Author's note: This story is about many reveals.

Lois gets attacked by a scientist that Clark and her were to interview. Chloe receives a call from Lana telling her she's back and cured and wants to rekindle her relationship with Clark. But what does Lana's return have anything to do with Lois's attack and will Clark reciprocate on Lana's feelings? With Chloe's help they figure out a startling revelation.



He stood there in silence in his loft inside the barn, his hands on the sill of the open large window, looking out into the starry night sky, thinking about how his life had changed in the last few years. He thought about how when he was younger all he ever wanted was to be like everyone else. He went to school, he helped his parents on the farm and how he always wanted to be with Lana Lang to share his future with. To one day make her his wife and live on the farm with a couple of kids and just be like the average Joe. Normal, that's all he ever wanted, right? But of course he just had to have a bomb dropped on him, by his dad nonetheless, when he was just 15 years old. That was the day he learned he was not from this world. At first he thought it was a practical joke, but his father, Jonathan Kent was not one to do such things. That was the day the he took him to the cellar. That was the day everything changed.

"Clark, son, there's something I need to show you. It may come as complete shock to you but it might also explain a few things"

"What is it dad?" Clark answered, a little annoyed. It just seemed to be one thing or another lately. With his abilities, feeling different and alone, he knew most teens went through these emotions but he also knew that with him it really was different the problem was how and why.

Jonathan opened the cellar door and they both descended the stairs and walked to the back of the dark dusty enclosure where his mom kept her preserves and some vegetables for the winter months. As his father led him further into the small space, Clark suddenly started to feel his stomach tighten up and an overwhelming feeling of anxiety came over him. Then he saw it. It was a small roundish object about five feet long give or take. Its true shape however was shrouded in an old dusty tarp. He stood there, for what seemed like an eternity but in reality just a few seconds have passed, till his father suddenly uncovered the mysterious object.

Clark knew that he was adopted. He knew that he was different but this? This he was not prepared for. The small space suddenly became smaller, his mind racing, his heart beating so fast and hard he thought it might just explode right through him. The walls were closing in, everything started to spin. His life, his world as he knew it just collapsed right in front of him and from that moment on he knew deep in his bones that nothing will ever be the same again. For years to come he would try and hide from the truth, from his destiny but right now in this time in this moment he knew it was all about to change.

"What the hell is this, some kind of joke?" Asked a very distressed Clark Kent.

Lots of emotions were running through him, anger, confusion, fear, and awe just to name a few.

"No son this is not a joke" replied his father.

Seeing the hurt and pain in his son's eyes, he tried for so long to protect Clark from discovering the truth, more specifically from others finding the truth about his very special and unique child. Even though Clark wasn't really "his" not from his flesh and blood but raised and loved as if he were and until the day Jonathan Kent took his last breath, Clark would always be his son.

"There is so much I need to tell you and I believe you are now ready to hear the truth" Jonathan said and began telling him how he came to be the son of Jonathan and Martha Kent.

"About 12 years ago your mother and I were in town after visiting the doctor's office who confirmed after years of tests and trying to conceive that it would be impossible for us to ever have a child of our own. Your mother was heartbroken, we both were. I remember holding her hand, seeing the tears in her eyes. To afraid to say anything to her for fear that I wouldn't be able to hold back my own tears. Knowing what a fantastic mother she would have become. I had to be strong for her, for myself."

"Dad I'm so sorry I knew you and mom weren't able to have kids of your own but I guess I never realized how much it hurt."

"This is not your burden and never was, so please son don't let our past grief weigh down on you"

Smiling he looked at his son and continued with the story. "That was also the same day of the meteor shower. As sad as it was for both of us, it turned out to be the most momentous day of our lives. The tragic day turned into a miracle from the heavens above."

Clark, confusion on his face asked, "How can you say that the meteor shower was a miracle after all the destruction and loss of life?"

And then it dawned on him, it must be himself that his father was referring to. Jonathan gave his son a knowing smile and kept describing the eventful day.

"On our way home, trying to escape the deadly assault by the meteorites falling upon Smallville, we saw a huge fireball rapidly falling through the sky and crash landing in the cornfield beside us." Jonathan took a deep breath before continuing. "The impact was so big causing our truck to overturn from its shockwave. Both dangling upside down inside the truck, when your mother and I noticed the oddest thing. From the impact crater immerged a little boy of about three years of age. After we both freed ourselves from our precarious position, we rushed over and covered him up with a blanket wondering what a little boy, naked and all alone was doing in the cornfield. And that's when we found this," pointing to the small spaceship. "That little boy was you Clark."

Clark listened to his father recount the day that he arrived to Earth. He told him about the meteor shower and the impact it had on the town of Smallville. At least now he somewhat understood the nature of his abilities since he was not from this world.

Great, now he knew why he was so different. He now also believed it was because of his arrival to Earth along with those dreaded green meteor rocks that always made him ill every time he was around one. The ones that had caused so much pain and suffering to the people of Smallville. Now more than ever before he was determined to lead a normal life. He just wanted to be like everyone else, for fear of anyone ever discovering that he was an alien.