Author's Note: Thank you so much for everyone who took the time to read this story and to all the reviewers. I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to really be interested in this story at all. This story is coming to a close in this chapter. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own like anything.

Fall 2008.

Hikaru immediately noticed hot water pouring down on him. He glanced around and grabbed soap, "Guess that I'll enjoy my shower before I figure out where I am..." He rubbed the soap all along his body and sighed, "I wonder when Kyoya-sempai took that photo... not only that but... I wonder why he decided to place a photo that didn't even feature Tono... oh well... what I need to do is make sure that things change enough this time around so that my mistake from last time doesn't happen."

In the middle of that statement, Hikaru didn't notice that Kaoru made his way into the shower with him. After the statement Kaoru spoke up, "So my lovely brother... what is it that you screwed up?" Hikaru jumped and immediately turned around, "KAORU! What are you?" Kaoru smirked and took some shampoo from a bottle and placed it in his hands, "Well brother, I heard you talking to yourself, so I decided to join you." He then began to rub the shampoo into Hikaru's hair, "What's going on?" Hikaru thought for a moment and figured that it's probably best to just let Kaoru know everything, "Kaoru... I came back to the past again... and well... I screwed up things big time." Kaoru cocked his head to the side, "I don't remember you screwing up big time..." Hikaru shook his head, "Well... it's hard to explain but... I destroyed you and Tono's friendship last time." Kaoru laughed, "What are you talking about? You didn't do-" Before Kaoru could finish his statement Hikaru spoke up, "KAORU! Listen to me! If it wasn't for Kyoya-sempai, I wouldn't have been able to come back before that time!"

Kaoru stared blankly at his twin, "So... what exactly do you have in mind?" Hikaru began to shampoo his twin's hair, "Well... you know that I love Haruhi... and I know that you are in love with her too." Kaoru's eyes widened, "I... didn't want you to know that yet..." Hikaru took a deep breath, "Kaoru... you've done so much for me... and even though I'm the older brother... I'm always the more immature one..." Kaoru began to scrub Hikaru's back, "Where exactly are you going with this?" Hikaru took a deep breath, "It's about time that you get rewarded." Kaoru wasn't really understanding what Hikaru was saying, then Hikaru spoke again, "I'm going to help you win Haruhi." Kaoru turned Hikaru around to face him, "Hikaru! As happy as I am that you're willing to give up on Haruhi... I just... won't allow you to give up on her!" Hikaru bit his bottom lip then looked into the eyes of his twin, "Kaoru... isn't it about time that you find happiness?" Kaoru slapped Hikaru, "Even though you're my twin... you don't understand anything." Hikaru held his cheek and watched as tears began to fall from his twin's eyes, "Ka...Kaoru... what's..." Kaoru frowned, "Don't you get that seeing you happy makes me twice as happy? I love you more than I'll ever love Haruhi!"

Hikaru's eyes widened in shock, "Wh-" Before Hikaru could say anything else, Kaoru pressed his lips to his. Hikaru immediately broke the kiss and backed up, "Wh-H- Hold on! Kaoru? You love me?" Kaoru turned off the water and grabbed a towel, "I've always loved you Hikaru... it's just that... I don't know what is wrong with me... I love you and I love Haruhi as well. And... after that kiss, I know that it's not a feeling of romantic love. I love you like a brother... and so... I know that I only love Haruhi as a sister. So please... make Haruhi become my sister." Hikaru was completely stunned, "So... you don't romantically love anyone?" Kaoru nodded, "So Hikaru... let's work out a plan for you to win over Haruhi's heart."

The next day, Hikaru and Kaoru woke up early and got to their classroom before the rest of the other students. Kaoru patted Hikaru on the back and smiled, "You can do this Hikaru." Kaoru then left the classroom and stood outside. Haruhi arrived earlier than the other students (which was predicted since Kaoru called her to get to school early). "Ah, Kaoru... what's up?" Kaoru smiled, "Good morning Haruhi! I just wanted to see your happy face this morning! Anyways, the teacher changed the classroom duties, so instead of me and Hikaru this morning cleaning the board and such... it's you and Hikaru. Have fun!" Haruhi watched as Kaoru began to walk away, "Eh? Where are you-" Kaoru smiled towards Haruhi, "I'm going to get a croissant for my breakfast. Hikaru was in such a hurry this morning that I couldn't eat. I'll see you later."

