A/N: *chuckles* Yes this is another new story but it was a dare so here we are… I plan on updating my HP stories once a week at least or possibly more depending on how much school work I have to do… I do plan on updating my other HP stories this week as soon as I finish editing all of the chapter updates… So be on the lookout for them! Anyways on to the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own HP!


Hermione was happy to be back at Hogwarts. She had always felt as if it was a second home to her. She sighed as she realized that she had been back for two weeks already and had only shared her secret with Harry. She knew that she should have told Ron but he was acting off around her and she also knew that he was mad at her and she didn't want him going and telling anyone before she was ready.

She groaned when she realized that Potions was the first class that she had that day. She silently cursed herself for forgetting. As she made her way to the Dungeon's with Harry and Ron she kept wondering why she was having sharp pains and then she gasped in shock as she realized that today was her seventeenth birthday. This time she swore out loud and then blushed as both Harry and Ron stopped and looked at her in shock. "Sorry boys I just remembered that today is my birthday."

Harry lifted an eyebrow and said "'Mione how could you only remember that now? Ron and I both wished you a happy birthday first thing this morning on the way to the Great Hall."

Hermione blushed even more and looked down at the ground as they started walking again. "I know Harry but I just have a lot on my mind. Besides I'm not really feeling all that great today."

Harry frowned and then his eyes widened in realization. "Do you think it's starting already 'Mione? Do I need to take you to the infirmary? What can I do to help you?"

Ron from Harry to Hermione and back to Harry again and demanded "What in the bloody hell are you two talking about? 'Mione what does Harry know that I don't?"

Hermione glared at Ron and snarled "Harry knows a lot that you don't know Ron but that's no surprise."

Ron took a step forward but Harry said "Ron back off of 'Mione. She'll tell you when she's ready."

Hermione put a hand on Harry's arm and said "It's okay Harry but you're right I will tell him when I'm ready. And Harry just stay close to me because I don't need to go to the infirmary right now."

Harry nodded and then wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist and guided her along the Dungeon hall to the classroom. "Come on then we only have a few minutes before we're late. Now, Hermione if you need to leave you just tap me and I'll deal with Snape."

Hermione shook head and chuckled even as she said "It's Professor Snape, Harry but I'll promise to let you know the second I feel I need to leave."

Harry nodded and leaned his head down to kiss Hermione on the head just before they entered the Potion's classroom. "Sit beside me 'Mione. I'm sure that Ron won't have a problem sitting next to Neville today."

Ron glared at Harry and Hermione and then stalked off to sit down next to Neville. He looked back at his usual desk just in time to see Harry help Hermione sit down and he growled low in his throat. As far as he was concerned Hermione was his even if he hadn't gotten around to asking her out yet and he didn't like Harry being so close to who he thought of as his girl.


Once Harry had Hermione in her chair and he sat down he looked at her and gave her an exasperated look. "What are you doing 'Mione? I can tell that you're in pain. You know as well as I do that your Mum and Dad said this would get worse before it got better. You need to let Madam Pompfrey give you something for the pain! You can't get through this without some kind of help."

Hermione nodded and bit her lip to keep back the cry of pain that was threatening to escape. As soon as she had sat down the pain became almost unbearable. With concentration she took out her parchment, ink and a quill so that she was ready for class to begin. She also wasn't so sure well she was going to react when she saw her Potion's Professor for the first time since she learned what she did over the summer. She sighed and looked over at Harry and saw that he was watching her in concern so she gave him a small smile. "I'm alright Harry. I'm just nervous I guess."

Harry nodded. "You should talk to him you know."

Hermione's eyes widened in shock and then she shook her head. "We'll talk later. Here he comes."

Harry sighed but nodded and turned to face the front just as Severus walked in. As he stared at the man he had hated for the last seven years he picked up on the resemblance and couldn't contain a chuckle. Ever since he learned the truth about Severus after the final battle he couldn't help but feel gratitude because he knew that everything Severus did was to protect him in a way. He also knew that knowing that and knowing what else he did that this year was going to prove to be the most interesting. He got up from his seat as he put a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Stay put 'Mione, I'll go and get the ingredients."

Hermione gave Harry a relieved smile and sat back down. She was glad that for today they were allowed to partner with who they sat with. She looked around the class and sighed because she knew no matter how much she may not have wanted to talk to Severus that she was going to have to eventually. She also knew that he had no idea about who she was and knew that it was going to be an interesting conversation when and if she finally got around to talking to her esteemed Potion's Professor. When her eyes met Draco's she saw him glare at her and she lifted an eyebrow and then turned back towards the front of the class just as Harry sat down with the ingredients.

