Hey guys, sorry it's been so long. I had to buy 2 new computers because my old one died.. and I don't have MS word on my new one.. at all.. so, I'm using wordpad. Bleh.. x.x.. anyway.. I was sitting here listening to music and came onto the idea of a really good story idea. So, here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, well, except for the girl. She's mine.

Chapter 1: Ham Sandwiches

7 hours and 15 days it's been since the attack of Mundus on the city.. Kyrie now lives with Nero at Devil May Cry and helps Trish keep 'order' in the most hectic place in capulet city. Nero still goes out and does night shifts, looking for demons.. They've slowed down now and aren't as many as there were.

Since the hell gates have been destroyed, it kept alot of the demons where they should be... they don't come out at day much.. mostly at night and that's when the young snow-haired man comes out to hunt them. His shoes pad along the dusty cobblestone making a 'thuf' noise as he goes. The sound of such, bouncing off the walls of stores and shops.. homes even. Not a single soul was out tonight, they were all inside now.. celebrating the absence of the demons.. and not a single thank you was given to the ones who helped. But, Nero himself didn't need any thanks to feel good about what he did.. he had his angel for that. Seeing her face after a nights work of killing would put back the light in his eyes. The two had grown more fond of each other since it all, and that was all a man could ask for.

Nero stepped in the door of Devil May Cry, the neon sign above the door flickering a little. Dante was at his desk, asleep with his feet up and arms folded behind his head.. Trish was helping Kyrie make use of the kitchen and attempted to cook something. All they ever ate was pizza around here (obviously). As the door shut behind him he walked past the sleeping man clad in red and went straight to his room. Kyrie shared this room with him.. and the other room was left for Trish. Dante kept at his desk mostly, insisting that he didn't need a bed.

Nero went inside the room, the slight smell of must and stale air wafted out as he stepped in. Flipping on a small lamp with no shade he took his sword from his back and leaned it against the cheap burgundy wallpaper, it's sharp tip making a little chip into the planks below his feet. After doing so he took a glance around the room and thought to himself.. My life has changed so much since the savior attack.. sometimes he wonders what would have happened had he not done anything.. just sat back and watched as Mundus took all he loved and shattered it before him. Kyrie.. dead. Dante.. apprehended. The city.. gone up in flames and the face of the devil on every billboard. Nero shook his head, locks of his alabaster hair swaying as he did so.

After he made his way back down the steps to see what the girls were doing he noticed Dante had shifted in his sleep, his face was pressed against the surface of his desk and his arms hung limply by his sides. Nero couldn't help but smirk a little as he walked by. Even when he's sleeping he somehow lightens the mood.Upon entering the kitchen, the young woman looked up and smiled.. her soft features curving into a happy smile.

"Nero.." She said in that soft feathery voice.

Just hearing her say his name made his heart flutter. She walked over and hugged him softly, her arms snaking around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hey.. Sorry I took so long." He apologized, glancing into her deep cocoa eyes. She looked up too and smiled, shaking her head slightly.

"Don't be, it's okay.. we we're making sandwiches for everyone.. we figured you'd be back around this time." She pulled back and stepped into the kitchen once more next to the blonde in leather and she set a plate of triangle cut sandwiches down on the counter close to Nero.

"That's our lovely creation for today. Ham and cheese." Trish spoke, her voice strong.. but gentle and soothing at the same time. Her face was intelligent and proud looking.. having very defined features.. a perfect chin and high cheekbones.

Nero looked at the sandwiches, they actually looked pretty good.. and after 2 weeks of pizza.. he was happy to get a decent (kinda) meal. "Looks great.. and I will have a few later.. but, I actually need to take Kyrie somewhere. We'll be back soon."

Kyrie raised her brows in question, and Trish nodded.. leaving the room. "Don't do anything stupid while you're gone." She said as she left to go to her room.

"Where are we going?" Kyrie asked, walking back over to Nero as he pulled the sleeve down over his devil bringer. Meh, close enough.

He smiled, "Well.. since the last time Lady showed up here.. I've been saving up the money she pays us to take care of the demon problems.. and I thought you might want to go get something. Ya know, something special."

