"Japanese" (Only used when speaking Japanese in a usually English speaking setting)


"Normal speak/English."

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Alright! you all know the drill, this is the Sequel to Yugioh: Enter the Wizarding World. I hope you enjoy this chapter and this story. I'm sorry if any of you were disappointed with my portrayal of the characters near the ending of the last story. I'll try to keep their fairly even in ability this time.

Yugi smiled to himself as he helped unpack some things in his Grandfather's shop. Summer was always a big time for business so Yugi helped out whenever he could. He had yet to finish his summer homework, due to spending the last few weeks helping his grandpa with the shop and unpacking the new shipments of Duel monster cards. It wasn't hard work, but it was time consuming.

'Yugi, you should take a break. You've been working for hours.' Yami frowned appearing next to Yugi.

Yugi laughed. 'Yami I'm fine, these boxes aren't too heavy, and besides it's not like the cards are going to come alive and attack me when I'm unpacking them!' He joked.

'You can never be too sure; a rouge shadow monster could attack.' Yami said, taking Yugi's joke seriously. The so far so peaceful vacation was making the Spirit Paranoid.

'And Risk your wrath? I don't think so.' Yugi chuckled. 'But if you're so eager to give me a break, why don't you come out and help move some of the heavier boxes?'

Yami blinked. 'Uh . . . Well if it's the only way to get you to take a break. . .' Yami was not fond of work, but if Yugi truly wanted him to. . .

'Relax Yami.' Yugi laughed. 'I wasn't serious.' At that moment Seto's owl Athena flew in through the open window, multiple letters attached to her leg. 'Besides, Now I have a reason to take a break.' Yugi grinned untying the letters from the owl's leg. Seto had forwarded Yugi letters from Ron and Neville.

'Hey Yugi,

Everything is going great this side of the world. I've been dueling with Ron a lot, and we're both getting much better! I completed most of my summer homework, but the potions and Transfiguration assignments are really confusing me. Other than that, everything's been pretty calm compared to the last year.

Oh! I almost forgot, have you heard from Harry? No one else has and I'm getting pretty worried.

Anyway I'll see you in august I guess.


Yugi grinned. 'Looks like this really will be a vacation!' After the last school year, Yugi had been suspicious about what summer would have in store. But it seemed they we're finally getting that break that they so very much deserved, if next year was going to be as crazy as last year, the definitely needed one.

'So it would seem.' Yami agreed, he had been reading over Yugi's shoulder. 'But, trouble follows us around like a Cerberus puppy begging for attention . . .' Yami had no doubts that something would happen. For the spirit highly doubted that something as mundane as summer vacation would stop trouble from brewing.

'So true. . .' Yugi sighed, he couldn't argue with the Spirit's logic. 'I'm going to read the one from Ron; maybe he's got better news.' Yugi certainly hoped he did.


I'm starting to get really worried, I haven't heard from Harry all summer! Hermione hasn't either . . .no one here has come to think of it. Have you? Other then the fact that Harry's gone AWOL, everything is pretty sweet here. No trolls, or three headed dogs, or dark lords, or anything dangerous! Lucky break huh? I was sure that something awful would happen right away, maybe our lucks finally turning around eh?

If you hear from Harry, Send me a letter right away!


Yugi frowned. 'That's odd, no one's heard from Harry since summer began. You don't suppose he's gotten into any trouble have you?' Yugi asked Yami worried.

'I don't know what to think at this point. I can only assume that Harry is fine, as I've not sensed anything leave the shadow realm lately.' Yami admitted

'Well, I'll try sending another letter. Maybe he just hasn't been getting them?'Yugi suggested worriedly.

'That is a possibility.' Yami agreed, hoping that Yugi was right. He'd hate to not be there to protect one of Yugi's friends.

'I'd better go and write them back. Seto will probably want Athena to return to him as soon as possible.' Yugi said, knowing how much Seto cared about those close to him. He would be worried if Athena was away too long.

Yami nodded and trailed behind Yugi as he went to his room to find a pen and paper to write with.

'Dear Ron,

I'm sorry to say, I haven't heard anything from Harry either. But don't worry too much; I'm sure we'll get a hold of him eventually though. And if not, we'll still see him on the Hogwarts express.

Oh just a heads up, you might not hear from me for a while, I'm entering a duel Monsters tournament. So I'll be pretty busy for the next few weeks.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Yugi put that letter in an envelope and addressed it. His letter to Neville said very much the same thing. After securing the letters to Athena's leg, he went back to the store room to finish unpacking.

Yami frowned. 'Is it truly just a matter of not receiving our letters? Or is it something more? Harry has never spoken of his home life; perhaps it is not as pampered as the Wizarding world believes. . .' Yami mused to himself, or it would have been to himself, if he had remembered to close the mind link.

'Yami stop being so deep and thoughtful,' Yugi laughed. 'I need your help down here!'

'What's going on?' Yami blinked there was a lot of noise coming from Yugi's side of the link. Yami Relaxed and allowed him to be pulled to Yugi's side. It was something he had discovered a few days ago, if he wished it, some sort of supernatural force would take him right back to The Puzzle, and by extension Yugi. Perhaps it was the fact that he was so closely linked to it, he wasn't sure.

When he got down stairs, he was greeted by the sight of a large group of local dueling fans, fighting over the last of the new booster packs that Yugi's grandfather had laid out that morning. Yami winced. "Not again. . . Alright Yugi, let me take control." Yami said as he floated over to kneel down behind the counter where Yugi had momentarily taken shelter. In case the crowd started getting violent like that one last week. Yami had been a second away from gaming that group, if only Seto hadn't arrived and broken things up. Yami knew how to handle these situations better then the diminutive wizard. Even if his temper was shorter then Yugi was.

Yugi nodded. 'Alright' He relinquished control to the Spirit, there was a soft flash of light as the change took place. The quarrelling crowd, naturally was too focused on getting the cards, and did not notice in the slightest.

Yami calmly stood up, and as if he was going to restock the front counter. He turned around and unlocked a cupboard with the key; only to find the air horn he had hidden there was gone. Yami had found it in Yugi's grandfather's old things while they had been cleaning out a backroom. Yugi must have hidden it, he mused. Instead he walked around the counter and easily moved between the arguing people and plucked the booster pack from the hand of the person who was holding it. The arguing stopped instantly. Yami headed back to the register.

"Hey what are you doing?" One girl asked as the crowd followed him curious. Yami ignored her until he was behind the register again.

"It's simple really." He said pleasantly. "No one get's these cards." Yami stated in the same pleasant tone as he opened a drawer and dropped the pack inside.

"WHAT?" No one was happy with his decision.

"If you're going to fight over them like Idiots, none of you deserve them. Come back tomorrow when the new shipment will be set out and there will be enough cards for everyone." Yami announced. "There are plenty of other booster packs to choose from. You don't all need the new one." He said crossing his arms in irritation, and sending them a disapproving glare. His inspiration for such a thing had of course come from professor McGonagall.

There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd. Some of them even hung their heads in shame.

"Now please, if you're not going to make a purchase, leave." Yami said with an air of finality.

'I'll take over your shift for now Yugi.' Yami told his other self, who he could sense was exhausted from dealing with Customers. Less than half of the group of duelists left and the rest spread out around the store and looked at the cards and games that Yami would actually sell to them.


Sorry for making you all wait so long for this. But I originally wanted to have this be a really long chapter with short check ins of everyone in our little group, but that was taking way too long to write. But I've already got chapter two done! And this story won't be too long, it will only chronicle the summer of our characters. The next story will take place during their second year.