Disclaimer: Sailor Moon isn't mine, Nor is Mamoru. Boo.
Chapter 3
They sat on the couch starring at each other for some time, both a little unsure of the next step. They were both ready, but being that it was their first time, nervousness of the reality of their declaration set in. Mamoru decided to ease the air of the now thick tension
"we have all night, how about I get you that hot cocoa and marshmallows I promised you?"
Usagi meekly nodded in reply. Mamoru proceeded to get off the couch and head towards the kitchen on the way he decided to turn some music on to kill the silence in the air. Soft flowing music entered the apartment and it seemed that the tension was already started to fade.
A few minutes later Mamoru walked back in the living room holding a try with two cups of hot cocoa with marshmallows and a plate of cookies. Usagi had been sitting on the couch nervously fidgeting with a rose she had found in a vase on his coffee table. She knew she wanted him and she knew that she could not wait another night, but still the thought of what was to come made her feel a little intimidated. I hope that it will be everything he has been dreaming off she thought, while absentmindedly pulling off a petal at a time from the rose just like the game "he loves me, he loves me not".
"Usako what did that rose ever do to you"
Mamoru said interrupting Usagi's thoughts and making her jump up in surprise. She laughed tensely when her heart settled from the shock of being awoken from her thoughts. She looked down at her lap and saw that all the petals but one were lying on her lap. The last petal on the flower gave her the response she had already known "he loves me".
"Sorry Mamo-Chan I guess I just got lost in my thoughts"
"I hope they were good thoughts" he replied while placing the try down on the coffee table.
"Nothing bad, I am just really happy is all; I think I am still in shock that we are going to get married. Oh Mamo-Chan can you ask me again? I want to hear you say those words come just one more time". She looked up at him with a pout on her lip, until he laughed and held her hands within his.
"Usako will you marry me" he asked her once more.
"Of course Mamo-Chan, it's me and you forever" she replied joyfully while a big smile on her face.
"Now I think we should celebrate our engagement with this wonderful cocoa you made baby. Not to mention these cookies you brought, they look fantastic!"
He sat down on the couch beside her but a unlike earlier that evening he sat further apart from her. Then they both grabbed a cup of cocoa and then he proposed a toast
"to us" he said
"and to everlasting love" she replied.
They tapped their glasses together and started to drink their cocoa, and then they enjoyed the cookies while jazz played quietly in the background.
In the meantime the two of them unbeknownst to each other had gravitated closer together. Usagi laid her head against his shoulder while still sipping on the remains of her cocoa. As they cuddled lazily into each other he kissed her forehead and she hummed blissfully along with the music. All tension had seemed to wash away, what they had said out loud earlier seemed to sink in and anticipation was starting to mount amongst them. Mamoru wondered what he could do to make tonight as wonderful as Usagi deserved. He wanted to make their first time something to remember always, instead of just a right a passage. They were not about to sleep with one other because it was the thing to do, they were going to make love together because they both could not live without the other. These two were not your normal teenagers, instead they were more mature then most adults would ever be (even with Usagi's childlike innocence), so he wanted their first time to be as amazing as it should be for a century of waiting.
Usagi placed the empty cup of cocoa on the table, and leaned back into her fiancé. She looked up at him to see his dark blue eyes sizzling down into hers. They faces began to get closer together as they leaned into each other for what was sure to be sinfully pleasant kiss. Their lips touched and they began to open their mouths to welcome one another…
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The deafening sound of Usagi's communicator separated the two of them in a flash. Panic startled to bubble in her stomach for fear that an enemy attack was taking place. She reached for her communicator that was in her pocket but her hands were shaking badly from the departure of the passionate kiss. She finally managed to get her communicator out as it started to beep louder.
She clicked the button on "is everything ok guys? Are we under attack?" Usagi yelled into her communicator.
Four familiar faces appeared together on her screen, not one in uniform she noticed immediately. Her closest friends, her allies, the other Sailor Senshi: Rei, Makoto, Minako, and Ami all smiled up at her.
Mamoru leaned in to see what was going on. Four faces looked at one another with big grins on their face.
"Relax Usagi everything is okay. We are enemy free". Rei told her concerned blonde friend.
"Well then what's up I thought you guys were having a movie night?" responded Usagi.
"We were having a movie night, but then out of nowhere I had a wave of a premonition run through me. I did not see an image, but I received a feeling of happiness as if the future is going to happen exactly as it has been predicted" Rei the Shinto goddess replied.
Usagi and Mamoru looked at one another their faces burning bright red. Then Usagi remembered what Mamoru had asked her earlier that night and looked down at her engagement ring. Mamoru followed her eyes and blew out the air he had been holding and nodded in reply. The girls did not know what was about to happen tonight, only that they could feel that they had Usagi and Mamoru committed to marry one another.
"Well" Usagi started "Mamoru and I do have news to tell you guys but I am not doing it over a computer. How about we meet up later tomorrow and have dinner, and we will tell you then?" Mamoru nodded in agreement
The four girls looked at one another again all smiling like banshees.
"Ok guys, sounds like a plan" Makoto said while waving into the screen
"Take care" they all replied
"Oh and one more thing. I hope you guys have a good night. Try and stay out of trouble" Minako said while winking into the communicator. And with that the communicator went dead.
To be continued…
These parts are way to short don't you think? In my defence it is better for you guys if I write short chapters and get them out fast, rather then writing really long ones and taking weeks right? RIGHT?
Ahem anyway please let me know what you guys think. Love or flames appreciated (ok well maybe flames less so, constructive criticism is a lot better). I am trying to get as many chapters out as I can before I get overly busy with the holidays. I know I have had three chapters out within 24 hours, but I am not sure if all the chapters will be that fast. Bear with me I will try and get them out asap, I know how much it sucks to wait a long time for a next chapter in a series.
Thanks again guys xoxo