Kyrie's eyes creased with a happy smile, "Okay." She chided with a gentle blink of her almost innocent looking eyes. Nero noticed these little things about her, it was like reading a book. One you just couldn't put down no matter how hard you tried.. And you always found yourself coming back to it if you did so happen to set it down.

Nero lead her out of Devil May Cry and down the road, keeping the gun at his side just in case someone.. or something, showed up.

Kyrie noticed he didn't have his sword with him and she slowed a little, "Nero, are you sure coming out here around this time without your sword is a good idea? You said Demons usually come out at night."

He slowed too and turned to look at her, "I've still got my gun, and yeah.. they do.. but I've swept the whole area twice tonight.. there weren't but 3.. and they were off near Fortuna harbor."

The young woman nodded and laced her fingers in with Nero's devil bringer. It was always warmer than the rest of him for some reason. They got into the shopping area of town and there was still no one in sight.. it was desolate out here and it was weirdly quiet. Nero took note of that, starting to feel that bringing his sword would have been a good thing after all.

Kyrie went up to a store and tried to open the door but it was locked.. the sign said open.. but it wouldn't budge. She pulled on it and still nothing.. Nero saw and came over to help, "Is it jammed?" She asked as he took hold of it and pulled.. it just rattled a little.

He was about to speak when he felt a little chill go down his spine and the smells around him changed a little.. just a bit sour and foul. He made a face and turned around, staying close to Kyrie. "I think there's something nearby.. that's why all the shops are locked up.. just not closed.." He trailed off, speaking softer now because ears could be out there listening to everything they were saying.

His eyes scanned the distance and looked down alleys across the roads.. it was dead silent.. a little too silent.. and very, dead. It seemed that out of all the silence of course something would happen.. and so it did. A blood curdling scream came echoing through the deep teal vista around them. Nero was ready for this before it came, but Kyrie jumped when she heard it and she stepped as close as possible to Nero.

Nero couldn't leave her here.. so he pulled her with him halfway.. her boots padding along the cobblestone in sync with his and they ran in the direction of the scream. It was down the road a ways and on the corner of the street where a black mass of a demon was hovering over someone. Nero let go of Kyrie's hand and pulled his gun from it's holster on his hip and ran at the demon, shooting at it. The bullets penetrated the black mass of 'skin' and the demon let out a curdling squelch as it expired.. seeping into the ground.. going back to hell where it belonged.

The figure that it had hovered over was clearly passed out now.. As Nero stepped closer he saw that it was a girl.. but, a young girl.. maybe only 10 or 11. Her hair was a little past shoulder length and a dull auburn color.. she was dressed in rags and poorly threaded garb. She looked homeless. No wonder she was out at this time.. she had no where else to be. Now, he had a decision to make.. leave her here and risk her life by the hand of another demon showing up.. or take her.. Nero was a good hearted man so he knelt down and scooped her up into his arms. Similar to the way he held Kyrie when they busted from the head of the savior.

"Is she hurt?" Kyrie ran and met Nero halfway, looking at the young girl worriedly.

Nero shook his head, "Not that I see, we need to take her home.. she's out cold.. the demon probably scared her so badly she passed out." He looked down at the young girl before making the walk home with Kyrie.

When they arrived at Devil May Cry it seemed Trish had went off to bed and Dante awoke. The red clad man was hovering over the sandwiches and sniffing them with a disgusted look on his face. "Eughh.."

Nero was still holding the girl in his arms when Dante turned around about to speak but saw the frail body and raised a brow. "Don't tell me you killed her.." His usual sarcastic tone, but literal statement echoed around the room.

Kyrie glanced down at the young face and felt a pang of sadness go through her, That poor girl..

Nero shook his head, "No, I didn't, thank you. We ran into a demon while we were out and it scared the girl half to death.. she's out cold. Couldn't just leave her there, especially if the thing came back."

Dante usually didn't care, but this was just some kid.. and a young girl too, so even his heart-strings were being pulled a little. "Don't you think her parents would be looking for her though?" He inquired, because if they were.. it would be kidnapping, what they were doing right here.

Nero sighed a little, "I don't think she has any.. she looks too.. worn, homeless. There was no one else on the streets.. it was dull and empty for some reason. Even a weird feel about the air." He shook his head a little to clear his thoughts, "Either way.. we need to keep her here until.. I don't know what. But, she just can't be left out there."

