DISCLAIMER: This story is a non-commercial work of fiction based on the anime series TIGER & BUNNY. Trademarks & Copyright © 2011 by SUNRISE, T&B PARTNERS, MBS. Absolutely no monetary gain has been made with this work.


By Rory


Christmas Eve, NC 1979, 11:15 pm

The Heroes were desperately scouring the city for their troubled comrade. After Judge Yuri Petrov told them about what transpired at the doctor's clinic, they did not waste any more time and swiftly went out into the storm. To cover more ground, they decided to each take a specific level and sector of Stern Bild. However, the blizzard was severely hampering their search.

Blue Rose – the only one among them who was unaffected by the cold – was very close to crying in frustration. After searching East and West Gold on her bike, she immediately contacted the other Heroes on her call bracelet.

"Tiger's not here," she said, not hiding her worry. "Please tell me that one of you has found him."

"I'm so sorry, dear," an equally frustrated Fire Emblem replied as he drove through South Lane Silver. "I've already gone through all the major and minor thoroughfares on the Silver Stage and I can't find him anywhere. I'm doing another sweep right now."

Origami Cyclone, who was with Dragon Kid, searching the Bronze Stage reported in, "We just came from the homeless shelter. Everyone said that Tiger had been here, but they couldn't tell us where he had gone."

"Same here at St Vincent's," Rock Bison put in, while speaking with the concerned Mother Superior. "Tiger brought in a bunch of kids, but left soon after." Antonio crushed his best friend's hat to his heart. "I should've gotten here sooner."

"Damn it!" Sky High suddenly cursed. He had moved his search to the vicinity of Brocks Bridge. "If only I could fly, I could cover a wider area!"

"No, Keith!" Antonio exclaimed in alarmed warning. "This storm will tear you to shreds!"

"But Wild-kun…What if he's…"

Karina shook her head in furious denial. "No! I refuse to even think about that! He's all right…somewhere! Have any of you heard from Barnaby?"

"Sorry, no," Ivan replied. "The storm must be interfering with his signal, wherever he is."

"No! He's just plain useless!" Karina said in anger. "His partner's missing, for God's sake, but I don't think he cares!"

"Don't say that, Karina," Nathan chided her. "Although he seemed calm and collected at the training room, Handsome couldn't hide how worried he was."

Pao-Lin stated emphatically, "Less talking and more searching! We'll find Tiger and bring him back!"

But then, all their call bracelets began signaling at the same time. As soon as they switched the shared comlink on, Agnes Joubert immediately barked out, "Where the hell are you?"

"Tiger's missing," Antonio replied grimly. "We're out searching for him."

"If you're anywhere near the coast, get the hell out of there! I just received a report from the weather bureau. The two blizzards have already merged. Worse, the strong winds have created a storm surge and it's now rolling in from the east! They've already evacuated all the residents living along the coastline!"

"Maybe we can help…" Ivan suggested.

"You can't fight Mother Nature! Just…please! Return to the Justice Tower right now!"

"But we can't go back without Tiger!" Karina argued.

"That's an order from your managing companies and a personal plea from me! Agnes, out!"

All the Heroes fell silent. None of them wanted to entertain the thought of leaving one of their own at the mercy of the blizzard.

"I'm staying!" Keith suddenly barked out determinedly. "I'm not going back until I find Wild-kun!"

Everyone cheered at their friend's strong resolve. "That's the King of Heroes for you!" Nathan gushed proudly.

Suddenly, the howling of the blizzard was drowned out by the deafening groans of metal. At first, the Heroes thought with growing dread that the support columns of Stern Bild were about to give way because of the battering winds. However, being closest to one such pillar in the Bronze Stage, Ivan and Pao-Lin found themselves gaping at a most astounding sight.

"What's happening?" Antonio demanded. "Please don't tell me that the city is on the verge of collapse!"

"No," Pao-Lin muttered in shock and awe. "The columns…they're moving…"

"What? Are they crumbling?" Karina asked in horror.

"No!" Ivan insisted. "The metal warriors on the columns…they're moving."

Running to the middle of the street, even Antonio found his jaw dropping. Truly, the metal warriors of the support columns were glowing bright red. They were flexing their arms, their hands trying to find a more secure hold on the stages that they were carrying. As he looked on, their fingers dug through the steel of the platforms above their heads, so that they were now holding makeshift handles, ensuring a tighter grip.

Nathan gasped as winged fire angels of iron flew above his head, bearing steel beams to provide support to weakened foundations of buildings.

"Oh my God!" Sky High found himself exclaiming. "The Steel Hammer Statue's here at Brocks Bridge. It's standing before the bridge itself." His eyes widened, seeing a hundred-foot high wall of water rolling in. "God, I think it's going to try to stop the storm surge!"

To his even greater amazement, the Lion of Helperides Finance and the Minotaur of Kronos Foods – two of the Guardians of Stern Bild – took their places on either side of the Steel Hammer Statue. As Keith watched, all three statues glowed fiery red and charged at the storm surge. As the Lion and the Minotaur butted the wall of water from below, the Steel Hammer Statue swung at it from above with his mighty hammer. The great wave collapsed instantly from the impact.

