The seventh year at Hogwarts would, without a doubt, be the greatest the Marauders had planned yet.

With James Potter's newly awarded status of Head Boy, he and Sirius planned to do extraordinary things with the new power. James, also as Captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team, would surely go out with a bang, winning the Cup and the admiration and eyes of every Gryffindor.

Except for one. In particular, the one James tried so hard to catch.

The emerald green eyes of Lily Evens.

It was common knowledge to the seventh years, and many of the professors, that James persistently bombarded Miss Evens, to no avail.

But this year would be different. James was even more determined then before.

"Mum," James groaned. "The train is leaving."

James's mother, Dorea Potter, gave James one final hug.

"You can't blame me," she coddled. Her faded red hair now held grey as it framed her loving face. Her blue eyes scanned over her son for he last time before he left for Hogwarts. "You never write home!"

"Don't start on it, Mum…" James detached himself from his mother, and quickly looked around Kings Station, to make sure no one had seen his mother's babying.

"Oh, alright." She sighed. "Your father sends his love; he wishes he could be here." James rolled his eyes. His father was always busy with work for the Department of Mysteries. No one knew exactly what he did, hence the title of the job.

"I know," James said, as he backed onto the train. He waved one last time to his teary eyed mother, and went in search of his compartment.

It wasn't long before he saw three familiar faces, lounging in the compartment they had resided in for the past six years.

"Oi, look!" Sirius Black bolted out of his seat. His black hair, almost covering his mischievous eyes, framed his handsome pale face.

"If it isn't our dear brother, Prongs, the Almighty Head Boy." He praised, as he mockingly bowed before James.

James pushed Sirius's head back so he could claim his seat. "Shove off!"

Remus Lupin pulled Sirius back to the seat, with a slight grin. James took the seat next to the ever chubby, Peter Pettigrew.

James looked between the faces of his friends, his brothers, all smiling, all welcoming the new year at Hogwarts.

This was definitely going to be his year.

Before James could get comfortable, Remus spoke. "Not that I'm not glad to see you, but aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?"

"Yeah, mate," Sirius joked. "Isn't the Head's cabin laced with gold, or something of that nature?"

James had almost forgotten. The assigned cabin to Head Boy and Head Girl.

"Damn," he said. "Sorry, Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail. Looks like I'll have to spend some time with a very lucky girl." He ruffled his already black untidy hair.

"Do you know who it is," squeaked Peter. "The Head Girl?"

James smirked. "No, but I have the strangest feeling. . ." He strode out, shutting the glass door behind him.

Sirius leaned back into his seat, as the train lurched forward, with a satisfied grin. "Poor Lily Evans."

Lily, already dressed in her school robes, nervously stared out the window.

The Head Boy was late. Unusual, the Heads were supposed to be timely, prompt Hogwarts students.

She twirled one of her wavy red strands of hair between her fingers. Whoever it was, they were certainly not making a good first impression.

Lily jumped at the small tap of the glass door. Her head spun around.

Severus Snape.

The door slowly slid open, and Lily recoiled in her seat. His greasy black hair clung to his pale, hallow face. He closed the door behind him.

"Hello, Lily."

"What do you want?" Lily was blunt. She had no patience for him. Not anymore.

His black eyes showed hurt, but he did not leave. He sat across from her.

"You know I'm sorry, Lily. It was an accident, a – a – reaction - " He pleaded, to be interrupted by Lily.

"Your gut reaction shouldn't be to call your best friend a mudblood." She said coolly, without forgiveness.

Snape leaned forward. "I know. Can we just talk? For a minute?"

Lily leaned back. "The Head Boy will be here soon. I know it's not you."

Snape shook his head. "Back to the point. Lily, the Dark Lord, he's rising - "

"The Dark Lord, Sev?" Lily spit. She stiffened. "His name is Voldemort. He is not a Lord, he's a murderer. What do you care, anyway? He's like a father, a friend to you." She crossed her arms.

"Lily, please," he begged. "He's going to kill Muggle borns, but I can help you - "

"We're Muggle borns now, are we?" Lily said, increasingly disgusted. "Nice choice of words, but I'm proud to be a Mudblood. So leave it alone."

"Lily, listen!"

"No, Sev!" She stood, her hair falling in her face. "I don't want to listen. And I don't want your help, either." She reached her hand up to tuck hair behind her ear.

Snape jumped up and seized her wrist.

"Sev! Let go!" Her eyes flashed with worry. "You're hurting me!"

"No!" Little beads of sweat began to drip down his thin, crooked nose. "I'm trying to help!"

"Stop it Severus!"

"Just listen!"

They both jumped when they heard the door slam open.

"Excuse me, Snivellus," a strong voice command. "But, I believe you're in the wrong compartment."

Lily watched Snape's face curl into a scowl.
