The Father Confessor requested a Classic Sonic X Manic X Modern Sonic fic...

Yes, a three way love. Can I make it work? You be the judge of that. This fic will be two chapters.

~ Triple Beats ~

Manic sighed, drumming his fingers on a nearby table. His soft furred hands muffled any beat he could make to annoy his sister Sonia. A small smile inched it's way onto the drummers face as he took a small trip down memory lane. Calming blue-green eyes shined as he recalled how much his brother had loved being around his siblings. Those times on the run where all they had- until his brothers feet dragged him on another adventure, leaving his siblings in the dust. Once in a while Sonic would show up with a mountain of excuses, stories and presents. He would stop by to chat on and on about his recent feat and then- he was gone.

He went off to meet new people... off to find his next thrill.

Whatever happened to... them.

Leather fingerless gloved hands covered his face in shame as a damn of suppressed emotions was broken. Tears trailed, eyes grew red, leather gloves were sticky. A doorbell rung and Manic jerked, wiping his face with his arms sloppily before going to answer the door. The emotional male wrenched the door open half-heartedly to see a box left on his porch and looked up in time to see a postal truck drive off. He turned his sad gaze to the box. It looked like it had gone through hell. The cardboard was beaten- the corners smashed as well as lines of tape covered the box generously. A waterlogged sticker underneath the tape grasped Manics attention.

FRAGILE! From, S.A.P. Aka. Super Awesome P-

That was it, the large box was heaved in and tore at vigorously. The cardboard collapsed and gave in after all the torture it endured. Once open, Manic gasped- Inside of the cardboard box was a present wrapped hastily it seemed. The ominous present began to shake and Manic yelped slightly. Was this a prank? A bomb?

Oh no...

At once the present burst open and Manic held his breath. Crouching low Manic crawled over to the open present instinctually and peered inside. He was met with the surprise of his life. Beady black eyes curiously stared back at him. Manic's eyes widened in shock.


Turquoise eyes scanned the small figure within the box, taking in the light blue hedgie in front of him sporting the same red and white sneakers his brother wore. The small (what seemed like a copy) youngster blinked rapidly, tan eye lids startling the other as he sat comically with his legs spread – hands holding his body up in front of him. Beside the small one empty bags of trail mix littered the box he was sitting in along with a small envelope. Manic quickly picked up the envelope and opened it eyeing the other suspiciously before turning his gaze back to the paper at hand. He was met with Sonic's chicken scratch writing on a yellow piece of notepad paper.

Hey Sibs,

I bet you two are freaking out by now huh? Well, no worries cuz' this is "mini" or mini me. Doctor Robuttnik wants to get rid of me by killing my younger self. I need you to do me a favor alright? Please take care of him till things blow over, then i'll pick me up. Minster isn't all too happy about not helping me out but it's for the best. Make sure you keep this under wraps and keep him or me occupied. For some reason he or I can't talk? Anyway, thanks! Sorry for not warning you guys beforehand.



Manic decoded the excuse of a letter over and over in his head. This was a child? Currently the younger Sonic slowly stood up painfully after being in such a cramped space for what seemed like an eternity. "Mini" stretched slowly whilst carefully stepping out of the box. Manic ran his hands through his spiked bangs and put the letter in the pocket lost in a daze and stared at the other.

After slightly becoming more accustomed to his body once again the younger Sonic looked up at his brother and smiled warmly, eyes gleaming. His small tail wagged slightly and he softly ran up to the other hugging the startled drummers leg. Manic laughed at the childish nature of his little brother. Black eyes shined innocently as Manic softly hugged him back and rubbed behind a triangular blue ear. His little brother purred contentedly until a growl startled both of them. Mini Sonic blushed as his body complained.

"Oh sorry you gotta be hungry by now." "Especially if you are my bro and all." Manic guiltily lead his time traveling sibling to the fridge hoping to find something Sonic would be willing to eat. Unfortunately, he and Sonia were vegan so the closest thing they had to meat for the blue carnivore was tofu hotdogs. Manic recalled his brother's experience with the creation and remembered him disgusted whilst referring to them as "meat flavored marshmallows." Manic winced, closed the fridge and proceeded to raid the pantry with a small confused Sonic in tow. After scouring the pantry Manic was able to find a can of clam chowder at which point the small mini Sonic was clinging onto his leg in hunger. The poor thing could barely stand up. Manic cursed his brother for putting well- himself ... in such a painful position. Manic rushed and the soup was hastily prepared to be placed in front of a starving young hedgehog.

