Author note:This story is for a close friend of mine, Bloodredhead. While I wrote this chapter I enjoyed messing with Zero. For hardcore Zero fans: the goal of this story is to have fun, so don't jump in my head if you don't like how I created his character. Remember: have fun.

Special thanks to Dark Phyre my beta reader. She did a wonderful job with my crappy english.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire knight or it characters, these belongs to Hino Matsuri.

Chapter I

He always hated that office. The only times when he entered there was to get a new job. Which vampire will he hunt now?

He was waiting for thirty minutes. It was for the first time when Cross Kaien, the president of Hunters Association, was late. God, he will kill him when he gets his hands around his neck…

After another thirty minute of waiting, the door finally swung open.

"You bastard, what took you so long? You're late!" the silver-haired vampire asked. Kaien, the man who just entered, made a shocked face. He wasn't late. He called Zero-kun at 3 PM. Checking his new watch the correct hour was confirmed.

"Zero-kun, that's rude. I was late just thirty seconds. You don't need to get mad for tiny seconds." Calmly, Kaien headed to his office, while Zero continuously got more and more pissed.

"Thirty seconds? I think you want to say 60 minutes." Zero pointed to the wall clock, it was 4 PM.

Kaien was late one hour and like it wasn't enough, Zero lost another half hour talking about watches. Like always Kaien made the same dumb expression like in the past. That man has no cure. Pissed on wasting his time with this so-called hunter, Zero snapped.

"What's my new mission? Tell me once so that I can get out of here." Another half hour with this man, and he would need therapy.

From time to time, when it was needed, Cross Kaien, the one who was named the vampire without fangs and was proclaimed the most powerful hunter became serious. He adjusted his eye glasses before speaking.

"Zero-kun, your skills are necessary in UK. Rumors about a nasty vampire have become noisier lately. You must complete a mission to find and tame that vampire. Here is some info about that vampire." Kaien handed Zero a yellow envelope. Zero didn't bother to look at it.

"UK? You want me to go in that country where it's raining every day? And if I am not wrong, isn't UK at more than 12 hours distance from here, even with a plane?"

"Correct, Zero-kun. Your mission will be in UK and probably will take several weeks. That troublesome vampire is hard to catch."

Kaien couldn't stop talking about the new mission and, this way, he didn't notice Zero's mood changing from bad to worse. A gloomy aura gathered around the young vampire, with no chances for the president to notice. Not until the young hunter exploded.

"Hell no! I refuse to go there. Plus, it's just a single vampire. Here I have more prey. Send Kaito!" Zero stormed out from the office not looking back.

There was just no way he would accept this new mission.

One hour later

Finally, Zero's nerves cooled down. He was in a glade behind Cross Academy. The year which passed was quiet. The night class was kept under control by Ichijou Takuma. He was ruling the night class after the initial creator, Kuran's retreated to create a family.

Since the Kuran couple ruled over vampire society, the waters were cooled now. Day by day, ex-human vampires created fewer problems. Day by day, step by step, the vampire society was heading through a peaceful co-existence with humans.

He heard steps heading in his direction. He turned around and saw her. It was Maria, the vampire who started to seduce him more than a year's ago, and slowly he had let himself caught in her web.

She wasn't a troublesome vampire; actually she was a damsel in distress with a fragile body avid for attention. He didn't love her the way she deserved, but he liked to spend his time with her sometimes.

Why sometimes? Well, that's because she wasn't so nice all the time. Even the smallest and kindest creatures had something to hide. Zero felt fine with staying with her for several hours to talk or go for a walk, but when she became too clingy, and she was like that for several hours, Zero wanted to escape from her and go hunt something or someone.

"Zero-kun! I found you!" she jumped in his arms and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Where have you been? I have been looking for you for hours." Zero put the small vampire on her feet. Somehow he had a bad feeling about her presence.

"I was in town for business." He didn't want to go into detail.

"Zero-kun?" Oh… he knew this sweet, soft voice. She always used it when she wanted to get something she knew Zero wouldn't like, but she was still willing to ask. Somehow, that sweet voice had become Zero's biggest enemy and he had no way of defeating it. His cool attitude was blow away.

"Zero-kun, I was just thinking." She continued to use the same killer voice, "we have been a couple for more than a year now and we've shared our blood." Yes, they shared their blood constantly for more than a year. Maria was the second person he drank fresh blood from. Sometimes he drank so much that he left her unconscious.

He enjoyed her blood and her feelings as well. She really loved him and he felt guilty for not returning her feelings the same. But he did what he could and Maria was aware of his efforts. He tried to compensate for his feelings with actions like making her wishes come true.

"What it is, Maria?" He was afraid to ask more. Maria then looked him straight in the eye. She did that when she really wanted something.

"I want us to get married."

Zero was so taken aback by Maria's confession that he couldn't say anything for several minutes. A cat had caught his tongue, but not Maria's. She continued to speak.

"I know we're still young and maybe you aren't prepared for marriage, but I know you like me, Zero-kun. I felt it through your blood when I drank it. I know you still have some feelings for Yuuki-chan, but at the same time I know that they aren't the same as the ones you had a few years ago. Zero-kun, I know you can be happy with me."

