Harry Potter and the Very Potter Musical Chapter One.

Set end of 4th year.

Fred&George find AVPM and everyone watches it.

Enjoy! Please give instructive criticism or just lovely reviews. I don't mind ;p

It was Christmas time at the Weasleys. As usual they invited Harry and Hermione around for the holiday. Despite the fact that a war was coming, the Wesley's wanted to keep the Christmas spirit going so Hermione had her laptop and was playing Muggle Christmas songs.

"What does that do?" Arthur Weasley asked fascinated pointing at the 'safari' button.

"That's the internet." Hermione told him.

"What's the internet?" he asked wanting to know more of muggle technology.

"Erm.. Basically an online encyclopedia."

"What's an encyclopedia?" Hermione could have smacked herself. Of course. He is a wizard, he doesn't know what an encyclopedia is.

"It's like all the books in one..big book." she tried to explain to him. "Look, I'll show you." She clicked on the web page and typed in youtube. Arthur watched fascinated.

"Wow." He said in awe as a video entitled 'All I Want For Christmas' by Maria Carey played.

"Hey! Me and George have an idea." Hermione narrowed her eyes at Fred. This couldn't be good.

"Can we borrow your laptop?" they asked in unison. Hermione sighed and gave it to them.

"Whoa! Harry, you're famous." Fred said everyone turned to look at him.

"Yes. I know that Fred." he replied and went over to see what Fred and George were doing.

"No, like really famous" Fred and George said.

"What do you mean?" he asked sitting down next to George.

"There's a book series-"

"A BOOK SERIES?" Came from Ron, Hermione and Harry.

Fred and George nodded. "It's called Harry Potter."

Hermione snorted. "Very creative." she said sarcastically and everyone gasped.

"Did Hermione make a joke?" Fred and George joked together.

"Yes. I can make jokes you know." she told them and her and Ron sat behind Fred, George and Harry.

"Wow, they're right Harry."

"How did anyone know about us?" Harry asked flabbergasted.

Fred and George shrugged. "Magic." they said in unison.

"The author is JK Rowling. Apparently she came up the idea to make a fantasy novel about witch's and wizards on a train after seeing someone in a long cloak. The idea is based around death because her mum died when she started writing it." Everyone stared at her in amazement.

"How is it that you know everything?" Ron asked.

"It's on the laptop screen, Ronald." Hermione said and Harry smirked feeling deja vu.

"Oh! What's this?" Fred asked as a page popped up out of no where.

"Dear Fred and George-" Fred started.

"How is it that this... StarKid person knows our name?" everyone shrugged and told them to keep reading.

"You may be wandering how there is a book series after Harry Potter. Everyone nodded. This email is from the future where Harry and his friends (yes, including you two.) are world wide famous.

"Woah." They all said in awe.

"There are seven books and eight films – the seventh book was split into two because there was to much important information to miss out. A group of fans in a small production called 'starkid' put together a musical parody-"

"Wicked." Fred, George and Ron said in unison.

"About your time at Hogwarts. Before you click on the link below, we advise you to bring along Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Dumbledore, The Dursleys and the rest of the Weasleys.


StarKid cast."

Everyone was silent after reading this.

"Do I have to bring the Dursleys?" Harry whined. They all nodded.

"Apparently so." they said.

"AND Snape and Draco?" they nodded again.

Half an hour later the managed to gather the rest of the Weasleys, The Dursley's, Dumbledore, Snape andDraco.

"Potter. What do you want? Sneered Snape over the chatter.

"SILENCE!" Hermione yelled and everyone went silent.

"Good work Hermione." Ron said.

"Thanks Ron." she turned to the people gathered in the living room. "You may be wandering why you are all here and who everyone is." they all nodded. "Well, why don't we start with introductions. I'm Hermione Granger, Harry's bestfriend." The Dursley's eyebrows raised. Harry has friends? Dudley mused silently.

"Ron Weasley, Harry's other bestfriend."

"Fred Weasley." George said.

"George Weasley." Fred said right after and Dumbledore's eyes twinkled knowing that it was the other way round.

"Don't be silly, That's George, That's Fred." Molly Weasley said pointing at each of the boys who grinned.

"And I'm Molly Weasley, this is my husband Arthur." Arthur waved and grinned.

"Ginny Weasley." the female red head said.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Severus Snape."


"Dudley Dursley." Oh, so that's Dudley. All of the Weasley's thought.

"Petunia Dursley."

"Vernon Dursley."

Everyone turned to Harry after a few seconds.

"Oh! I'm Harry Potter. But you guys already knew that." Hermione rolled her eyes at her bestfriend.

"Fred, George. Do you want to explain?"

The twins nodded. "It would be our pleasure, Hermione." they said in unsion.

That was freaky. Dudley thought.

"So we were on Hermiones lappop-"

"Laptop!" Hermione corrected George amused

"We were on Hermione's laptop and we got an email from the future." Everyone snorted.

"Really? You bought us hear for that?" Molly told them off.

"Aw do we have to explain? No one takes us seriously." George whined to Hermione and he got murmurs of agreement.

"Fine, I'll explain." said Hermione. "Well. We got an email from the future, from this production company named Starkid. Harry Potter is a famous novel in the muggle world and someone made a musical parody of it." she said simply.

The Dursleys laughed and everyone turned to them.

"Why would anyone write a novel on Harry?" Vernon asked.

"I'll have you known that Harry has saved many life's and has fought V-Voldemort." she said and everyone gasped.

"Hermione." Ron hissed.

"What? It's just a name." Everyone gasped again. The Dursley's looked confused.

Fred and George moaned. "Can we just watch the bloody clips?" Hermione nodded and grabbed her laptop.

"The screen's tiny." Harry said pointing out the obvious.

Dumbledore whipped out his wand, pointed it at the laptop and the screen wen't onto a spare wall. The Dursley's gasped.

"Woah." Dudley said in amazement. Hermione pressed play on the video that was sent to her.

"A Very Potter Musical? Very creative." Ron said and everyone shh'd him.

"Sorry." He said and wen't silent as he saw a boy dressed up as Harry sitting on a stool.