Haruhi walked into the classroom and immediately saw Hikaru standing at the window, looking out of it. Haruhi gave a slight smile, "Good morning Hikaru." Hikaru turned around and smiled towards her, "Good morning Haruhi." He took a deep breath, "Did you see Kaoru?" Haruhi nodded, "He said that he was going to get a croissant and that we're in charge of cleaning the room." Haruhi then looked around at the room, "Umm... it seems that we have a lot to clean up..." Hikaru laughed, "We'll clean up after breakfast." Haruhi cocked her head to the side, "Breakfast?" Hikaru nodded, "I... actually set up the classroom so that we could have breakfast."

Haruhi took a closer look at the classroom. There were roses scattered all over the room. The desks and chairs were pushed out of the way and a red blanket was set up in the center of the room. On top of the blanket was a large bento box. Hikaru grabbed Haruhi's hand and led her over to the blanket, "Please sit Haruhi." Haruhi was completely stunned, "Hi... Hikaru?" Hikaru smiled towards her and sat down across from her. "Hikaru, what's going on?" Haruhi was incredibly confused and Hikaru took a deep breath, "Haruhi..." He opened up the bento box to reveal a very messy commoner food. Haruhi looked inside and then looked at Hikaru, who had a blush of embarrassement played out on his face. "Hikaru... did you make this?" Hikaru scratched the back of his head, "If you don't want to eat it-" Haruhi shook her head, "No no! That's not what I was saying! I'm impressed." Hikaru blushed, "Umm... shall we eat?" Haruhi smiled towards him and nodded, "Itadakimasu!" Haruhi took a really cruddily made rice ball with plum sauce in it and took a bite, "Mm! It's really good Hikaru!" Hikaru's face was extremely red, "R-really?" Haruhi nodded, "Yup! So... what's the occasion?" Hikaru ate one of his rice balls then took a deep breath. "Haruhi, could you look at the board?" Haruhi was a bit confused but then looked at the board at the front of the classroom. Written in Hikaru's handwriting on the board said "Someone very important to me sits next to me." Haruhi slowly read the words aloud, "Ah, how nice of that person." Hikaru practically fell over with her reaction. He then walked up to the board and made a tic-tac-toe board, "Haruhi... come play with me." Haruhi stood up and walked over to him, "I'll be X's." They began to play tic-tac-toe and then Hikaru stopped in the middle, "Haruhi. If I win... you have to let me take you out on a date." Haruhi placed her last x in the wrong spot as he said that, "Eh?" Hikaru then placed the final o on the board and smirked, "So Haruhi... I win." Haruhi's face flushed, "What makes you think that winning a game lets you be able to take me out on a date?" Hikaru smirked, "Then... let's forget the game... Haruhi... will you date me?" Her entire face flushed, "Umm... uhh... why?" Hikaru couldn't believe her. He took a deep breath again, "Haruhi... I... I... I..."

At this point in time classmates began to walk into the room. Kaoru soon appeared as well. All the students stood and stared at Haruhi and Hikaru. A bunch of girls who frequented the host club began to gossip and a few of the guys began to mention to one another that Hikaru and Haruhi were gay lovers. Hikaru glared towards the students, then focused his attention on Haruhi. I don't care about anyone else right now... this is my time... "Haruhi! I love you!" And I said it... the words that I've been needing to tell her all along... before Tono realized his feelings. Haruhi stared at Hikaru, unaware of how to react. She noticed that they weren't alone anymore and was beginning to get a bit uncomfortable. Hikaru took a deep breath, "Haruhi... I don't expect your answer right away but... please think about it."

Hikaru then began to clean up the classroom. Kaoru walked over to him and placed his hand on Hikaru's shoulder, "I'm proud of you Hikaru." Hikaru looked at his twin, "Kaoru... I... I think that she might hate me now." Kaoru shook his head, "No Hikaru... I think that you took her from surprise. Just give it all time. Even if things don't work out immediately, you gave it your all and I'm proud of you." Hikaru hugged Kaoru, "I couldn't had done it without you."

Hikaru, Haruhi, and Kaoru finished cleaning up the classroom. At the end of their accomplishment, Kyoya stepped into the classroom and took a photo of the three of them. Light surrounded Hikaru and he ended up going back to the future.

