Warnings: AU.

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Oda-san. I make no profit.

A/N: This is the final theme of the round. I hope you enjoyed reading them (if anyone's made it this far, haha).

Theme # 30 Whirlpool

"What is that, Zoro?"


Luffy gripped his shirt sleeve and tugged on it once, twice, before the green haired man sat up on his chair and followed the direction of Luffy's pointing finger.

Zoro furrowed his eyebrows at the little swirl of water a few hundred feet away from their boat and wondered if Luffy had some crazy 20-20 eyesight 'cause that shit was far away.

"That's a whirlpool." He sighed, laying back down and sliding his sunglasses over his eyes.

A second later, Luffy was tugging on his shirt again.

"Will we get stuck in it?" The smaller man asked, scooting closer to his lover's side. Did Zoro remember that he couldn't swim? He sure hoped so.

"It's too far away, Luffy. Just relax." Zoro assured him, wrapping an arm around the other man's waist.

Luffy seemed to accept his answer, but the man was still tensed up beside him, his eyes glued to the swirling mass of water.