The Winx and the Specialist we're all excited. Christmas was a few weeks away and they were all abuzz about it, especially Stella. On the first day of the moth, Stella started decorating the girl's dorm, turning it into a Christmas wonderland. Garland was hung along the walls and lights were weaved within them. Flora used her nature magic and grew a Christmas tree that was placed in the lobby outside of the girls rooms decorated with some of the most ornate ornaments and topped with a Solarian star. Cute nutcracker soldiers were placed on each side of each of the doors to the girls bedrooms that were adorned with fresh wreaths. Tecna even used her technical magic to create a holographic fireplace and fire fully decorated with stockings, and candles.

"You girls did a great job decorating this place. It looks amazing." Helia said. The other boys were speechless as the gazed at the decorations.

"Thanks, I took care of all the plant decorations, Tecna made the mire place and Stella hung the garland. Bloom provided the decorations and Musa provided the music while we decorated." Flora said curling up into Helia's chest.

"Ohh… I can't want to go shopping. I have so much to buy and so little time." Stella said going through her phone making her shopping list. To Stella, Christmas meant one thing, Shopping. Every Christmas Stella goes shop crazy. The girls still remember how they had to literally drag Stella out of every shop she went into. Stella went so crazy that she actually got band for the Magix mall until after Christmas.

"We all have to go shopping Stella, so don't worry, but can you make us one promise not to go shop crazy this year?" Bloom asked. Everyone burst into laughter at the thought.

"It was one Christmas and I was pressed for time and o you know how many presents I have to buy every year. One for each of you guys and one for mom and one for dad, then there's the present for the guards and palace staff. I also have to buy resents for so many counts, and dukes and other royalty. I mean I have so many people I have to buy gifts for. I had to get all my shopping done in two days last year, but this year I have a whole week to get my shopping done. By next Friday I will have all my shopping done and gifts wrapped because this year we are celebrating Christmas in Solaria." Stella said getting excited. "Every year it snows for three days, Christmas eve, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas. It's amazing. The palace is all decorated and everything, you're going to love it."

"Sounds like fun. I can't wait." Sky said putting his arm around Bloom.

"Oh, I almost forgot. My dad is having the annual Christmas ball and everyone is invited. Girls that means we need to do some serious shopping. The ball is next week at the palace. Everyone needs to bring a nonspecific gift to bring because we put them under the tree in the ballroom. Each guest will get to pick out a present." Stella said handing everyone their invitations.

"Where's Riven?" Stella asked his invitation still in her hand. Everyone looked around the girl's dorm. Riven was there a second ago.

"Here Stella, I know where he is." Musa took the invitation and walked out onto the balcony. Riven stood there looking out at the distance, a gloomy expression about his face.

"Riven, is everything okay?" Musa asked. She walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just need some alone time, that's all." He said taking the invite from her. Musa left him so he could think and went back to the others.

"Hey is Riven okay?" Sky asked as she came back in.

"Yeah. I guess. He said he was but I don't know. I mean we started talking about Christmas and he became so distant. He looked upset. Do you know what that is all about?" Musa asked hoping the boys could shed some light on things.

The boys looked around at each other when they realized that they didn't really know anything about Riven. Riven was a mystery to them. He never went home for vacations; he either spent them with Musa or stayed behind at Red fountain to work on his fighting skills. In fact now that Sky thought about it Riven never talked about his parents.

"If you really want to know, I'll tell you." Musa turned around to see the magenta haired Specialist coming back in from the balcony.

"Oh, Riven. You don't have to. I was just wondering why you looked so sad out on the balcony." Musa said moving over to make him some room on the sofa.

"I grew up in an orphanage my entire life. I placed their when I was eight on Christmas Eve. I had amnesia when I ended up their so I don't even remember my parents or the Christmases we had. The orphanage I lived in was run down and poor. They couldn't afford to give those who lived there a Christmas. One Christmas a few years ago, I learned that my parents were killed in a car crash the Christmas Eve I arrived at the orphanage, that it was a miracle I survived. When I was finally able to leave that place I thought I would finally be able to have a real Christmas but whenever the holiday came around all of the memories would come flooding back. It was too hard to celebrate Christmas." The whole room filled with silence.

"I've got to go." Riven stood and left the room. Before anyone to rush after him he took off on his leva bike.

"Oh, poor Riven." Bloom said getting up and walking to the balcony. She looked at riven as he drove off on his bike.

"I never knew Riven had it so hard during the Holidays." Stella said feeling upset. The truth was nobody did.