought.

"Edw-" she choked, please don't leave me, not again. Her human memories flashed in front of her eyes, all those which contained happy memories of Edward, the countless hours she'd spent like a zombie sitting on that windowsill, wishing for death, to be with Edward once again. There he was, walking out the door, leaving her again and she couldn't take it, Bella collapsed back onto the ground screaming as her hearts felt as though it was breaking, ripping her chest open, it was worse than the whole transformation put together.

Outside of the house, Edward had just made it out the door when he started to hear her pain filled screams, he felt her pain and then suddenly Edward was on the ground, in the same state as Bella, he cried out for her as his family tried to comfort him.

"We need to get him to Bella, now!" shouted Alice, they did exactly what she said, always trust the psychic. Emmett and Jasper each grasped one end of Edward, carefully carrying him back through the house, up the stairs to the room they found Bella in, there she was, her body slightly see-through, as if she was really a ghost.

"Quick, move them both onto the bed" suggested Carlisle as he tried to assess the situation, he'd never seen anything like this in his nearly 400 years, he'd have to consult with the oldest vampire that he knew, Aro.
It was a joint effort between the Cullens to move both crippled vampires onto the bed, their cries turned into quiet whimpers as they held each other in their arms, finally whole.

"We need to go and get those questions answered now"