Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

I felt empty at this sudden moment, but anger filled it as I shouted. "NO!" Turning around, I aimed my loaded bow at the Russian, releasing the arrow right for the bullseye.

My aim, never being off center, was perfect, but the Russian dodged it easily. While he was moving away from the arrow, he didn't see Gilbert coming behind him. The Prussian smiled as he raised his sword, knocking out Ivan with a single hit with the end of the hilt. Taking the blow as a surprise, I saw his eyes roll back into his head. He fell to his knees, hitting the floor fully as he went unconscious.

I blinked at this miraculous scene, not believing that this big brute was taken down by a measly bump. At the sudden movement of Gilbert raising his sword again, my stare went to him. He was about to kill the Russian. My eyes widened. "Stop!" Pausing at my shout, he glanced at me while I ran to Ivan's side.

"Why?" He asked. His glare sent questioning daggers at my head as I moved the Russian's head into lap for a makeshift pillow. The Prussian scowled at the act. "He's a wanted criminal!" I nod, knowing full well about that. "It's better to just get rid of him!" He shouted, gritting his teeth out of annoyance. "I think the others would agree themselves." He motioned to the friends of my master. They were slowly circling Ivan and I, staring at me with fearful gazes.

"Arthur," my ear twitched as Alfred spoke behind me. I didn't acknowledge him, and just petted the Russian's hair. The American waited for any sign of me answering back, but sighed once I didn't. "Artemis."

"If you're going to say that we should kill him than you're just the idiot my master fell in love with." I glared at his face. "If we kill him, we're just proving that we are no better than him." They kept staring at me, surprised to hear 'Arthur's curse' speak such true words. I tsked, putting my full attention on Ivan again. A glare was present still, but it soothed into a smile as I stared at Ivan's face. "With the short time I've been with this man, I learned a lot of things about him." I mumbles. My hand slid through the platinum blond hair, feeling how silky it truly felt. I sighed, scowling as I moved his body to sit against the wall. "Ivan." I say slapping his cheeks. "Wake up you bloody brute!"

I kept slapping his face until I saw him move again. "Mm." His hands grabbed mine, throwing them back at me. "Quit it." His eyes opened, landing on me. "Hm?" He scoped the area until he finally looked at me again. He smiled. "Where am I?"

All of us had blinked; even Arthur fell silent. "Bloody hell." He kept staring at me, so I slowly glanced at the Prussian. "Just how bleeding hard did you hit him?"

Gilbert scratched the back of his head, chuckling with confusion written all over his face. "I... I don't know." His eyes were shaking as his gaze wavered. "How the hell was my awesome self supposed to know he'd lose his memory?"

"He could be faking it." Ivan looked at Antonio who flinched. "Ask him something he should know."

I nodded. "Hold on Artemis." Arthur hummed inside my head, leaning back into a chair he made appear behind him, "ask him about us; ask him if he remembers killing my mum or his knowledge about you." He went on the list of what to ask, a list I already made myself.

I sighed, making eye contact with the Russian. "Do you remember who you are?" He smiled, nodding. I nodded as well, hoping that the next question would be answered as well. "Do you know who I am?" Pointing to my chest, he focused onto me.

His eyes scanned my character, looking for anything to trip a memory. "You look familiar. Da, you do, but," he shrugged, "nothing's coming to mind." I hummed, asking him to share what he did remember then. He smiled fully; this one wasn't as menacing as his others I was used to seeing. "I'm Ivan Braginski, da." He was about to continue, but he froze. I was confused as to why he stopped, but then found he looked confused. "Hmm. That's all I remember... oh! I have two sisters. Katy and Natalia." He was proud of himself that he remembered those simple things.

I smiled, but sat waiting for more. Our stare kept going for a couple of more seconds until I sighed. "Master, it looks like he has truly forgotten." Then Russian cocked his head, looking at the others, waiting for my master to speak.

"It appears so..." Arthur pondered about this, sighing as well. "Introduce yourself. Let's see if he'll remember when he hears your name."

I nodded, staring at the Russian. I cleared my throat. "Ivan," the man smiled, "my name is Artemis. Artemis Kirkland." The addage of the last name made Arthur stay silent for a minute. I knew he wanted to ask why I took his surname, but he just shook his head with a smile.