"Ding-a-ling-ling time for chow bro." Manic teasingly sang mimicking a bell as he set the steaming bowl of sustenance in front of the hunger stricken hedgie. The youngster inhaled his soup messily spilling cream colored droplets and dribbles on his muzzle, chest and hands. Manic once again grinned at the childish and slobbish nature of the other. He was Sonic all right...

After the bowl was licked clean and the light-blue hedgie was bordering on consciousness from the thick meal Manic carefully wiped the cream off the others face gently with a wet paper towel and blushed, trying to ignore the lewd thoughts that crossed his mind from the texture and look of the cream on his younger brothers adorable yet sleepy face. Manic looked down focusing on the chest of the rounded baby figure in front of him and the splotches there, hoping that his large bangs covered his face and muzzle. Thinking that his nervous systems inevitable response went unnoticed Manic relaxed until two white gloved hands gently grasped his face and turned it up to meet loving black eyes. The youngster nuzzled his brothers cheek and Manic's cheeks flushed further.

Did the little one... know? He and Sonic had been secretly at it for years together. How could his younger self know? Sonic probably told him. Manic searched his thoughts for a more plausible answer. He couldn't just like him upon seeing him could he?

A wet, cold feeling awoke him from his thoughts and Manic jumped upon seeing his brothers younger self teasingly lick his cheek. He looked at the others quiet quivering gaze before hearing a door open on the other side of the house.

"Oh crap- Sonia!"

Manic quickly yet reluctantly pushed himself away from his adorable brother before Sonia could witness the two's suggestive exchange. Sonia stepped out of her room dancing to the kitchen. Small purple headphones buzzed as she sang along to a new song she had discovered. Manic rolled his eyes, apparently she was done preening. Sonia merely danced to the fridge and pulled out an apple. Oblivious to her small audience she hummed as she cut the fruit and placed the pieces on a small plate. She walked towards the dining table and put down her dish nonchalantly before muttering " Manic put on some better clothes – you keep wearing that same leather vest every day!" "Sonic, take a bath! You reek!"

"Wait- Sonic?"

Manic smirked as his sister was baffled much like he previously was. Sonia stuttered looking at the younger hedgehog in questioning. "That is Sonic right? What-What happened?"

Manic chuckled - "Our bro decided to give us a little gift." The drummer handed his sister the half-assed letter Sonic had wrote for them.

" He didn't even drop by to say hello!" Sonia scowled at the messy paper.

Manic glanced over to the full premature hedgehog dozing at the table before responding "Well technically he's doing more than just droppin' by."

There gazes shifted to "mini" curled up on the dining room chair eyes half cast. The two older siblings smiled at the innocence the other sported before Sonia regained her authoritarian state of mind.

" You know what I mean! The older Sonic!- Whatever, this one needs a bath and you could use one too Manic!" "While you two are doing that I'm going out, we are going to need some meat for him" Sonia gestured to mini Sonic who had frightfully awoken due to the mention of a possible bath.

"Alright Sis, little bro and I are gonna have some bonding time." At this the little blue hedgies tail wagged slightly-black eyes quivering in excitement. Sonic loved his brothers street talk, the way his words fluidly slurred together. How the syllables where dragged and cut short at different intervals. His city brother had a wonderful city voice- he bet that he could most likely sing beautifully with it. If only he could have such a voice. Two tan arms wrapped around his waist and the youngster closed his eyes in comfort- the squeeze felt familiar and he nudged his muzzle into the fur behind him feeling the soft circle of fur that even he sported. Small white gloved hands trailed down the arms that held him to rest upon medium large hands but instead of folded cloth gloves his small hands felt fingerless leather gloves and spiky cuffs. Tan eyelids snapped open and retreated from his daze to look up at his embracer. Turqouise eyes stared back slightly shocked. Mini looked up and grasped the fringy bangs his brother flaunted between his fingers softly. The bangs were extremely soft despite them actually being small quills and Mini smiled before snuggling further into his brother.

Manic panicked he was getting aroused from the smaller ones actions and resorted to quickly lifting his younger brother in his arms before walking to the other side of the house. Mini blinked as he was shifted and carried much like a toddler. His body was supported by his older brothers arm underneath his little blue bottom cradling him into the crook of his arm. A small black nose took in the musky distinctive male scent of the older before realizing where they where headed.

The two entered a rocky punk bedroom and took a detour to a bathroom littered with hair-gel, shaving cream, and cologne. Beady eyes widened in extreme fear as they came to a halt...

A steaming bathtub was held at the ready,

and then...

all hell broke loose...

