DISCLAIMER: This story is a non-commercial work of fiction based on the anime series TIGER & BUNNY. Trademarks & Copyright © 2011 by SUNRISE, T&B PARTNERS, MBS. Absolutely no monetary gain has been made with this work.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This Tiger & Bunny Christmas Fic is my present to all the wonderful friends and readers who have made writing in this fandom memorable and worthwhile. I hope you enjoy my little gift to you!


By Rory


Christmas Eve, NC 1979, 7 pm

Christmas Eve in the city of Stern Bild has acquired an atmosphere of quiet desperation as people braved the strong winds and heavy snowfall en route back to their homes. It was not out of the desire to be with their families in order to enjoy a holiday feast. Everyone was desperate to be indoors before the predicted "Monster of All Blizzards" hits.

Only four days past, Stern Bild had been hit by a small snowstorm. However, there was a much stronger storm in its tail, packing winds of over 90 miles per hour. Weather forecasters have been monitoring both storms because of the high probability that they would merge. From the last forecast given at 6 pm, it was definite that the storms will merge around an hour or two before midnight.

While the weather disturbance outside was gaining strength, a different kind of storm was brewing inside the hallowed halls of the Justice Tower.

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi had been expecting his return to the rank and file of humanity ever since his Hundred Power began its steady decline during the previous year. But he never expected it to happen so soon, just when he had returned to the life of a Hero even as a lowly Second Leaguer.

"Then, it's definitely confirmed, Doctor," Kotetsu stated quietly, as he settled back in his chair in the doctor's clinic.

Doctor Loreto Carvajal observed the seemingly calm Hero before her. She had to admire Wild Tiger's ability to maintain his composure in light of what she had just told him. There was no belying, however, the flickering of the myriad emotions mirrored in his golden brown eyes – shock, denial, anger and, finally, grudging acceptance. It was seeing all these painful emotions in her patients which the good doctor hated the most about her chosen profession. It was never her desire to be the bearer of terrible news.

"Yes, I'm afraid so," the physician replied with great regret. She still checked her records again in the hope that she might have made a mistake in her diagnosis. But her findings on physical examination and the results of the various diagnostic tests she had ordered done remained the same. "Every time you used your Hundred Power, you hastened its decline. That last incident involving the monorail sped up its deterioration much faster than we had anticipated."

"I didn't have a choice. Even with their combined efforts, Bunny and Rock Bison couldn't hold the train up any longer. I had to create a catch basin with the torn railings in order to prevent the train and all its passengers from plunging down to the ground. It was a necessary sacrifice to save lives. I have no regrets."

"I know. You've always put the lives of others above your own. Lord only knows how many times I've had to patch you up or snatch you from Death's grasp. That's why it saddens me that only a few people recognize the tremendous good that you have done for Stern Bild and its citizens." This was complete honesty on Dr. Carvajal's part. Of all the Heroes, she was always charmed by Wild Tiger's dedication and purity of purpose.

"I didn't become a Hero to earn popularity points. It has always been my goal to help and protect people. But now I see that this aspect of my life is coming to an end. How long do I have, Doctor?"

Dr. Carvajal sighed heavily. "By my estimate, you only have six seconds of your Hundred Power left. If it continues at this rate of decline, you only have three seconds, then two seconds, and finally one second before…"

"I see. Very well then." Kotetsu pushed himself out of the chair. "I might as well make good use of these few precious seconds I have left."

"Mr. Kaburagi, don't…" The doctor lifted a hand to stop him, but what he said next caused her blood to turn cold.

"Doctor, please don't stop me." He gave her that charming, heartbreaking smile. "I…I've known for quite some time what you've been trying to hide from me. I've long been aware of the fact that my Hundred Power is only being sustained by my life force. I've been monitoring my own body. Ever since the decline started, I've been getting weaker and weaker every time I use my Hundred Power. I…I just want the last moments of my life to have some…meaning."

Dr. Carvajal wanted to argue with the determined man, but they were distracted by a knock on the door. Then, the door itself swung open to reveal Judge Yuri Petrov. With him was a rather dazed-looking woman. Yuri's resemblance to her was enough to reveal her identity as his mother.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you," Yuri exclaimed. Turning to the Hero, he greeted, "And how are you, Kaburagi-san?"

"I've been on my best behavior, Judge. No damages yet," Kotetsu answered, grinning. "I guess you've missed me in your courtroom."

"Definitely not! The less I see of you in my sala, the better!" Yuri blurted out. If the situation with Wild Tiger wasn't so serious, Dr. Carvajal would have giggled at the sight of the Judicial Bureau's infamous "Judge of Damages" blushing. Coughing twice to regain his composure, the young judge inquired of the good doctor, "My mother ran out of her medications and her psychiatrist is on vacation in Tahiti. I was hoping you could give me a couple of prescriptions."

"Of course. I'll be happy to help." Dr. Carvajal is only one of a handful of people who knew about the mental condition of Judge Petrov's mother.