"What?!" Romano's voice was heard again as I glance at him. "Arthur, what the fuck are you talking about? Alfred's called you Artemis before, too, so could you explain why you're calling yourself another damn name?"

I chuckled, standing up as I stepped towards him. "My name is different because I'm not my master, Arthur; I am the curse."

Their eyes widened as I confirmed most of their wonder, but Alfred just stared. He had a scowl on, much like my master, and stared me down. "If you're the curse, then where's Arthur?"

I chuckled, pointing to my head. "He's in here, observing everything that's going on right now." Alfred wasn't sure to believe me or not, but he nodded. "Speaking of my master, he says he loves you and misses you."

Chuckling again, he blushed as Arthur screamed in my head, embarrassed and denying that he really does. "R-really?" I rolled my eyes, Romano did as well, and I turned back to the Russian. "I knew it." Alfred goes. "You lied."

"No, no, he truly does, but won't say it since he's a stubborn prat." Arthur commented on my statement, making me snicker.

"You all wouldn't happen to be talking about Arthur Kirkland, the one with the Archer's Curse, would you?" All ours eyes fell onto Ivan as his face held puzzlement. "He seems familiar... Am I supposed to know him?" We all looked at each other, then him, and nodded. "Oh..."

"You..." Feli piped up, gaining his attention as he hid behind his brother. "you killed his mother." The Russian's eyes went wide. "You were going to use him to kill the King as well, but..."

"But you killed him yourself as Arthur hesitated." I gave the Prussian a look and he rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Artemis."

As we were all reminded of the King, we all glanced over at the cropse. I chuckled. "Some loyal guards you are." I heard the others chuckled along, but saw Ivan pale. "Ivan?"

"I did that?" He stood up slowly, walking over to the dead body. "I killed the King?" His body started to shake as he looked around the room. Glancing back at all of use, we saw his worried eyes. "Was there a Queen? An heir?"

"No," Alfred said, eying his deceased ruler. "No Queen or heir. He wouldn't find one, so he just ruled us until death."

"You're wrong about the heir." We all turned around seeing Arthur's brothers. Alister, along with Aiden and Alun, came up to us, looking at Ivan and ready to fight. I motioned for them to put their weapons down. They eyed me suspiciously, but did as I ordered. "There is one. That I know of anyway."

"Artemis, switch with me." I was about to ask why, but he cut me from saying anything. "No time for questions, just switch with me." I sighed, letting my master take back full control of his body.


As Artemis gave me back my body, he slipped back into his little box inside my head. I gave my brother a puzzling looked and asked, "What do you mean by that, Alec?" They all looked at me as I called Alister by his nickname. Alister just smiled, glad to hear that his brother is back in control. "Who could possibly be the heir?"

He shook his head, grin widening by the second. "Have you ever stopped to wonder just who your father was?" I blinked, pondering on his question, soon shaking my head. He sighed as he started walking over to my side. "Our mother had different lovers." He stated. "Each of them being different." I nodded, urging him to continue. "We're half-brothers, 'lightly, and it's because of that fact."

"Mother wasn't a slut or whore," Aiden approached me, going to my other side, "she just never found the one. But one day, ou' o' the blue, a man appeared saying he wanted our mother to bear him a son. Alister, here, being the oldest, yet still young, was going to tell 'im to go find himself another lass for that, but mum, being the kind she is, said, 'You're not touchin' me unless I wan' you to.'" Alister chuckled, nodding to that fact.

"He was dumbfounded as could be." Alun said with a chuckle, coming to stand right in front of me. "Never before had that man come upon a woman who said such a thing to him, and he wouldn't stop staring at her. Really, we knew that he only approached her because of her beauty, but later found out he didn't approach her because of that."

"What drew him was her mystery." Alec put his arm around my shoulders. "You do remember our mum being a mage, right?" I nodded. "Well, just because she was different, people had ridiculed her. Not one person would converse with her, let alone ourselves." His smile faltered a bit. "No one would try and associate with us. They'd run the instant we came closer to them. They called us the 'devils children'." His hand gripped my shoulder, causing a bit of pain.

Aiden put a hand on our brother's arm, easing him from his anger. Alec sighed. "Your father was different." The Irishman continued. "He tried to learn more about our mother. He wanted to acquire more information about her from herself everyday. He never ran away from her or us; he stayed."