Finally, after minutes of silence, Zero found the audacity to meet her eyes.

"Wait here!" he said, dashing off. He headed for Cross Academy dormitory, Maria thought curiously.

In his office, the president presented the new mission to Kaito, the future former ethics teacher. Cross Kaien had no choice but to give the mission to another hunter after Zero's unexpected refusal.

They were in the middle of their discussion when the door suddenly swung open and the well-known vampire hunter entered the room. He was sweating as if he had run to get there. It was for the first time when Cross and Kaito saw him so…so agitated.

For a moment, the worst thoughts crossed their minds. Is Kaname going berserk again? What reason does he have now? But all their worries dissipated when the young hunter opened his mouth to speak.

"The mission…can I take the mission?"

That was surprising. Hours before, the same hunter who stood in front of him had been exclusively against the mission. The hunter was now intrigued. What could have possibly caused the sudden change?

"I wanted to give it to Kaito after your refusal. His presence here is evidence of that. But Zero-kun, why have you changed your mind?"

What should he do? Should he say he's afraid of commitment? The moment Maria proposed to him, the warm blood froze in his system. For minutes, he couldn't speak and when he did, all he had managed to say was wait hereand then he had run away like a coward.

Leaving Maria alone in the glade, he knew he wouldn't turn around, at least for a few weeks or months, enough time for him to think about his life and where he wanted it to be in the end. But Zero hadn't run away because he was confused.

He had run away because he was afraid.

The idea of saying that he ran away because of a fragile vampire to these two hunters scared the hell out of him and was out of the question. He had a reputation to maintain. If they knew they would laugh at him.

"It doesn't matter why. I want to carry out this mission. It doesn't cause any harm to change the air for few weeks."

"Ok, if you want to go in that mission I have nothing against you going. This way, I won't have trouble searching for a new ethics teacher."

At least Zero had no problems in reclaiming a mission that he had refused before. Things were going better than he thought it would.

"When should I go? I can go now. I don't even need luggage. The good thing about this mission is I won't be around the students anymore. A break from this school is highly welcomed."

The megane hunter looked at Zero. It really was suspicious.

"A plane to London leaves in two hours. If you leave now you can still catch it." The young hunter didn't wait for any more info; he left with no more words, leaving behind the yellow envelope that contained his mission details. He had no worries. If he had to, he would call.

"This vampire is hard to catch." Were the last words Zero heard from Cross Kaien.

Alone in the office, the two hunters looked at each other. It was for the first time when they saw Zero so eager for a mission, and it was an abroad mission. Of course they knew about Zero and Maria and this is the reason they were surprised. Wouldn't he be sad if he didn't get the chance to see his frail vampire companion?

After mere minutes of thinking, Kaito remembered an important detail about Zero's mission.

"Shouldn't we have told him?" he asked, removing his eyes from the envelope.

"No. Let him be surprised."

The moment the sound of her footsteps was heard on the cement, thousands of eyes turned around to see her. Since the moment she came into this school, each morning was the same: males and females watching her. Every eye darting her way.

This morning, the red-haired woman was wearing black leather clothes, which exposed the curves of her body and matched wither tight, black leather boots. Every male drooled when her body was exposed to their view in such a manner. All they wanted to do was to remove, piece by piece, the constricting clothing from her pale skin, and later to admire the secrets she hid underneath.

She was hard to get. She allured men with her deep green eyes and style of clothing, but at the same time, she rejected their advances.

From time to time, when she thought she had found a man worthy of her attention, she rewarded him with responsiveness until he didn't have a will of his own. Since she reached the age of her teens, she had discovered her passion to turn men in her loyal slaves.

"Miss Anya, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?" a twenty year old student asked her. "After that we can do something more…pleasant."

After thousands of years she still wasn't bored of her playful game. She traveled in different countries, hiding her identity, searching for a man who wouldn't bore her so quickly, as the others did.

She had been a student of St. Elisabeth's College for a little over three months, and yet, a certain man who perked her interests hadn't revealed himself to her yet.

Anya looked at this new face. Each day was the same: different men, different days, and the same request. They wanted her to go to dinner with them and later, to end up in their beds. They had no shame in requesting sexual pleasure. Manners were unknown and uncharted words for men.

But unfortunately for them, Anya presented no interest in beings like them. She never liked her prey to offer themselves so easily to her. They didn't fit her criteria, for a worthy male had to make her heart to beat faster.

"Sorry, but someone like you will never date someone like me. Going on a single date with you even for a fraction of a day is disgraceful for me. I hope you understand and you won't hate me for it."

She had insulted the man, but yet he couldn't say the hateful words that his mind had prepared in reply. His mind was screaming with hate for the woman who had just humiliated him, but still the words couldn't come to the surface. Against his will, he had no choice other than to obey under those green eyes, under this woman's will.

"I will never hate you, Miss Anya." He whispered. "You can do whatever you want with me. I am yours forever." He had no wish to utter those last words, but her will was too strong to say otherwise.

"I am glad." She replied, before she turned on her heel, heading to her first period class, her loyal servant, Walter, following close behind her.

Author note: I will try to mantain a comedy style, I hope I would succeed.

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