Read my story An Oath before this then it will make more sense hopefully.

I do not own any Percy Jackson stories. Rick Riordan owns the characters of Percy Jackson.

Chiron stood the fire. The sea was unnaturally stormy and the wind seemed out for revenge. The moon shone blue and red. The campers around the camp fire with unease.

"Chiron what is wrong with the gods?" a girl asked.

"Today is a great day of mourning of the gods. The 100th anniversary of the death of Percy Jackson the hero of Olympus and son of Poseidon. He was killed in the last great war protecting his beloved. They were supposed to be wedded but an Oath he made stopped them. The story goes as follows:

Many years ago an Oath was made. An Oath by a hero called Perseus Jackson. The boy was loved by everyone because of his gentle nature and charming Personality. This is the story of the once happy life he led turned into a sad and tragic tale for a boy no older than seventeen.

My tale of Percy begin when he is reunited with Annabeth Chase his girlfriend. He had been separated from her for eight long months with no memory but her name. When her and several other people landed at the Roman camp in there battle ship made of bronze and with a dragon head at front all he did was smile.

The family and friends had built this to help find him along with the final seven. They did care for him. He had regained his memory a couple of weeks ago. He remembered the quests they had with Grover and Tyson. He remembered travelling to the underworld for the lightning bolt, the sea of monsters the next year and the time he snuck out to find Annabeth.

He remembered the Labyrinth and the hardships of fighting with Luke's army and many people dying and then the final battle. The one set in stone. The battle he thought he was supposed to die in. He remembered the sorrow of losing all his friends but gaining more as well. He remembered when he and Annabeth got together.

He remembered his dad and mum. He remembered Thalia and Nico.

He remembered Luke. Percy slowly made his way to the front of the hold up of Roman demi-gods and smiled at the guy on the ship. They all looked shocked as Percy pulled out his sword. He smiled to himself. Lets have some fun he thought. In his deep commanding voice he thundered trying not to laugh:

"Who do you think you are? I am Percy Jackson the leader of the Roman camp. Tell me why I shouldn't run you through? Tell me why I shouldn't attack you?" before they could reply he turned and laughed. So hard he thought he might wet him self.

"Lower your weapons these guys are cool their with me." he turned back to the Greek campers. They stood there with their mouth agape.

"Let me tell you a little secret wise girl." her eyes lit up on the nick name. "You might want to shut your mouth you could catch flies!" she just stared so he continued. "Did you really think that I'd forget you Annabeth?" he said with a softer tone.

"How could I forget someone who nearly killed themselves trying to save me? And who could forget their beautiful, smart, king and sometimes scary girlfriend they love?" She stood there for a minute till she ran over so fast she nearly knocked him over when she gave me a back breaking hug. She shook with sobs as she hugged him.

He lifted her chin to look at her. His sea green eyes looking to her wise grey eyes. Eyes that held that much wisdom meant she had seen the hard ways no girl at that age shouldn't have seen. So much pain and sorrow.

But Percy's held just amount of wisdom and pain.

The two leant in then met with a breath taking kiss. As they kissed the others on the boat smiled. The sun seemed to brighten and the Minerva and Neptune temples seem to brighten up a lot more. The birds and animals were more lively and the wind seemed warmer and calmer making the trees only sway gently from side to side.

Annabeth smiled. Oh how she missed his soft warm lips. The lips that tasted like sunshine and the seaside. His jet black hair seemed more messier and more softer than ever. Her fingers felt like they where running over silk.

She missed his bright eyes that shone with mischief and care.

Percy was the same. He had missed her gentle lips that tasted like grapes and her silky blonde hair that looked like some fairytale princess hair. Her eyes where the most he had missed. They where still so bright but at the same time where dulled by wisdom. He didn't care he had her once again.

He pulled her into a hug and wiped away her tears. Kissing her hair and telling her he loved her and missed her.

Thalia who had been sitting there got bored and decided to ruin it.

"Yo kelp!" she yelled. "You and Annabeth done snogging yet or do I have to shock you into next week to get you to hurry up?" Percy turned and glared at her. The Roman demi-gods just stood there watching in silences not knowing what to do. So they just watched in amusement.

"Just try Thalia May Grace and I will promise your immortal hunter butt that I will make your life horrid from now on!" he said reaching for his sword. She summoned her hunting knife and they stood face to face.

"Must it be like a repeat of all them years ago?" she asked "Or should I just zap you now?"

"Thalia don't" Annabeth said. She somehow knew he didn't have the curse anymore therefore it would be a danger for him to fight with no armour on.

Just then a voice called out. "Thalia!" she turned to see her brother waving at her. This cause the camp to see Jason their old leader waving at her.

"What?" she asked annoyed.

"Erm… you know you told me not to touch your bow" he said with a nervous tone. Thalia nodded. "Well I kind of did and now erm your bow is kind of broken." Thalia looked absolutely murderous.

"You. Broke. My. Bow?" he nodded weakly then ran as she ran after him.

"Poor guy." Percy muttered. He turned to see him flying waving at the legion.

They waved back.

Now I think that is enough for one night. You don't want to have nightmares. Now back to your cabins. They all walked back to their cabins. All were full of children apart from one. The Poseidon /Neptune cabin was empty. He never had any kids after Percy was killed. He blinked back tears as he walked to the big house wiping at his cheeks he turned the lights of and went to bed with one more look at the sky.

Review please tell me what you think!