Summer: June 25th, 2011

Hikaru was standing outside of the chapel. He looked around and noticed Kaoru, Hunny, Mori, and Kyoya standing near a tree. Strange... usually I end up inside the chapel... The scene around him froze and the fairy appeared, "It seems that what you did this time gives you a chance to make a difference presently." Hikaru blinked a couple times, "You mean... the wedding hasn't happened yet?" The fairy nodded, "Best of luck to you." He then snapped his fingers.

Hikaru was about to approach Kaoru, Hunny, Mori, and Kyoya, but instead stopped and decided to listen in for a little bit. Kyoya pushed his glasses up, "Anyways, Tamaki is freaking out. He thinks that the wedding isn't going to start on-time." Hunny spoke up, "I think that he's more concerned about the wedding in general... considering that he's been complaining about Haruhi being distant from him." Mori nodded. Kaoru then spoke up, "Haruhi can't help it if she's too busy with her job... Tono just doesn't like the fact that she's not spending all her time with him." Kyoya smirked, "Anyways, where's Hikaru?" Hunny blinked a few times, "I haven't seen him yet... guess he's not coming." Hikaru then walked over to them, "Hey... sorry I'm late." Kaoru immediately placed an arm around his brother and whispered in his ear, "Hikaru... I understand if you don't want to stick around..." Hikaru hugged his brother, "Kaoru... if things go really badly... just remind me that everything will be ok." Kaoru nodded. Kyoya smirked, "Alright, let's get this wedding started."

"Is there anyone here that objects to this union?" the priest of the ceremony asked. Hikaru took a deep breath and spoke up, "As cliche as this is... I DO!" Tamaki stared at his groomsman in disbelief, "You... do?" Hikaru walked over to Haruhi, "Forgive me Haruhi but... I... I'm still in love with you." Haruhi's eyes widened and she stared at Hikaru. Hikaru kissed her cheek and walked out of the chapel. Tears began to stream down his face. He did everything that he could to win over Haruhi, yet he felt that this time, he really messed up.

He wasn't sure where he was going, but he continued to just walk. The next thing that he noticed, he was at the street. Taking a deep breath and trying to compose himself, he waved his hand for a taxi. At least... I don't have anymore regrets...

Tamaki looked at the stunned Haruhi, "Haruhi?" Haruhi looked up at Tamaki, "Ah... oh... umm... Tamaki-sempai... sorry I just..." Tears began to appear in Haruhi's eyes. She took her hands and began to wipe away the forming tears, "Sorry sempai... I don't know what's gotten into me..." Tamaki took a deep breath, "Haruhi... follow him." Haruhi blinked a few times, "Eh?" Tamaki took out a coin, "Heads means that you marry me... tales means that you follow Hikaru." Haruhi let out a small laugh, "What are you on about sempai?" Tamaki flipped the coin in the air, "Haruhi! I love you but..." He looked down to see tales on the coin, "But things haven't been as good as they were when we first started... I think that I wanted us to get married because I thought that everything would feel new again." Haruhi looked at Tamaki, "Sempai..." Tamaki began to cry, "But Haruhi, as your father, I have to let you go... right?" She let out a small giggle, "Sempai... I enjoyed dating you... but I think that you're right. I was blind not to know my own feelings. I got so used to everything being with you that I didn't even think of anything changing... but... after a year of not being in contact with Hikaru... and seeing him again... and knowing that he has the same feelings..." Tamaki hugged Haruhi, "Now... go get him." Haruhi nodded and ran out of the chapel, just in time to see Hikaru getting into a cab.

She ran as fast as she could, "HIKARUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Hikaru turned before he was completely in the cab, "Eh? Haruhi?" Haruhi ran over to him, "Hikaru! I... I'm... I'm not getting married to Ta-Tamaki-sempai." Hikaru's eyes widened, "EH? What do you mean?" Haruhi took a deep breath, "You helped both me and sempai to realize what's truly important." Hikaru smirked, "What's that suppose to mean Haruhi?" Haruhi let out a small laugh, "Well... for starters, maybe we should catch up on each other's lives." Hikaru grabbed her hand, "I'll get us some coffee." The both of them walked hand-in-hand to the nearest Starbucks. Neither one of them cared that people looked at them strangely.

While drinking coffee Hikaru spoke up, "So Haruhi." "Hm?" "How about you try dating me now?" Haruhi blushed and let out a small nod, "I guess that I can try it." Hikaru smirked, pulled her into him and kissed her.

-The End-