Just You, Me, and a Piece of Paper

Chapter 1 – Introducing…

Warnings: Random crack. Some language. Does not follow canon exactly.

Disclaimer: I own no forms of Manga/Anime; therefore Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

A/N: Hey everyone. This idea came from the various Harry Potter stories I've read where Harry writes letters to the Dark Lord, and then a plot starts. I've decided that that could work with Itachi and Sakura, so please stick with me and give me some encouragement and advice.

Sakura and all rookie 9 - 12 years old

Team Gai - 13 years old

Itachi - 17 yeras old

Haruno Sakura was pissed. No, scratch that, she was infuriated. How dare that bastard, that little, that, that, argh! She couldn't even find the words to describe Sasuke. Stupid bastard, how dare he knock her out and leave her lying on a cold stone bench with just a thank you! And after all the good deeds she had done for him too.

Sure, she may have been a little, what's the word, persistent, but that was only because it was the popular and normal thing to do… Everyone had a crush on Sasuke! There were even some fanboys, come to think of it.

It wasn't like she had a massive crush on him. Oh no. She just wanted to fit in. Ino and all the other girls crushed on Sasuke, and to be honest, he wasn't bad looking, so why not? It was easier to go with the flow than against it.

Truthfully though, she had found his antisocial, 'I-am-greater-than-thou-so-bow-before-me-now' attitude to be quite annoying at times.

Just when she had finally started to like Sasuke as a person, a friend, because he was plain Sasuke and none of that last Uchiha crap, he left. She had confessed to him, desperately hoping that a promise of love to the boy who had lost his whole family would be enough to convince him to stay. How did he react to her act of kindness? Leave her freezing and stiff on a freak'in stone bench without even a blanket.

Sighing, Sakura sat up and rolled her cramped shoulders.

"Sakura-san! Please answer!"

Startled out of her ministrations, she looked up and noticed that Kotetsu and Izumo were there, and looked like they were waiting for her to answer.

"Ah, sorry. I'm fine," Sakura tried hard to give a reassuring smile, but it unsuccessfully came out as a grimace. "Sasuke, unfortunately, is not. He defected."

Kotetsu and Izumo's faces rapidly changed in pallor. Seeing their pale expressions, Sakura groaned in her head. Damn, it's going to be a long day.

' A loud sound reverberated around the room. "Sasuke did what!" Tsunade screamed as she slammed her hands down on her desk, giving the poor furniture a small crack.'

' "Don't worry, Sakura-chan! I'll bring Teme back - it's a promise of a lifetime!" Naruto smiled at her with that 1000 watt grin of his.'

' "Sakura, are you ok? Maybe you should get check out at the hospital to make sure Sasuke didn't do anything damaging." Hatake Kakashi worriedly peered at her over the Icha Icha novel he was holding.

Sakura idly noted that this was one of the few times her wayward sensei had shown concern for her.'

The morning had definitely been eventful. Sakura let out a huff as she walked down the path leading away from the hospital. Inside, she continued to fume.

"Cha! How dare he leave us like that! Sasuke is so rude! I don't know what I ever saw in him." Inner Sakura yelled while pumping her fists up and down.

"You know, Inner, I would tell you to calm down, but I don't feel like it. Keep ranting." Sakura thought.

"Ne, Saku, are you ok? You've never acted like this before… just cheer up ok? He isn't worth our anger." Inner consoled.

"I know, it's just that, that," Sakura couldn't get any further before tears started welling up in her eyes. Angrily, she swiped at them and tried to continue, but couldn't get any words out.

"Saku, it's ok. Let's go to central park and we can talk about it." Inner worriedly suggested.


Changing directions and heading towards a well maintained park situated in the middle of Konoha, Sakura tried her best to not meet the stares of the various people around it. It wasn't exactly a secret that Sasuke was on her team.

"So Inner, why did you want to come here?" Sakura asked as she slowly started calming down somewhat, after she sat down on a park bench.

"Saku, remember, this was where we first met Sasuke … and his brother. I thought that it would be nice to sit here while we talked." Inner responded.

Sakura sighed and leaned back, draping her arms over the backrest of the bench. Closing her eyes, she revisited that day in her mind.


7-year-old Sakura sat alone under a tree in the park, crying. It was late afternoon and all the other kids had been teasing her, saying that her pink hair was ugly and that her forehead was too big. She quietly sniffled as she thought to herself, "It's not my fault! They shouldn't do this to me".

Filled with another bought of self-pity, she was about to burst into tears again when she felt a presence behind her. Spinning around as fast as a 7-year-old could, she came face to face with a boy. He didn't look that old, however, his face immediately stood out; she noticed right away how sad and tired his coal black eyes looked, and that there were already stress lines on his face.

"Hello, my name is Itachi. Are you okay?" The boy inquired.

Self-conscious about being caught crying, Sakura turned away and asked in a small voice, "Are you going to tease me too?"