"He was only here for... Oh, what? A week? I don't remember." Alec took out a joint, putting it between his lips before lighting it. "It was enough time for him to fall in love with her though." He puffed out some smoke away from me before continuing. "He never stopped loving her even when she told him that she was a mage. This made her love him even more. It wasn't hard since she fell in love with him as well. I think you get what happens next. He leaves, she has you, then the shit in our life happens."

"I get it." I told him, loosening his hand from my shoulder. My gaze then landed on the King. His face contained a smile as he faced the ceiling. I didn't know why, but I felt I should've known him more than just 'the King'.

Getting a closer look at him, I see what he looked like. Ash blond, short hair with grey eyes that used to be blue; he had facial hair as well around his mouth. I imagined what I would look like with facial hair and found that I looked like...

"What does the King have to do with that information?" I asked, looking at my brothers. I was trying to conceal my shock, but I feel like I wasn't doing so well.

Alec shrugged, smiling. "Well, just compare this. Your father's name was Ambrose Kirkland."

"King Ambrose?" I glanced at Alfred seeing his own shock. "No way, that's too much of a frickin' coincidence."

"Indeed it is." Alun smiled. I stood frozen, too surprised about what I just learned. "Also, if anyone of you is wondering, the reason why all of our last names are the same when we've had different fathers is because of mum. She loved Ambrose so much so that she took his last name. She would've married him, had he not left, but she wanted everyone to know that we were his. We did have a father. Step-father or not."

"Aye, I agree with that." Alec chuckled. "Only the bloomin' truth, too. We actually didn't mind the name either. Good surname 'nd all."

I saw the few of my friends next to me nod, but I was still in shock. "Your highness," I jumped, blinking as I turned to Ivan. He stared at me, then bowed. "I apologize for what I've done. You can do what you wish to me."

I stared at him, confused. "What?" He didn't move, just kept bowing. "You should punish him Arthur, but if you don't, I understand. I smiled, then gave him a serious gaze. "Stand straight," Ivan flinched, but did as I said. The others around us stopped talking, watching what I'd do to the Russian. "Now," I started with a commanding voice, staring him down, "you will obey what I say." He nodded as I smirked. "You will," I paused, letting everyone hang on an edge, waiting, "become my right hand man."

They all blinked. Ivan's gaze never left mine as he stood in shock. "What?"

I sighed, waving my hand. "Ivan's great at making plans and such, so I want him to become a right hand man, but if he goes back to his antics of rebellion again, I'll order an execution." The Russian looked happy as the others grew unsure of my decision. "I'm not doing this because I happen to be the heir of the throne," their focus was on me again as I stated that, "I'm doing this because I'm a fellow who was raised in the woods who cares about everyone."

They nodded with smiled, understanding what I meant. "Looks like someone's taking his role as king greatly." Alfred smiled as he came over to my side and kissed my cheek.

"Oh," I blushed, but felt dizzy instantly, "I'm not." Right as I confessed my true thought, I fainted in the American's arms.


A few weeks had passed since the great battle that happened in the castle. Everything seemed to be just as it was when my father ruled the land. My father. I really need to get used to that.

Everything was in order and taken well care of. Ivan was a great planner of things as well as just being there. Alfred was still wary of the Russian, so were my friends, but they trusted him nonetheless.

Speaking of Alfred, he and I have...gotten closer over the time that the village was being rebuilt. He's back to being a goofball, and his brother, along with that French bastard, have moved back into the main village. Matt congratulated me on receiving the throne, and Francis smiled while hugging me, soon groping my ass.

"Francis!" I had slapped his cheek. "I told you to stop already!"

"But your highness, I can't help myself." He pulls his hands up. "My hands have a mind of there own."

I rolled my eyes as Matt grabbed the Frenchman's arm. "Francis, he's the King now, you don't want the people to think you disrespect him, or treat him..."

"Now, Mattheiu," he hugged the boy, giving a most lecherous smile, "I would never do such a thing to our King."

"I hope not."

I shook my head. "Well, sorry to cut this short, but I need to get going." They looked at me. "This village won't build itself, will it?" I smirked, walking out of the throne room.

