
She snapped her head in the direction of the voice, a grin came upon her lips as she stared at a fourteen year old boy sitting beside her. He snatched up his dinner plate and raced to the sink, letting the dish clatter among the other dirty cutlery before dashing in the direction of the living room.

"Hey! Don't start without me!" The older teen girl shouted as she rushed through her dinner, repeating the same motions as her brother, only stopping once to thank her mother for the meal. Her feet padded against the laminate floor then sank in carpet as she quickly launched herself onto the couch sinking into the fabric as the sound of the PS3 beeped to life.

"Yes! I made it in time to see the epicness that is Cloud!" She shouted triumphantly as her brother rolled his eyes at her and continued to start the game. She bounced in her spot, a wide grin on her face as the main screen popped up then the opening for what she thought was the best game in history...Final Fantasy VII. The siblings played the game for what seemed like hours, until their parents had gone to bed and left them to play for an hour or so more.

"Now go into the library, you should find some clue in the bookshelves!" The sister said looking up from her web-capable phone, reading the cheat/walkthrough of the game to her younger brother, who nodded in reply as the blond haired avatar stepped though the doorway, the screen blacked out for a second then reappeared within a library.

"Which bookshelf?" He asked glancing to his sister.

"I dunno."

His eyes narrowed as he quickly replied back," What do you mean, you don't know? You're the one with the walkthrough!"

"Yeah, but its kind of vague! Just pick the first row!"

"Alright, but why the first row?"

"Cause, its number one!"

"Is the number one important here?"

"No...not really. But everyone knows number 1 is the best, cause its number one!" She argued while her brother groaned with a shake of his head then looked back to the screen as he maneuvered the character to the first row of the library and randomly hit 'X' at a spot on the row. A box popped up with the lettering 'The Jenova project'.

"That sounds familiar." He asked his sister "Weren't you going on about that the other day?"


"Sis?" He looked at his sister to see her gaping at the screen before she tightly grabbed her brother's shoulders.

"Do you know what that means?"

"I just asked you what-"

"Yeah but! I mean! You picked up the book on the Jenova project! Oh my god, what's going to happen!" She spazzed out as her brother scoffed then quickly elbowed her back, earning a yelp and a shout of indignation at the rough play.

"Its just a game. Quit being such a fan girl."

"I can't help it. I've been on Fanfiction. net too long, anything is possible." She sniffed crossing her arms as her brother merely laughed then turned back to the screen to continue the dialogue. A cheerful 'clink' sounded as he placed the book back and turned to move to another row, when the screen abruptly turned dark sending the room into an ebony haze.

"What did you do?"

"Me? I wasn't even near the system! How can you blame me?" The sister shouted at her brother as she was wrongfully accused.

"Simple. Its always your fault, cause I'm perfect."

"Perfect? Perfect my as-" She was cut off in mid-rant when the game consol made an eerie noise and dark TV screen changed into a blinding white light. Both siblings brought their arms up to shield their eyes from the bright light, the sister instantly moved closer to her brother as an innate sense of sisterly-defense kicked in.

"What the hell is wrong with it?" She said as her brother shrugged and moved away from her and down onto the ground where the system rested, he frowned then motioned for his sister to come over.

"Its overheated! Look, touch it." He said as she nodded quickly scrambling down from her spot on the sofa and over to her brother as she placed her hand alongside his on the extremely hot system. She frowned. The system had never gotten this overheated, and they had only played a few hours.

"If its overheated then shouldn't it have just shut itself off, and what's with this light?" She asked as sudden gust of wind blew her hair into her mouth, she grimaced and began to pull it away when another harsh gust of wind knocked against her, sending more strands of dark hair into her eyes as well.

"Aaron! What the hell was that?" She shouted as she opened her eyes to look over to her brother for an explanation, only to see that the PS3 was gone and her brother was laying flat on his back as he tried to sit up. The bright light was gone and replaced by a hazy florescent lights that you see in hospitals, however the scenery wasn't a hospital and it wasn't their living room either.

"You okay?" She asked as she helped pull her brother, Aaron, to his feet and it was then that she full looked around at her surroundings.

He grimaced, "I'm alright, I guess. What happened?"

"I have no idea. But I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, chocobo." She replied back as she glanced around herself, her brother frowned crossing his arms.

"1) We don't live in Kansas, we live in Texas and 2) I told you not to call me chocobo."

She shrugged with a smile as she inspected the bookshelf that stood beside her "So? Its a quote and I like 'chocobos', your hair in the morning sure looks like a chocobo's butt."

"You're calling me a chocobo butt?"

"Not per say...would you prefer 'Banora White'?"

"Dumb apples?"

"Oh damn, I forgot I told you about that. Then Chocobo it is!"

"How again is this related to what we're doing here?" He snapped as he began to inspect the bookshelf, as both siblings came to the conclusion that they were in a very familiar library.

"Oh, nothing. But...hey, doesn't this look a lot like the library in FF7?" The sister asked as her eyes narrowed at the sight of a book laying where the PS3 should have been, she quickly strode over to the book, snatched it up and opened it to the title cover.

"Aaron? You better come see this." She called out nervously as her brother appeared from around the corner. She thrust the book into his arms earning an agitated glare then flipped open the book, her brown eyes watched her brother's lighter colored eyes narrowed then widened as he read the first page.

"This is the book in the game? And the same library?" He said puzzled by all of this while the sister grimly nodded before snatching the book back, her eyes darted back and forth as she re-read the first few pages then slammed it shut.

"Well its official. We're either both hallucinating or we're in FF7."

"We're hallucinating."

"No, we're in FF7."



"We are not in a video game!"

"Yes we are!"

"That's impossible!"

"You know mom said we could do anything if we just believed!"

"She didn't mean by jumping into a video game!"

"Well we didn't exactly jump in, more like we were sucked in."

"You're a nut."

"Why yes. Yes I am, thank you." She retorted before grabbing her brother's arm and dragging him to the exit of the library "I'll prove it. Once we walk out this door, I'll bet there'll be Shinra SOLDIERs waiting to arrest us for trespassing!"

"Oh yeah, that's something to hope for."

"Just shut up." She sighed as she flung the door open to have the barrel of a gun leveled between her eyes, she glanced at her brother with a triumphant smirk

"Was I right or was I right?"

"No. You're insane to have wanted this."

"It proved my point."

"Yeah and now we're going to be killed!"

"...Oh...I didn't think of that...crap."

Muhaha! More FFVII AND Crisis Core! REVIEW!