Dante seemed to actuallybe thinking this over some. He chuckled. Seriousness gone. "Heh, well.. Lets hope you and song-bird got enough space in your room for 'er." His featured showed his good 'ol joking manner, but this was really not the appropriate time for that.

Nero nodded softly and looked back down at the frail figure in his arms, she had dirt and dust on her skin and a few untreated cuts. "Kyrie, can you get the medkit from the cabinet?" He asked in a calming voice, glancing back over to his girlfriend.

Kyrie nodded, her dark strawberry blonde hair that tapered around her shoulders flew a little in the breeze of her movement as she went into the kitchen, right past the sandwiches, and to the cabinet to get the metal box down. Box in hand she came back over to where Nero had laid the little girl on the sofa and was checking for more wounds.

"Here." Kyrie's soft voice came as she sat the metal latched box on the ground next to where Nero was kneeling next to the sofa.

"Thanks, I'm just going to clean up her cuts so they don't get infected." He nodded a little to himself before opening the box and getting out some sanitary napkins and a little peroxide. Dapping gently on the cuts, the girl moved a little here and there.. But still out cold.

Kyrie found herself looking the girl over and smiling, feeling motherly towards this young girl. Even in the midst of all this drama and dire situations, she was looking at the girl with a certain feeling inside her of which she'd never felt before. She wanted to take care of this young girl, and keep her safe next to her heart. Kyrie always loved children.. But never thought about having children of her own. It was always pushed from her thoughts by more important things. But now, since the situation arose.. It was time to think. When she wakes up.. And everything is all better.. Where does she go? Nero certainly wouldn't let her go back out onto the streets now would he?

Nero finished up being doctor for now and handed the used tissues to Kyrie and put the little peroxide bottle back inside the box and shut it.

Kyrie tossed the dirt and blood stained tissues into the trashcan when she paused, out of sight, and wrapped her hand around the necklace that hung just above her heart. She felt another smile creep onto her face, "A little girl.." She said softly.

Nero heard this somewhat and perked up, "Did you say something, hun?"

She pulled her hand from her necklace and walked back into the foyer-like area and leaned against Dante's desk, "Uhh, no." She changed the subject, "Did you find any other cuts?" She asked, showing interest in whether the girl was okay or not.

Nero gave her a little bit of a look before talking, as if he knew she wasn't quite telling him the truth. "Just a few mild scrapes. When she wakes up, she really needs a bath or.. Shower, or something. She looks as if she hasn't seen one in months."

"She probably hasn't." That pang of sadness went through Kyrie again. She felt really bad for this little girl and it only made her motherly instinct kick in harder.

Nero nodded and stood up now, walking across the way to the green sofa that was on the opposite wall to where the girl lay. "It's late, go on to bed.. I'll stay here and watch her." He said with a gentle smile.

The young woman nodded, "Okay.." in the soft feathery voice again and went around the back and down a little hallway area to their room. It was fairly big. Well, kinda'. There was a medium sized queen over against the wall and a vanity mirror. Then near the window there was a dresser, it was a new addition, for Kyrie's stuff when she moved away from Fortuna. It always smelled musty and stale in here.. But, it was home. And home is where the heart is. Nero.

Her cheeks grew warm and she realized she was blushing a little, that's what you get for being a hopeless romantic. Either way, she went over and laid down on the bed, kicking her boots off and just laying atop the covers. It wasn't a cold night so she didn't feel the need to change into her bed-clothes or to get under the sheets. Plus she couldn't sleep.. She was still trying to figure out her feelings about this little girl. She has such a sweet face. Kyrie knew what she wanted, but if she asked Nero.. He'd probably say no.. and her dreams would be crushed.

Kyrie wanted to adopt this little girl as their own. Be parents and take care of her. She hadn't even spoken to the girl or seen her with her eyes open and she already had such feelings for the girl. They didn't even know her name, or if she even wanted to be adopted..

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! I'll be posting a new chapter soon, very soon my pretties. And, I apologize for the lack of stories and updates.. I will be updating alot now. Stay tuned for more!