"Your majesty!" I turned to see the inventor, Logan, coming my way with some blue prints. He had a big smile on his face and I instantly knew that he had new plans. "I've got some ideas that might blow your mind away!" He came to my side, panting as he handed the papers to me. "I hope you like them."

I smiled, taking a look inside the rolled up paper. My eyes widened at the mass of creative ideas. They were creations of machinery, yes, but then he also had ideas for new homes. New styles along with new way to make them and have enough room for a shop, or for two families to live in, possibly more. "These are wonderful!" I tell him. His smile grew. "Take these to Feliciano. He'll love to help out."

"Right away!" He took the papers back and ran off to find the young Italian who was most likely painting in the woods again.

"AH!" The sudden shout made me jump as I turned around, seeing my young half-brother, Peter, running from my friends. "Spike! Stop!" He laughed as the young pup chased him around.

I smiled, glancing at my side as Striker appeared with Star. "I see your son is having fun with my brother." He sniffed, his snout smiling as well. "Let's hope they'll be great friends like you and I." The wolf sneezed, agreeing with me.

"Artie!" Some arms wrapped around my waist. "Have you come to help out?"

I turn my head to Alfred, scowling as I battle my way out of his embrace. "Of course I am, git." He smiled, stealing a quick kiss from me. I blushed, smacking his arm. "Twit!" He just chuckled as he ran off to help with the constructions going on. "I'll get you back you idiot!"

I felt a head graze against my leg. I looked down to see Star smiling up at me. I crouched down to pet her. "What is it girl?" She had this glint in her eye that made me chuckle. "Yes, yes. I know that you can tell even through my stubbornness." She snorted. "Yes, I do admit that I'm stubborn."

"About time ya did." A slap came to my back as my brother appeared beside me. "Stop talking to your wolves, and lets get going, 'lightly." Alec took a drag of his joint and blew out the smoke to his other side. "We need all the hands we can gather."

"That is why we wirr arso join." Kiku walked toward us, and I smiled. He gave a small bow. "Nice to see you again, Arthur-san."

"It's good to see you, too." I glanced at Heracles and he merely waved, but he had a smile as well. "Well," I clapped my hands together, "let's go rebuild ourselves a village." Turning towards a direction where there was help needed, we all gathered up supplies and made the village good as new.

A month passed and the village was back to being in top shape. We all celebrated with a dance in the village square. Everyone had fun, and so did I, though I just sat on the wooden throne the carpenter of this village made for me. This throne was specifically for sitting out side. It was comfortable, but I didn't want to just sit around.

I sighed, eying my little brother as he kept squirming in his own little throne. Smiling, I nudged his shoulder. "What is it, jerk-face?" He mumbled.

My eyebrow twitched as I sighed again. I really wish that he'd stop calling me that, but... I don't blame him since he barely knows me still. "Why don't you go an dance?" He shook his head. In the crowd of dancers, I noticed a little girl around the age of Peter who was staring at him. She looked shy, but was blushing a bit. "Why don't you go dance with her?"

He looked up to see who I was talking about, blushing as he saw her. "N-no! I don't want to." He said stubbornly.

"It looks like that you actually do." He continued to grow redder. "Come on, be a gentleman and dance with the young girl."

He sighed. "Fine, desu-yo, but if I get embarrassed or in trouble, it's your fault."

I chuckled. "Yes, yes, now go on and dance with her."

He stood up, slowly and ran over to her. She instantly blushed as he started talking to her. I could see her little head about to nod, but a man, I assume to be her big brother, stepped between them. Peter got a little scared the, but once the girl talked to her brother for a minute, I saw the two going into the circle to join the dance. The brother didn't look too happy, but smiled a little as he watched his sister have fun.

"You know, you should take your own advice." I peered over my shoulder to see Alfred standing beside me. "Why don't you come and dance as well? You did help out." I was going to state how I should hake a figure for myself, but he prevented me from saying anything by putting his finger up to my lips. "No, buts either." He moved to the front of me and extended his hand. "Care to dance with me?"

I scowled, but sighed. "Why the bloody hell not?" I pushed his hand away, joining the circle with the others. Alfred came to my side again, but didn't pester me much.


