A/N: So I was working on a couple other updates when the people from this story kept popping into my other stories... I figured I had best get this one updated so that they would quit and I could peacefully work on my other updates... LOL... So I do hope that you enjoy this chapter!
Disclaimer: I don't own HP!
Word Count: 2,231 words
Severus looked at Hermione as she made her way back to the hospital bed she had slept in the night before. "Feel better, daughter?"
Hermione lightly chuckled as she nodded. "That I am. I had the water as hot as I could stand it and it felt good on my back, neck, and head. I no longer feel as stiff as I did when I first woke up. Did Harry have a peaceful night last night, Dad? I know the night before I came into my Veela inheritance I had to sleep in his bed with him because he kept having nightmares."
Severus sighed and shook his head. "He started having a pretty bad nightmare so I gave him a Dreamless Sleep. One of us will talk to him about his nightmares."
Hermione sighed and then frowned. "Please be careful on giving him the Dreamless Sleep, Dad. He almost got addicted to it last year."
Severus frowned. "Are you telling me that he used it almost non-stop last year, Hermione?"
Hermione nodded. "He has a lot of nightmares and not all of them are about what he has went through in the Wizarding world. He dreams quite often about a lot of what his so called uncle has done to him at one time or another. Harry doesn't know that I know, but that fat bastard tried to force himself on Harry and was thrown off of him by Harry's magic reacting. Harry dreams about that quite often."
Hades growled. "I will be having some words with Vernon Dursley before you sentence him, Hermione. I'm not the God of the underworld for nothing. He will regret ever trying anything like that with Harry or any other child. That man is the worst of the worst and he is going to get everything that he deserves. Now, Hermione, what are your plans for today besides the meeting with all of the Veela."
Hermione sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm going to have to make an appearance in the Great Hall this morning. By now there are rumors flying around about Harry, Blaise, and me more than likely so I want to quash them as much as I can before they get out of hand. I refuse to let everything get as bad as it was back in our second year. I also need to make plans to hold a meeting for the Angelus because no doubt that by now they are aware that I have gotten my inheritance."
Hades nodded. "They were made aware that you got your inheritance as soon as you went through the change. We will need to have an inheritance diagnostic test done on Harry and Blaise so that we can see if you will end up getting more creature inheritances or not. I don't like how thing Harry is even after your grandfather has healed him so everyone else and I will be working together to come up with a diet plan for him to follow. He needs to gain weight because he is way too underweight for his age and height. Do you know what you plan to do to the Dursley's?"
Hermione smirked as she looked over at Harry who was being fussed over by Poppy, Narcissa, Sirius, and surprisingly Salazar. "I plan on doing to them what they did to Harry. They will live the life of a house elf like they made Harry. They will clean everything and have a list of chores. Dudley and Vernon Dursley will get one meal a day which will be bland food. Petunia Dursley will get at least one meal a day but maybe two at most for at least the first month of their new lives. They will not be called by their names, but instead the will be called boy, freak, or woman. At night when they sleep they will live through Harry's worst memories of them."
Her eyes hardened as she took a drink of water to wet her throat and her lips. "They will wish by the time that I am finished with them that they never dared to lay a hand on Harry or treat him like they did. I will also be taking all of their money and giving it to Harry because I have no doubt that Headmaster Dumbledore gave them money for Harry's keep, but yet they never spent a knut on him."
Albus who had walked in while Hermione was talking sighed and said "The Dursley's was given five hundred galleons a month until Harry turned seven and then they were given one thousand and five hundred galleons a month which of course was changed into pounds for them. I am not sure about Harry's inheritance from his dad's side of the family, but I do know that Number Four Privet Drive belongs to Harry because Lily bought it and allowed her sister to live there. They were paying rent until Harry started living with them and then the rent stopped. I do believe that since they didn't treat Harry as they should have that he can charge them back rent for the last sixteen years. In fact, I will be making sure that he does charge them back rent since I am still technically his Magical Guardian until he reaches the age of seventeen. How are you doing, Hermione?"
Hermione smiled up at the man that she considered to be like a grandfather to her. "I'm feeling alright so far today, Albus. The hot shower that I took earlier helped a lot."
Albus smiled. "I'm glad that it helped you. It looks the Harry, Blaise, and young Mr. Malfoy have been sent to shower. I came to let you all know that I received word from Godric, Helga, and Rowena that they will be here in the next hour or so. They were making a stop at Gringotts to talk to Director Ragnok. Salazar, Godric asked me to tell you to remind Harry that he can harvest the basilisk that he had to kill so that you guys have access to some potion ingredients that you need to cure some diseases that we can't cure in this time since apparently the potion recipes were lost or not available to others."
