Did anyone else think Alvin and Brittany Romance could have been better in Chipwrecked? Well I just think there were too many good scenes spoiled but I have taken my memory of the scenes and wrote them in a way that could have stuck with the story but came out to be positive romance scenes in my opinion, tell me what you think.

By the way, the story will look better if you make the Fanfiction screen smaller! Bye and enjoy!

UPDATE: I have updated and made a few changes to the story, if you'd like to review the updates but have already reviewed, that's what chapter 2 is there for lol!

Copyright: I, Jihn Xenil, do not own nor claim any originally wrote segments of Chipwrecked that have been written in this Fanfiction, all original Chipwrecked scenes within this story are property of 20th Century Fox and Bagdasarian Productions. The scenes have been used and wrote in my own writing for entertainment and suggestion / criticism towards the original scenes.

Scene 1: Dance In The Rain

Alvin was becoming increasingly flustered at the blue, mentally broken chipmunk before him that was now making no sense what so ever. Suddenly, rain began to pour, increasing the irritation in the small red chipmunk.

"Oh great, see, now it's raining!" Alvin blurted at Simmone.

"Ah, but what is a simple rain, but for a great dance!" Simmone exclaimed as he took Jeanette's paw and spun her into the middle of a small patch of mud and began his dancing with her.

"Guys, stop, you're going to get pneumonia from being in the rain!" Alvin exclaimed but to no avail as the couple continued their dancing, Simmone tossing Jeanette into the air as she performed an elegant twirl.

Theodore was watching them and then looked over at Eleanor as the injured chipette spoke,

"Aww, that looks like fun!" Eleanor exclaimed with sadness as she watched the two. Theodore's ears went down as he tilted his head towards the ground with guilt but as Simmone was dancing, he brought his face to Theodore's ear and spoke,

"Speak to her my friend, bring out for a glorious dance in the rain, do not be shy!" Simmone whispered.

Theodore smiled and went over to Eleanor,

"Eleanor, would you like to dance?" he asked, and Eleanor smiled with all the excitement her heart could hold as she looked into the eyes of her counter.

"Would I!" she exclaimed as she tossed her crutches away and began hopping with one foot onto the "Dance Floor" of mud and rain with Theodore supporting her injured leg as they danced.

"Ugggg," Brittany groaned, "I can't believe they're getting all of the attention! I'm the pretty one and Jeanette's the smart one, you don't see me running around acting all smart do you?" she exclaimed in disappointment and maybe even slight irritation.

"Exactly!" Alvin exclaimed, "You're the pretty one and I'm the fun one!"

The dance was continuing between the purple and blue couple as the rain went on, soaking them more and more. Simmone then twirled his counter mate in center of the mud at a fast speed, causing mud to fly at the red and pink chipmunk and chipette, one splash of mud went into Brittany's face as another went onto Alvin's hoodie.

"Guys! Don't throw mud, you'll put an eye out!" Alvin exclaimed.

"Simon! Listen to me!" Alvin continued to yell as the dance continued, "SIIIIIIMOOOOOON!" Alvin yelled and Brittany's ears arched,

"Alvin, you're starting to sound like Dave," she said, somewhat lowly. Alvin's ears went up in shock as he yelled into the air,


(This is where my scene begins)

"No, no no no, no!" Alvin exclaimed as he backed up into some bushes with a freaked out expression. He ran into another clear spot but this one had a small rock in it and the small red chipmunk sat on it with a worried look.

"Alvin?" the small red chipmunk heard and he turned to find his chipette counter staring at him, "Are you okay?" she asked.

"No! I'm turning into Dave, I'm the fun one!" Alvin exclaimed with a hint of fear. Brittany looked down in thought and then spoke,

"Well, if you can't beat them, then maybe you should join them…" she said softly, but Alvin also heard a sense of hope in her voice.

"Well… yeah… but…" Alvin spoke softly, bringing a visible hurt and disappointed look on Brittany's face.

Alvin's ears were arched and Brittany's fell as well as she stared to the ground. The stare continued until she suddenly found herself in a dip.

"Whoa, Alvin!" Brittany said with a light giggle. Alvin just gave her a wink and smile before twirling her out of the dip and catching her, holding her close to him with him behind her.

Their eyes met before Brittany spun out of his grip and their salsa began. There were spins, and jumps and just as Simmone had done with Jeanette, Alvin took his counter by the paw and spun her into the air and he catched her pushing her into a dip. He was pulled down with her and their lips met, causing both to stop in a stunning silence.

It was a moment of silence before Alvin began pulling Brittany up from the dip he was holding her in and spoke,

"That was… fun…" Alvin said, smiling as he pulled Brittany up. Brittany nodded with small smile before taking off to where her sisters would be. Alvin began walking when he heard a French voice speak.

"Ah, so our worrisome friend has been off having a session himself, yes?" Simmone spoke with an amused voice as he hung off a nearby vine.

Alvin's cheeks burned red as he ignored the blue chipmunk and quickened his pace as he walked away.

The blue chipmunk let out an amused chuckle before swinging off in the same direction.

Scene 2: Tragedy of Her Own

"Why can't you go look for them?" Alvin grumbled wonderingly as he slowly sat up.

"Because I'm dealing with problems of my own right now!" Brittany exclaimed.

"Oh… right… How's Eleanor doing?" Alvin asked wonderingly.

"What…? Eleanor's fine, it's me with the problem! I haven't bathed in days, my hair is a total mess!"

"Oi…" Alvin stated then spoke, "Your hair is fine Britt, I've always thought it was fine." Alvin stated.

Brittany was about to speak before stopping herself and letting out a, "Really…?"

Scene 3: The Tree House

"There's no reason we can't be comfortable and stylish while we wait for Dave to find us."

Alvin sighed, "Dave might not be coming," he said in a low, sorrowful voice.

"Why wouldn't he be looking for us…?" Brittany asked curiously.

"Because, you all have said it, I drive him crazy… Ever since he met us I've been nothing but a pain in the…" Alvin stopped himself and sighed as he felt tears come to his eyes, "No wonder he probably hates me…"

Brittany was in shock, she then placed her arms on Alvin's shoulder and spoke, and "Alvin, I'm sure he's looking for us," she spoke,

"Why would he be looking for us?" Alvin asked sorrowfully.

Brittany sat by him, putting an arm around her red counter and spoke, "You may be a pain Alvin, but you being you is what keeps life... fun… Without you, life would be more… boring…" Brittany stated, "Besides, we wouldn't win the music award with you missing." She said with a small chuckle.

Scene 4: Reward For The Hero

This is my fan-made scene that takes place on the raft right after Jeanette and Simon have their moment.

"Alvin?" Brittany said and Alvin walked over to her,

"What's up?" he asked.

"I just wanted to say… Thanks for helping save my sister…" Brittany said with a small smile.

"It was nothing hehe, nothing the big A can't handle!" He said heroically and confidently but then his counter kissed him on the cheek. Alvin was stunned and then Brittany spoke with a light giggle,

"Don't blow it," she said with a smile before returning to her sisters.

What do you think? Have my scenes brought a better change to these scenes in Chipwrecked? I hope I was able to please you guys with this!

Thanks for reading!