It's been another few months since everything went back to the way my father ruled. The people's lives went back to their normal way they did every day; the different guards started practicing with their friends again; the groups of guards kept arguing about what weapon is better, and made contests up to prove themselves; my friends all still come to visit me and none of them call me with the high title of King, and I don't mind.

Even Ivan had been very well. His sisters came into town one day and I've come to know them very well. I've become great friends with Katyusha, but Natalia wasn't much of a talker. She always stayed by Ivan's side, to what I could see was his displeasure. It was quite different to have his sisters here, but it was great.

I also have gotten along with Artemis. He's become a real help, and has his laughs at my life. Though I could go without his comments when Alfred and I are together. I can hear him laugh right now as I mention that. Anyway, there hasn't been much deaths besides natural deaths these days, and I'm glad to say that none had gone with struggle.

Being King really isn't bad. I still need to get used to this role, but it's fun if you also join in with your people. Though, you can't do that for long; you still need to keep your level high, no matter how much you hate it.

Well, here's to being King. I wish myself luck for this next month and hope all will go well as it has been.

Arthur Kirkland

Putting my journal away, I lay back into my bed, sighing. "Here's to being king." I say, raising my hand in the air.

"And here's to being in love." Alfred grabbed my hand, bringing it down to his face, kissing it. I blushed, but let him do as he wanted. "You know, I've got to ask you." I look at my silly American and wait for his question. "What are you going to do about an heir?"

Blushing even more, I turn my head into the pillow. "I don't know." I sighed. "I guess Peter will just have to take the throne when he's older."

"That means you and I can have more time for fun." I punched his arm as he chuckled. "Seriously though, that's a great idea." He smiled. "You always have great ideas."

"You're just one bloody suck up."

"You got that right." Giving me a kiss on the lips, he climbed on top of me. "I love you Arthur."

"And I love you, ya git." Kissing him back, I fall into the embrace of the one who made my life the way it was now. I will never complain, and neither will Artemis.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned as his voice echoed in my head. Alfred gave me a look, but as I pointed to my head, he rolled his eyes. "Such a sappy ending. Come on, lets go into some action. I'm bleeding bored."

I ignored him and continued to kiss Alfred. "Arthur, are you ignoring me?" Alfred's tongue soon asked for permission to enter my mouth, and I played hard to get. "Really? You're giving me the cold shoulder?" He was soon able to swipe his tongue in my mouth, meddling with mine. "Arthur!" The night became a great one like all the others. I'd never admit to Alfred that I enjoyed these nights with him, but I already guessed he knew.

"Well if this isn't a fine ending? Sigh~. Really, there should be more action. Where is the crazy ass Russian when you need him?"

"Some one call?" A childish chuckle came from behind Artemis as the Russian took form in front of him. "You missed me, da?" His purple eyes showed a red tint as he looked at the other. "Long time no see Artemis."

The curse smiled. "Ah, so you were a curse." He chuckled. "I had a feeling you were."

"Da, and I'm disappointed in Ivan." He frowned. "Forgetting everything, including myself." His smile came back. "But that won't last forever, da?"

Artemis hummed. "Are you thinking of invading your master once again?"

Winter looked at the other as he chuckled, pipe appearing in his hand. "What makes you think he was my master? I controlled him to the very end of his memories, and I still do."

"Not if I stop you first." Artemis took a stance as he summoned his bow and arrows. "I'll fight you if I have to."

"Oh?" The Russian chuckled again. "When did you join the other side, Artemis?" The other shrugged. "Well, if you want to fight," his eyes turned red, "then we'll fight, da?"

Lunging forward, the two curses stared their battle, one that will last some years. The years might be long, could be short, or for eternity. They will never know who will win, but they do know, if they do, another King might fall from his thrown.

The End~

Note: Ha, one story done, more to finish! ;^; I'm sad though! This was one of my favorite stories to continue. It was also my first UsUk story. -le sigh-

I want to thank all of those who had Favorited, Followed, and Reviewed. All of those kept me going and I just loved seeing what you thought. Though this is done, I hope that you all won't just stop at this story; I hope you read all my other ones and review them with your thoughts.

Also, this story isn't beta-ed, like my others, but I hope it was great and not sappy. ^^;

Ciao: I hope you all enjoyed the ending! I really appreciate all of you reading to the last chapter! Thank you, loves! R&R.