Hey guys.. This is my first Glee story.. I don't know if you like or not but i had this story in mind so i thought of giving it a try.. Usually i write South of Nowhere.. So here we are..
Chapter 1
Rachel's POV
Camera.. Lights.. Set.. Go.. Four words that I listen to pretty much every day.. Words I dreamed to hear but now I want to forget..
Since the day I remember myself I wanted to become a Broadway star.. For people to cry my name, Rachel Berry.. To sign autographs, to be someone, to leave my town.. Lima.. I haven't been there for years now.. The day I finished high school and got accepted in Julliard I knew that it would be my last time there..
I don't remember one good thing from high school.. No.. Everyone was so mean.. I got treated like dirt.. They were pushing me to walls, they were throwing slushies at me, I was bullied and I had no friends.. So my need to leave from that place was beyond me.. I wanted a new start.. I wanted to forget.. And that I did..
Coming here in New York I promised myself that the person I used to be it would be forgotten.. I would be a new Rachel.. And I became.. I became someone they were jealous off, I became the bitch of Julliard, I became the first they gave her a leading role while still in college.. Yes, the old Rachel wasn't there.. And I liked it..
Did I care I didn't have any friends? No.. Who cares? I was doing the one thing I loved.. I was famous.. I could have what I wanted.. Anyone and anything I wanted.. No one could say no to me.. 'Here Ms Berry, we have a table set for you', 'Here Ms Berry, we would like for you to have this as a gift'.. Ms Berry this, Ms Berry that.. Yes, I was living my dream..
At the age of twenty six I managed to gain wealth, to become famous, to win three Grammys, and to be completely alone..
At the beginning I didn't care.. It didn't matter to me to whose body I would step in, what I would do in order to have the leading role or the fact that people not only were jealous of me but they hated my guts.. And now, being at the age of twenty eight it really hurt.. It would hurt me when I would listen people talking behind my back, it would hurt when I would walk alone on the street looking at girls having fun with their girlfriends.. Everything now seemed without any meaning..
It was another day at the theatre.. Two plays per day.. One at 3pm and one 9pm.. Every day till Sunday.. No time for myself, being always here.. That's what I wanted though and I needed to act as a professional..
I was sitting alone at the stage looking at the people I worked with every day for hours.. I realized that I didn't know who they were.. I didn't even got to know their names.. I didn't even bother to know them.. And they were all sitting and talking to each other having fun..
"Rachel? Why are you sitting alone here?"
"I said, why are you sitting all alone here.. Come join us.." this blond girl who was talking to me was sweet and one of the best dancers we had.. She wasn't an actor but she was here to dance.. But I didn't know her name.. And how can you really ask someone their name when you work with them 10 hours per day.. You are supposed to know..
"I am ok.. I was just resting.. I need to go somewhere anyway"
"As you wish.."
"Britney.. Come over here" I heard someone calling her name.. Britney.. I had to remember..
"Bye Rachel"
I didn't say anything back to her.. She caught me of guard.. No one usually talks to me or asking me to join them.. But this girl did.. I am sure the others called her crazy for even talking to me..
I got up from where I was sitting and went backstage looking for my bag.. Searching for my keys I heard my phone.. It was James.. My manager..
"Rachel.. I have been calling you for hours.. Where were you?"
"Rehearsing James.. Where else?"
"Ok, now listen to me.. Tonight there is that gala we discussed a month ago that you should go.. Bring Tony with you.."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, they have to see you with him.. You are dating him.."
"Yeah, how can I forget.. You remind me every day.."
"Rachel.. Listen to me.. You need Tony right next to you as he needs you right next to him.. This is what show business is all about.."
"Whatever.. What time am I supposed to be there?"
"At 8pm.. But I want you to be there at 7pm for the photographers to take pictures of you both.. Ok?"
"Ok.. I'll call him and tell him all about it.."
"I already did.. He will come by your apartment at 6.30 to get you.. Talk to you later"
Tony was an actor and new to this show business.. He played to a couple of films and he wanted his name to be out and what better than to be seen with me.. The Rachel Berry.. He was nice but so full of himself.. 6 foot 5, blond with blue eyes, body to die for and he knew it.. He knew that girls adored him, he knew he was beautiful and as for an actor.. Yeah.. I won't even go there.. He was all about the outside..