Tan arms flailed as light blue legs kicked into overdrive. In an effort to make have the ordeal over faster Manic quickly slipped of the youngsters shoes and socks and jogged to the tub while attempting to plunk the blooming hero into the tub only to fail miserably. Sonic dashed out the bathroom door and under Manic's punk tattered canopy bed quivering in fear. Manic sighed, he should of known... Sonic's eminent fear of water would make this hard...

Manic shook his head in desperation. He had to take a bath too, might as well take it while the bath is warm. Leather gloves where laid to the side carefully along with spiked cuffs and a vest was slowly taken off. Manic turned his eyes to look in the half hazy steamed mirror to assess his appearance only to see that mini Sonic was peeking his head through the doorway watching him. Manic smirked and slightly bent down to take off his shoes. He ruffled his bangs lightly before carefully taking out his piercings and laying them on the bathroom counter all the while inwardly grinning at the awed expression of his "little brother". Once finally bare, Manic turned towards the tub and slowly eased inside with a satisfied, melodious ...


Green eyelids closed in relaxation and he felt a presence beside him. Manic knew he had to word his next sentence carefully. With a slight whisper so as to not scare his brother he made his move...

"Little bro, would you like to take a bath with me?" Manics eyes where half cast seductively.

Mini Sonic jumped but stood his ground. He looked upon his brother and softly nodded as if in a trance. The green hedgehog chortled and slowly picked up his flighty brother. The smaller one began to struggle feverishly and Manic reacted with haste.

Mini stopped, and fell limp, as a pressure was placed against his lips softly squeezing. His cute eyes widened in shock as he was connected to his brother. Manic amidst the kiss heaved mini inside the tub onto his lap. Sonia had left earlier and Manic had little restrictions in his mind as to what he could not do with his younger little brother. At the moment the little one was clinging onto his figure with water only reaching up to his torso. Manic seductively grinned, squeezed a dollop of shampoo on his hand. and massaged between light blue spines affectionately to calm the other. Soft chirps reverberated from the small throat and Manic massaged deeper. Tan eyelids slightly closed in euphoria- slumping against his guardian, he was comfortable within the tub. Skilled hands massaged down to a petite tail-trailing in circles around the cute perky appendage.

"Hmm... little bro, who woulda guessed you where this cute." Manic grinned at the snuggled hedgie in his grasp, the bath waters warmth would dissipate if they weren't fast. The drummers hands traveled up the round body squeezing and massaging alternately and pausing for just a little too long at certain taboo areas as his little subject squirmed at perverse moments and soundlessly opened his mouth in silent (what seemed to be) moans.

Soon suds where imbedded in the little ones fur and it was time for the hard part... the rinse. Manic grabbed the retractable shower head from above the bathtub carefully holding his brother during the process and turned it to the appropriate temperature.

Warm water trickled through blue and green fur, parting the strands and as it flowed down the trembling smaller body. Manic once again raked his hands down the body in front of him, making sure that all the soap was evenly taken off the others body. Tan eyelids were closed in temporary submission as little one was to scared to move on his own yet he held his fear to be close to his brother.

Amidst the sound of running water the little one could hear his brother chortle lightly. " I think i'll call you Sonikku~ not too creative but it fits. Better than callin' you "Mini" anyway." At once the water was shut off and the shivering drenched petite hedgie grasped tighter onto his brother tan eyes still closed. A feeling of spreading warmth connected with his body and he was met with a soft light green towel. Turquoise eyes laughed heartily at the adorable expression his little brother sported. Small tan arms were crossed against the small rounded body and his head was angrily tilted to the side. His tan eyes were closed as the towel was ruffled through his damp fur.

Manic let go of his brother and laughed to himself. He sort of forgot to truly wash himself the only thing he achieved was get a rinse when it came to cleaning. But, he had been able to get some lip from his little brother- which game him an idea. Manic dried himself as he was ignored by his little brother. He guessed that his bro wasn't so happy with the the whole making contact with water thing- but it was for the best and he would be rewarded shortly for it. The green hedgie carefully put in his piercings and spiked cuffs and dumped his dirty laundry in a nearby hamper before lifting up his brother in his arms to walk into his bedroom.

Before entering his punk themed bedroom he picked up his brothers cute little shoes and socks and proceeded to his dark canopied bed. Manic softly placed his brother on his dark bedding and went to his dresser to pull out some clean socks. He softly put his socks on and looked at little Sonikku who was still blatantly ignoring him. Manic smiled as he turned and dashed some light cologne on himself – from the corner of his eye he could make out his little brothers curious gaze. Sonikku's black eyes assessed his brother's appetizing body from a distance.

Oh yeah, Manic smirked

Things were going to go down.

The next chapter will have a two way and the inevitable three way. Manic just needs a little bonding time with the little one.