Without even looking at the book she started brewing the potion. After all she knew how to brew most Potions. Just as she was getting ready to cut the flobberworm a sharp pain went through her and she dropped the knife after it sliced into her finger. "Oh fuck not now!"

Harry quickly put what he was holding down when he heard Hermione. He looked over at her and when he saw her finger bleeding he shook his head. "Come on 'Mione you need to go to the Hospital Wing."

Hermione looked over at Harry with tears in her eyes and before she could stop it she cried out in pain. "Oh sweet Merlin make it stop!"

Severus who was walking around his classroom checking on everyone heard Hermione's cry of pain and walked over to where her and Harry were at and sneered "Make what stop Miss Granger?"

Hermione felt anger like she never felt before boil through her veins as she turned and looked at the man she had learned not even a month ago was her biological father. "Nothing that you need to concern yourself with Snape."

Severus' eyes widened and then narrowed at Hermione and he sneered "Ten points from Gryffindor for blatant disrespect Miss Granger oh and you will serve detention tonight."

Hermione smirked and shook her head and said through clenched teeth as another pain went through her "I don't think so Snape. You see you need to have a little talk with the Headmaster. I won't be serving detention tonight because I'll be in the hospital wing which by the way I'm heading to now."

Severus glared at Hermione and snarled "Sit down Miss Granger or I will take more points away from your house."

Hermione looked at Severus with narrowed eyes and then laughed. She knew that she would probably be in trouble if she kept going the way she was but the anger she was feeling was boiling over. "I will not sit down, Sir and furthermore I'd love to see you try to make me. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get to the hospital wing and Harry needs to go and get the Headmaster since him and Madam Pompfrey are the only ones who know what is going on."

Severus' eyes hardened as he heard snickers from around the room and he shouted "ALL OF YOU GET TO WORK AND DON'T MOVE UNTIL I GET BACK!"

Draco looked over at Hermione and smirked as he said "Oh look the little Mudblood is in trouble."

Hermione turned to look at Draco with cold eyes. "Oh sod off Malfoy. After all it was only last night that you were trying to look down this Mudblood's shirt."

Draco stood up and pulled his wand out but before he could say anything Severus yelled "Mr. Malfoy sit down. Miss Granger you come with me. NOW! We're going to see the Headmaster."

Hermione laughed and shot a look at Harry. "Harry pack my things up for me. I'm sure Headmaster Dumbledore will be sending for you soon."

Harry nodded and had to bite back a laugh at the look on Severus' and Draco's faces. He watched with hard eyes as Severus pulled Hermione out of the class. He wished that he would be there when Severus found out some of what was going on. He looked around and saw the rest of the class looking at him and he lifted an eyebrow. "What are you all looking at?"

Blaise looked over at Harry with a lifted eyebrow. "I take it that it's time Potter?"

Harry looked over at Blaise and nodded. "That it is Zabini."

Blaise sighed. "I'll make sure to come to the infirmary after class to check on Mia."

Draco turned to look at Blaise and said "Do you know what is going on with the Mudblood, Blaise? Tell us."

Blaise looked at Draco with cold eyes and shook his head. "You know Draco I'm going to laugh my arse off when you get what is finally coming to you. You may be one of my best mates but you're a first class bastard. Yes, I do know what is going on with Hermione and no I won't tell you. After all since you're Head Boy you should be able to find out on your own."

Draco frowned but didn't say anything. He was angry that his best mate wouldn't tell him what he wanted to know. He shook his head and got to work on his Potion.


Severus was fuming as he strode down the hall with his robes billowing behind him. He couldn't believe the cheek Hermione had given him. In all the years he has known her he had never heard her talk to a Professor like that. Hell he had never heard her talk like that to anyone including during the final battle. As he made his way down the main hall he turned his head to look at her. "What seems to be your problem Miss Granger?"

Hermione came to a stop and ignored the pain that was burning through her as she looked at Severus with fury in her eyes. "You want to know what my problem is Snape? My problem is you! My problem is Malfoy! My problem is everyone in this Godforsaken school who thinks they are better than me just because I'm supposedly a Muggle-born. My problem is that even though the fucking war is over you still favor your slimy Slytherin's over everyone else even when they're in the wrong! Dear Merlin my problem is that I'm in pain and you wouldn't even let me leave the classroom because you were having too much fun being a complete git to me for no reason other than to amuse yourself and the stupid arses in your class. I hope to Gods Snape that once you find out the truth that everything you've done these last six years make you lose sleep at night. Now if you'd please I'd like to get to the Headmaster's office so he can send me to the infirmary where I will be given the pain potions that I need to help me so I won't be in so much pain until the change finally happens!"