And as for me.. I don't even remember when was my last relationship.. Between Julliard and Broadway I don't think I had time to find someone.. I only had fun.. It sounds bad but this is the truth.. Never cared for anyone's feelings.. I had an itch that needed to be scratched and that was it.. My last relationship was in high school with Finn Hudson.. Yeah, although my life sucked in high school this guy managed not only to be kind to me but to actually have a relationship with me.. But I broke up with him because I wanted a new life and he wasn't in my plans..
I wanted this day to be over.. I wanted to go to this stupid gala with Tony and get over with it.. Take the pictures, smile like everything is perfect, pretend that I am in love and go home..
I was ready at 6.25 sharp.. And like James said Tony was here at 6.30pm.. I took one last look on the mirror, took my keys and went downstairs to my 'boyfriend'..
He was waiting for me outside the car wearing a nice tuxedo.. His hair looked perfect and he gave me one of his well known smiles.. The Hollywood smile..
"Good afternoon Rachel.."
"Hello Tony.."
"You look beautiful tonight.."
"You don't look bad yourself either"
"Well.. Thank you very much"
He opened the door for me to get in and once I was sitting he closed the door and found his place right next to me..
"How was the rehearsal today?"
"Like usual.. It was tough but nothing that I am not used to"
"Good to hear.. Do you know what kind of a gala is this? James didn't tell me.."
"It's about actors donating money for the starving kids in Africa"
Once we were there and the driver opened the door for us to go out all the lights from the cameras were on us.. I held Tony's arm and I was smiling to each and everyone of them..
"Rachel, how's the new play?"
"Everything is going fine.. In a few days the theatre will be open"
"Rachel, there were rumors that you and Tony broke up"
"We are here together.. Aren't we? So no.. We didn't"
Questions after questions, answering and smiling back and forth.. Some of them were directed to me and some others to Tony.. After a couple of minutes we managed to get inside.. Tony always by my side because that's what we were supposed to do.. We talked to a couple of people, we donated our money and when the watch showed 1am it was our due to leave.. Again with all the flashes in our eyes, more questions about the night and the need I had to leave was getting into me more and more..
We arrived at my home half an hour later with me being quite drunk.. They say that you drink to forget.. And that's what I was doing..
"Goodnight Rachel.."
"Goodnight Tony.."
I didn't drink too much but it was enough to know that I was drunk.. The right thing would be for me to go inside my house.. But no.. I didn't want to.. I wanted to continue drinking.. Because it felt so good.. I walked to the nearest bar and got inside.. I was living in the area for three years now but I never got outside to know my surroundings..
Once I found myself sitting at the bar ordering a drink I realized that the bar was a strip club and not a bar as I thought it was.. But I didn't leave.. I didn't leave for two reasons.. First I was so drunk that any move I was making made me sick and second I already ordered my drink and that's what I wanted the most.. It was a strip club after all.. I could enjoy what they had to offer..
"Lady, I think you should stop drinking.. You already had enough"
"I.. am ok.. No need to worry"
"I am not serving you another drink.."
"Ooooook.. Don't.. I am going to take my water then and sit over there.."
Indeed I found an empty table next to the stage.. With my water in my hands I was trying to pay attention to what was going on around me.. Men were whistling for the girls who were dancing and I really felt bad for those girls.. I decided not to look at them.. I decided that my water was what I would look at.. But then I heard them whistling again and yelling a girl's name..
"Woooo.. Quinn… Shake it baby.."
"Dance for me sexy.."
When she got out the men went crazy.. Madonna's song Justify my love was playing and although I haven't looked at any of the girls while I was there I looked at her.. She had shoulder length blond hair.. Thin but had curves to the right places.. She was wearing black underwear with high heel red peep toes that were matching her red lip stick.. No wonder the men were going crazy..
"I am in looooooooove with you Quinn"
And I want to blame it to the alcohol that was running through my blood but this girl, Quinn, was looking at me.. Straight in my eyes.. She was dancing, lifting her body to the pole and having her eyes on me while men were screaming her name.. Yes.. It was the alcohol.. It was the alcohol because I was looking at her and I couldn't realize why.. Why I was looking at her and I wanted to scream her name like all these men did the same?
Reviews are always welcome