The boy, Itachi, appeared slightly surprised and replied, "No. I just came to see what was wrong. I have a younger brother and he's your age, so I'm used to dealing with problems. See? That's him on the playground over there." Gesturing to the area where Sasuke was, Itachi continued, "His name is Sasuke. Since I'm his older brother, I care for him, even if he doesn't ask for it."

Seeing that Sakura wasn't going to reply, Itachi joined her underneath the tree, letting her know that someone was there with her.

When Sakura eventually stopped crying, they sat there side by side until the Itachi decided that he should get Sasuke home and then head off to ANBU duty. As he got up to leave, Sakura grabbed his arm, and shyly said, "Thank you Itachi-san. My name is Sakura."

She gave him the brightest smile she could, and in return, received an unreadable look. Itachi had nodded to her and then walked away.

Flashback end

After that, Sakura had seen Itachi around a few more times before he disappeared. Later, everyone learned that he had massacred the entire Uchiha Clan and became a missing nin. Sakura couldn't understand it though, he had seemed so nice.

"… You have me feeling all old and nostalgic. So what now Inner?" Sakura asked exasperatedly, though in a better mood.

"Well, I see your feeling better. That's good. You've spent a long time in lala land you know, you should probably go home now." Inner cheerfully responded.

Sakura opened her eyes and noticed that quite some time had indeed passed and that it was already mid-afternoon. Sighing at the way her day had passed, she slowly started to trudge home.

"Tadaima!" Sakura called as she unlocked the door to her house.

Her mother immediately poked her head around the corner of the hallway leading to the kitchen, and exclaimed extremely quickly, "Oh! Sakura-chan! You're back! I heard what happened with Sasuke. I'm so sorry dear, but look! I have a present for you! I saw it in the market today and it's one of a kind ninja tool! This absolutely suspicious old man was selling these random trinkets, and I saw this, and thought that you should have it! Here, enjoy!"

With that, she stuffed a present brightly wrapped with pink tissue paper into Sakura's arms. Shooing her up the stairs, Sakura's mom called out, "I know you love it! Now go pester Sasuke-kun with it!" and disappeared back to the kitchen, leaving Sakura to wonder how her mom had managed to say all that in one breath.

Sighing for what seemed like the hundredth time that day; Sakura resigned herself to her fate and went to her bedroom.

Tearing open the wrapping paper, Sakura felt something hard fall onto her lap. Picking it up, she saw that it was an old looking scroll, with the paper slightly yellowed, yet still in good condition and had a somewhat regal look to it.

"What the … ?" Opening the scroll and peering in, Sakura started to read. As she did, a maniac grin slowly started to spread across her face.

By the time she had finished, she was cackling evilly and rolling around on the ground of her room. Finally catching her breath, Sakura sat up and with an odd lighting that just happened to be in her room, her bangs overshadowed her eyes, and she whispered, " Prepare to be doomed Itachi. I am pissed at your brother, and since he's a jerk and writing to him would be useless, you are going to be the one to deal with it."

Inside the scroll:

Greeting, finder of the rare, one-of-a-kind, one and only Taiō Scroll! This scroll has been made by someone whose name is unimportant, and its original purpose is also unimportant, but what matters is that you now have access to it!

The Taiō Scroll is a one-way communication of sorts. As long as you write the name of the person you are trying to communicate with first, you can write them a letter of whatever, and no matter where the person is, the Taiō Scroll shall find them and deliver the message! However, once you pick a person, then the scroll can only deliver to that one person, so choose wisely!

Once you finish with the letter, simply send your chakra into the scroll and the scroll shall disappear to where the receiver is. This scroll in non-trackable, however, and has defense mechanisms to prevent any tracking devices.

After being sent off with chakra, the scroll will appear next to the receiver, and shall haunt them and follow them wherever they go - spooky music may also be played, see options- until the scroll is opened. At that, a copy of the letter shall be made and left with the person and the Taiō Scroll will return to you, blank, ready to be used again!

This scroll is also immune to elemental jutsus of all sorts, and therefore, your letter shall receive the utmost protection.

Any questions? No? Ok! Good, now pick a person and start writing!

Note: Please use the scroll with discretion, and be careful, especially if writing to missing nins, criminals, bandits, or ronin. The scroll should not be given to people ages 18 and under because of responsibility issues.

Also, please note that this scroll is non-refundable and that the distributor of this scroll shall not be held responsible for any event that the scroll may lead too. You may also find that the distributor of the scroll will disappear never to be found again after purchase. This is normal, so please do not go looking for the distributor.

And with that, the correspondence between Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Itachi via letters, began.

to be continued

written: 12/21/2011

edited: 8/14/2012


Feel the INSANITY! It's 1 am in the morning, my mindset has probably seen better days when it was more stable. But whatever. I just feel like cackling right now, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Sorry, don't let my insanity scare you away, Review please!

Next chapter should be up soon.

~ DR