Severus' eyes narrowed again but instead of saying anything he stalked towards the Gargoyle that guarded the Headmaster's office. He snarled the password and then led the way up to the office. He didn't even bother knocking and just opened the door and pushed Hermione into the office and followed her before he pulled the door closed and looked at Albus. "Albus you need to do something about Miss Granger. She talked back to me and told me that she wouldn't be coming to the detention I assigned for her tonight."

Albus looked up when he heard Severus talk and then he raised an eyebrow. "What exactly did Miss Granger do Severus?"

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose as he said "She got smart with me and then told me that she wouldn't have to serve detention tonight because she would be in the Hospital wing."

Hermione laughed and said "I only got smart with you after you told me I wasn't allowed to go to the Hospital wing and that Harry couldn't come and get the Headmaster. Well I didn't get all that smart with you until after that because before that I was just telling the truth Sir."

Severus scowled and turned to look at Albus. "Do you see what I mean Albus?"

Albus stood up and looked at Severus and Hermione. "Hermione, dear go ahead and head to the infirmary and let Poppy know that it has started. I'll make sure Harry gets there soon. I will also be there soon."

Hermione nodded and then said "Headmaster may I use your floo? It's getting hard to walk with all the pain and everything. As it is my head feels like it's about to explode."

Albus nodded and watched as Hermione disappeared from his office before turning to look at Severus. "Severus, you should know better than anyone that if Hermione says she needs to get to the infirmary that something is wrong. I know that you still don't like Harry all that much because of your past but that is no reason to take it out on Hermione."

Severus scowled again and said "What is wrong with Miss Granger, Albus? You appear to know."

Albus sighed and sat down behind his desk. "You are correct Severus I do know what is wrong with Hermione. I got a letter two weeks before term started from Hermione's parents letting me know that Hermione is in fact adopted and that her biological Mother was a witch and that her father is a wizard. However that wasn't the most shocking thing in the letter. It turns out that Hermione's mother was a Veela and that Hermione herself has the Veela gene in her. The reason Hermione is in so much pain today is because today is her seventeenth birthday and the gene is becoming dominate. She would not listen to young Harry or myself and miss classes for today."

Severus paled as he realized what he missed in his attempt to annoy the Gryffindor's. "Dear Merlin. Albus, you know as well as I do that even after the change is complete that Miss Granger will be in pain for a while. She's going to have a stronger sense of smell and she's going to be able to hear better and until she gets used to the hearing it's going to be like people are yelling. There is also the little fact that until she finds a mate that Miss Granger is going to be in danger because the males of this school are all going to be wanting to be with her since she isn't marked. You can't allow Potter to go and see Miss Granger on his own who knows what will happen."

Albus chuckled and then said "There is no need to worry about Harry, Severus since him and Hermione are bonded together."

Severus' eyebrows rose in surprise and he snapped "Are you telling me that those two got married over the summer?"

Albus shook his head and laughed. "Not at all Severus. When I say they are bonded together I mean that they are bonded as brother and sister. Hermione knew what was going to happen to her and she knew that Harry nor Blaise Zabini would want to cause her harm so Hermione asked my permission to perform a bonding ceremony where she bonded with Harry and Mr. Zabini. Those are the only two who know what is going on with Hermione. Well there is one other but that will be a surprise for dinner this evening."

Severus swore and then his eyes widened as he just remembered something. "Headmaster you do realize that Draco is also a Veela don't you or rather he will be one when his birthday hits here soon."

Albus nodded. "Yes, Severus I know this. Narcissa Malfoy wrote to me to tell me. I can only say that this year is going to be interesting. Oh and Severus, you and Miss Granger need to sit down and have a long overdue talk. Why don't you try asking her why all of a sudden she seems to hate you when she never did in the past no matter what you did? When you get back to your class please send Harry and Mr. Zabini to the infirmary to be with Hermione. She's going to need them in the next couple of hours."

Severus gave a curt nod and then turned on his heel and strode out of the office and down the steps. As he made his way through the halls and back to his classroom with his robes billowing behind him he couldn't help but wonder what Albus knew that he didn't. He sighed as he walked back into his classroom. "Potter and Zabini you both are to head to the infirmary now. The Headmaster seems to think that Miss Granger is going to need both of your presences'."

Harry and Blaise both jumped up and after gathering their things they made a mad dash out of the Potion's classroom and to the infirmary. Both boys were wondering how Hermione was doing and if she had yet to tell Severus that he was her birth father.

A/N 2: *grins* Click on the button and let me know what ya think! Also keep an eye out for other updates... I know I covered a bit in this chapter so if you have any questions let me know... :) This story is a dare so I hope you all like it... *chuckles*