Salazar nodded. "He is talking mainly about the cure for Lycanthropy. There are a lot of potion recipes that have been lost over time, but I have most of the recipes in my private study and what I don't have Helga and/or Rowena are sure to have them in their private studies. I wouldn't be surprised if Godric, Rowena, and Helga show up with Director Ragnok with them because it would be easier and more secure to do the inheritance tests here. We will at some point have to take Harry to Diagon Alley today to get him some clothes since what he has isn't even fit to use as rags. My heir will not dress like a homeless person. He is a Lord several times over so he will dress the way that he is supposed to. The Lordships that we know he will have are the Potter, Black, Gryffindor, and Slytherin Lordships. He will be Lord Black because neither Sirius or Regulus want to be Lord Black so they are passing it on to Harry who is Sirius' and surprisingly Regulus' heir."
Hermione snickered. "Somebody is going to have to give Harry lessons on how to act snooty. He is going to need etiquette lessons as well. Grandfather, with everything that Harry has been through is it possible when he comes into his Veela inheritance that it will push him into his God inheritance like I was pushed into my Goddess inheritance?"
Apollo frowned and then his eyes widened. "It very well could, Hermione, especially if he has any other kind of inheritance that he will come into. I didn't think that when I healed him the way that I did that it could and probably would speed up his magical majority which is when he will come into any and all creature inheritances. Your father also pointed out that we should do a further inheritance diagnostic on you because he does have other creature inheritances than just Veela in his family history. Blaise will also need to be tested for creature inheritances since you, him, and Harry all bonded together as siblings by blood. I don't think anybody thought about the fact that when you shared blood like you did that you would also possibly be sharing the different inheritances that you could go through on your majority. Most of the time it isn't possible to share the different creature inheritances like that, but you three are very strong magically. Regardless for the next several weeks you three will be watched closely. Since you are the Veela Queen, Hermione, Harry and Blaise would be considered Princes of the Veela since they are your blood brothers."
Hermione groaned. "Harry is going to hate me for making him stand out even more than he already does. He hates his fame and the attention that he gets. I'm happier than I can say that he is my brother in all ways now, but I hate that I foisted all of this upon him without knowing everything that I probably should have."
Harry who had exited the bathroom while Apollo was speaking walked over to Hermione and pulled her into his arms. "I wouldn't change what we did for anything, Hermione Jean Granger-Zabini-Potter-Snape. You are my sister and I love you dearly. If I have to live with more attention than I will. I will just continue ignoring it like I have been for the last several years. I don't want you to feel bad because you didn't know or suspect what would happen once we bonded like we did. You gave me something I have wanted for all of my life, Hermione. You gave me a family when I thought I would never have one. I now have a sister and a brother and several uncles and aunts that will actually care about me. I'm no longer alone and for that I can never repay you for, 'Mione."
Hermione shook her head. "You have nothing to repay me for, Harry, because I got two brothers myself. You won't be the only one receiving attention, Harry, so we'll get through this together. Now, I take it that the other two are primping in front of the mirrors?"
Harry threw his head back and laughed. "That they are, 'Mione. I swear they are worse than most girls that I know. Are you doing alright? Do you need some of my magic for energy? Do you need a pain relief potion? Will you be alright to hold your meeting today? I don't want you pushing yourself unless you are absolutely sure that you can hand everything."
Hermione smiled softly and laid her head on Harry's shoulder. "I am feeling perfectly fine right now, Harry. You need to quit worrying about me so damn much. No, I do not need any of your magic right now for energy. No, I do not need a pain relief potion. Yes, I feel good enough to hold the Veela meeting this afternoon. I promise you that I will NOT push myself today. Besides do you really think that my father, Regulus, Sirius, and my grandfather will let me push myself today? You will be with me all day today so you can keep an eye on me so that you can stay sane and not go insane with worry."
Harry blushed. "I can't help that I worry about you, Hermione. There are a lot of times that you push yourself until you collapse and it isn't good for you. You need to learn how to relax some because if you don't you will just burn yourself out and I don't want you to do that."
Hermione sighed. "I know that I need to learn how to slowdown, but it has taken me until a couple of months ago to finally learn that I don't have to prove myself to anyone. I no longer feel like I have to show everyone around me that I know my stuff just like they do. I promise you that I won't work myself into the ground and that I will take things easy this year. Well as easy as I can. I also promise you that I will ask for help if things start getting to be too much for me. Alright?"
Harry smiled and kissed Hermione on her head. "Alright, Hermione, then I promise that I will try not to worry so much."
Hermione laughed. "I don't see that happening, Harry. If you don't worry about me then you will worry about Blaise because that is who you are. You, Blaise, and I will be just fine Harry because we have several people on our side that have our backs. We'll get through anything and everything that is thrown our way."
Harry nodded and tightened his arms around Hermione. He wasn't surprised at all when Blaise joined the hug. Yes, as long as he had these two at least by his side then everything would be alright. He trusted himself and Blaise to make sure that nothing happened to Hermione.
A/N 2: *claps* Yay I finally got this update typed up! Next chapter will have Godric, Helga, Rowena, and Director Ragnok show up along with some surprising information! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter... Click the button and let me know what you think!