"Where's House?"

Foreman was the first to look up from the case folder in front of him, his usual scowl taking its rightful place much like a king and his crown. Chase was the first to commit as usual as he flipped one of the papers, folding it back so that he could read it's back side. The Australian didn't seem worried or agitated like his companion. He welcomed this small absence.

"Probably out screwing some hooker or something…why should you care?"

"I don't. I just don't Cuddy breathing down our backs again."

Taub muttered something underneath his breath, clearly disagreeing with Foreman's excuse. Everyone had worked together long enough by now to realize Foreman's craving for power and just how fast he would leap upon it if the opportunity presented itself. The aging man ironically found House much more easier to work with and of course…less egotistical.

"It's not even past ten yet…I'd be worried if he was here. Chase is right. Besides we've got a case to work on remember? Dying woman brought in with signs of head trauma and an unexplainable tingling in her left hand."

"Could be from the head tramua..." injected Foreman quickly.

"Or you could be morons!"

House smirked at them as he limped into the room, sunglassed upon his face despite the cloudy weather outside. It wasn't something he minded. They made him look 'really really cool' after all. He was quick to take his usual seating at the head of the table, tossing his muddy sneakers upon it's glass surface without so much as an after thought.

"That's boring...Got a better one for you. Thirty-Five year old man collapses after being exposed to a ridculous amounts of chemicals, near malnurtion... and get this. This is the part you're going to love. Surving an explosion. Ready...Go."

"We've already got a case, House...beside it just sounds like exhaustion. Possible poisioning. That's not exactly the kind of cases you normal take."

Foreman leaned forward, studying his bosses face while Chase and Taub shared an uneasy look. Arguments with these two usually got ugly. Not on House's side of course. The older man simply made it very clear that he was the boss, he was in charge...and whatever he said goes. Like now for instance.

"Well this time I am...He'll be here in oh..." He lifted his hand, checking his watch. "Let's say...fifteen minutes. Let's make him comfortable, shall we? Those trips over the Pond can very draining. Now if you'll excuse me...the coffee machine in the Nurse's longue has my name written all over it. Well not literally...but I'm about to change that. Anyone got a marker I can borrow?"

The Team stared at him in disbelief as he pressed his lips together, giving a small disappointed shake of his head.

"Well that's no fun..."

They could only watch in cursoity and confusion as their boss hobbled off and down the hallway. Now a new question arose in their minds. Who was going to get the wonderful job of telling Cuddy...