Keith clapped a hand to his mouth, as tears fell from his eyes. "They stopped it! The Steel Hammer Statue, Kronos' Minotaur and Helperides' Lion…they stopped the storm surge!"

Karina was on the verge of tears herself. Being at a vantage point on the Gold Stage, she could see clearly what was happening with the city's prominent statuary. "It's Lady Justice!" she crowed with delight at the glowing sight of that formidable symbol of law and order on top of the Justice Tower, sternly gesturing with her hands like a Field Commander. "She's the one leading them all!

Ivan and Pao-Lin raised their heads and watched, awe-struck, as the other Guardians of Stern Bild started to move from their pedestals.

As a bright red aura surrounded them, the Phoenix of Helios Energy, the Pegasus of Poseidon Line, the Dragon of Odysseus Communication, and the Winged Lion of Apollon Media began flapping their wings. At a signal from Lady Justice, the Guardians took off into the sky, heading straight for the gigantic eye of the blizzard. Then, Bastet of Titan Industry stood up as well and faced Lady Justice. The two statues nodded to each other briefly before training their intent gazes somewhere in the direction of Bronze Park.

Both statues began to glow even brighter, the crimson aura surrounding them like the dazzling red gold corona of the sun. Together, they shot beams of energy up into the sky, striking the waiting Guardians. Thus energized, the Pegasus, the Phoenix, the Winged Lion and the Dragon opened their mouths and sent concentrated red beams of power blasting into the storm's eye.

There was a blinding flash of light, so that the Heroes below had to turn away and shield their eyes from the glare. When the light finally died down, they saw that the blizzard had completely dissipated. All the statues had returned to their pedestals as though they had never moved. Glowing red snowflakes were gently raining down upon them.

As the snowflakes fell on their skin, they gasped, hearing a very familiar voice say, "Don't be afraid. Things will be fine now. You're all safe."

At that moment, their call bracelets began chiming again. An irritated Karina knew who it was instantly.

"Barnaby, where the hell are you? I told you to keep in touch with us!"

"I found him," was Barnaby's simple reply.

All the Heroes were elated at that news. "WHERE?"

Somehow, it did not surprise them to learn where Barnaby was located – Bronze Park. As further confirmation, a fiery blue and green crossbow bolt was fired into the air from that same exact location. They all rushed to the park, arriving in record time. In their haste to reach the spot, they never noticed Lunatic leaping through the trees with undisguised exhilaration. Seeing the figures in the snow, the Heroes headed toward them, only to stop right in their tracks.

Barnaby was cradling a very still Kotetsu in his arms. The Hero was glowing with the same bright red aura as the Stern Bild Guardians earlier.

"Is…is he…" Karina asked fearfully.

But Ivan had already noticed the steady rise and fall of Wild Tiger's chest. "He's alive," the young Hero cried in relief. "Thank God!"

"But why isn't he moving?"

"He's just exhausted." Barnaby fondly brushed a stray lock of brown hair away from Kotetsu's face, revealing the happy smile on the older man's lips. "I mean, who wouldn't be…after the miracle he just performed."

"You mean…" Nathan began, astounded.

"Yes, he was the one who willed the Guardians to act."

"But how?" Keith inquired, gazing down at the slumbering Hero.

"I don't know exactly," Barnaby said with a shake of his head. "Dr. Carvajal would definitely need to do new tests on him. But I believe that his Hundred Power mutated into a powerful form of Empathy which allowed him to do incredible things according to his heart's will. Just…reach out to him with your heart. Can't you feel what he's doing?"

Looking at each other briefly, the Heroes nodded and closed their eyes. At once, love and comfort so profound washed over their beings. Through their mind's eyes, they were rewarded with heartwarming visions…

Of happy families embracing each other joyfully that they have survived the storm…

Of the children at St. Vincent's being visited by Stern Bild's wealthiest citizens who were looking to adopt them…

Of the homeless at the shelter who found themselves surrounded by the loved ones they thought they had lost and who actually have been searching for them for a very long time…

Of Max the derelict embracing his sixteen year old daughter for the first time in 12 years…

Smiling, Antonio knelt down and lifted his best friend's hand, placing the hat beneath that warm palm. "You did well, Kotetsu."

Pao-Lin felt tears of joy fall down her cheeks as the ringing of church bells heralding Christmas Day echoed throughout Stern Bild. "Tiger-san gave us the most blessed Christmas ever."

Unknown to the other Heroes, however, it was Kotetsu who had received the greatest blessing of all. In his happiness, a tear trickled from the corner of his closed eyelid. Slowly, one arm lifted and wrapped around Barnaby's neck. He repeated the words that he had said after that one final second of his Hundred Power answered his desperate question.

"Is there someone out there who loves me?"

Seeing his partner's lips moving, Barnaby leaned down close to listen.

"Bunny-chan loves me! I'm so happy!"

With tears sparkling like emeralds in his bright green eyes, Barnaby smiled, pulled Kotetsu into his tight embrace, and bestowed a tender kiss upon those full lips.

"Silly, Ojisan! But of course I love you!"