Yuri reached for his mother's bag. "Mama, let me get your old prescriptions out, so Dr. Carvajal can write new ones for you."

Olga Petrov's fierce slap to her son's face was like a pistol shot over the shrill whistling of the storm winds outside. "DON'T TOUCH ME! I DON'T WANT YOU LAYING YOUR BLOODY HANDS ON ME!"

Although his gray, wavy hair had fallen loose from the hair clips so that it partially covered his face, the doctor did not fail to see how the poor judge was struggling to hold back his tears.

It was Kotetsu who stepped forward before the old woman could deliver another blow to her son. Taking her hand in his tender grasp, he admonished, "Please don't do that, Mrs. Petrov. Can't you see that your son has been hurting for so long? In the spirit of Christmas, just this once, can't you give his anguished soul some peace? Please, Ma'am. Is forgiving such a difficult thing to do?"

Hearing these pleading words, Olga Petrov was caught speechless. She could only stare at the man before her with eyes that were slowly but surely turning lucid.

Kotetsu let go of her hand then and went to ruffle Yuri's wavy mane. Although known for his haughty demeanor, the judge suffered himself to be patted like a puppy. He even relished the feel of that warm palm on his forehead. It was certainly not like the very last time that his father had held him.

"You should learn to forgive yourself too, Judge. You did what had to be done," Kotetsu advised him.

For a second, Yuri thought he saw a red glow – no larger than a pinprick – in the center of the Hero's pupils.

"Merry Christmas!" Kotetsu greeted all three in the room, as he withdrew his comforting hand. In sudden remembrance, he begged the good doctor, "Please don't tell the other Heroes what we just talked about. Especially Barnaby. They're having a Christmas Party at the training room right this very minute. I don't want them worrying about me."

"But…you are going to the party yourself, right?" Dr. Carvajal asked him, not hiding the tone of suspicion in her words.

"Of course I am, Doctor!" Kotetsu said, still with that silly grin plastered on his face. "What makes you think I wouldn't? In fact, I'm going up there right now. See ya!"

The Hero did not wait for the doctor or her two guests to say anything more. He simply waltzed out the door, even giving them a courteous tip of his hat and one last happy wave.

The silence that followed Wild Tiger's departure was broken by Olga Petrov's soft voice. "Who was that man, Yuri?"

"That was Wild Tiger, Mama," Yuri answered, perplexed by what had just happened. "He's one of the Heroes of Stern Bild." Inwardly, he added, Just like Papa was, before he…

"Yuri…son…" Mrs. Petrov said haltingly. "I don't know what he did, but…while my mind's still clear… I'm so sorry, Yuri, for the horrible way I've been treating you."

"It's all right, Mama," Yuri choked back a sob as he embraced his mother. "I understand. And I'm sorry too…about Papa…"

Touched and feeling a bit like an intruder in the scene before her, Dr. Carvajal tactfully interrupted, "Judge Petrov? Maybe you'd like to retouch your makeup. Mr. Kaburagi seemed to have removed quite a bit from your forehead when he ruffled your hair."

That suggestion, however, caused a shocked gasp to be elicited from Mrs. Petrov's lips. "Yuri…your scar…"

At that statement, Yuri's hand flew up to his forehead and felt only smooth skin. He quickly turned to the mirror hanging on the wall, his olive eyes growing round seeing his face whole and unscarred again.

He turned at once to the startled doctor. "What did Mr. Kaburagi come to speak to you about?"

"I'm not at liberty to say. Doctor-Patient confidentiality prohibits me from…"

"Fuck that! What's wrong with Mr. Kaburagi?"

Despite knowing that she was defying her oath as a medical professional, Dr. Carvajal found herself spilling the entire truth to the handsome judge.

Hissing "Shit!" under his breath, Yuri dashed outside the clinic and went to the elevators. One of the lawyers was standing there, waiting.

"Did you see Mr. Kaburagi just now?" he demanded.

"Why, yes? He got inside the other elevator and went down to the Ground Floor."

Yuri felt his heart skip a beat. "Are you sure? He didn't go up to the Hero Training Center."

"No, he was all alone in the elevator, and it went straight down."

"DAMN IT!" Yuri hastened for the stairwell of the Fire Escape. With no one around to see him, he used his fire powers as Lunatic to phase down the many floors of the Justice Tower until he reached the ground level.

Pushing the door of the Fire Escape open, Yuri ran into the lobby, yelling for the guard, "STOP MR. KABURAGI!"

The guard stammered in confusion, "But he already left, Your Honor."

The young judge pushed past the guard, went out the doors, calling out "KABURAGI-SAN!", only to be nearly slammed down on his butt by an icy wind. Still, he hurried to the street in front.

The dread inside Yuri's heart was colder than the blizzard that was raging all around him. The street was completely empty. Kotetsu T. Kaburagi was nowhere to be found.