A festive evening between good friends welcomes the coming of a new year. The cabin is warm with glowing lights from the many candles that Valancy has lit in each room. Barney and their good friend 'Roaring Abel' talk of old times while Valancy makes homemade candy for them on the hot kitchen stove.

"I'm happy ta see the two of you getting on so well. Surely, you've had your disagreements at times?"

"Not really. Oh, there was the time that we argued over whose turn it was to take care of the shopping, I wouldn't say that was worth mentioning." Valancy answers.

"Even though I let her win that time." Barney admits.

Abel slaps his knee while laughing in his raucous yet endearing way. Barney shakes his head with amusement while Valancy giggles over the hot molasses that she is stirring.

Late in the night, the three friends have gathered in the living room. Abel takes up his fiddle and plays a soft melody. Barney takes a draw from his old pipe while reclining on the sofa. Valancy watches Abel from where she sits on the rug by the fireplace while petting 'Good Luck' the cat who is laying across her lap. She laughs when she notices their other cat 'Banjo' who is hiding under the sofa. The kitty is glaring at Abel with a look of pure contempt over that offensive sounding instrument that he is playing. As Abel finishes the pleasant tune, he breaks to get another piece of the candy that Valancy has made. He looks up to see that the clock says 12:02 a.m.

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!" Barney and Valancy return the greeting together.

Valancy springs up to kiss Abel on the cheek and then Barney with a much different sort of quick kiss. They each poor another glass of wine and raise their drinks for a toast.

"Dear friends, festive wine, homemade candy, happy music and a blazing fire are a fair substitute for heaven." Barney observes with jovial delight.

"Anyone couldn't ask for more. Lets hear a festive tune for the new year!" Valancy cheers.

They drink their wine. Abel begins to play yet he stops before sounding the first note.


Barney and Valancy look at him with bewildered curiosity.

"Are ya goin' to ask the young lady ta dance?"

Barney is taken aback.

"You know I'm not accustomed to—"

"Ah, go on!" Abel stops his foot with impatience.

Valancy laughs in a challenging way to encourage Barney. He approaches and holds his hand out while keeping an intent gaze upon his wife.

"My lady?" An arched eyebrow springs up.

Valancy is certain that he is aware of the effect that has upon her resistance to go along with anything he desires. She takes his hand and Abel strikes up the tune that they are waiting for. They dance together in a careless frolic in the center of the room. Valancy laughs until Barney can no longer withstand it to laugh as well. Abel smiles to himself and continues playing until the tune is through. He takes a seat in the corner near the fireplace and plays a much slower tune while staring into the flames. His thoughts seem to be far away in another place. Valancy and Barney talk softly as they dance closely together with their eyes set upon each other.

Much later in the new year's night, the cabin has gone quiet and dark as the revelers have retired their party. Abel snores in the tranquility of the living room where he has made a bed of cushions on the floor. Valancy is awake alone as she sets up in bed by the window watching the gently falling snow in the deep blue night outside. With her arms wrapping around her knees, she pulls a blanket tighter around herself while Barney sleeps beside her. She is very content and happy now. Barney awakens and raises up next to her.

"Moonlight, is everything okay?" Barney keeps his voice down low.

"I was just watching the snowfall on the pines and the icy surface of the lake and thinking about how beautiful it is. I couldn't possibly be any happier than I am here. I wouldn't have made it to the new year being anywhere else, I'm certain."

"As I have said, my girl, you belong to this island as much as it belongs to you. Don't ever plan to be away from it for long."

Valancy turns away from the winter scene just beyond the window and into the darkness of their room where Barney is.

"I must confess to you, before we were married, I had wondered what your voice would sound like lowered in this way. It's...mystifying to hear you speak sometimes."

They laugh quietly. Barney breathes in before speaking again.

"You do laugh beautifully. It makes me want to laugh just to hear you. There's a trick about it as if there were so much more fun in back of it that you wouldn't let out before. Did you laugh like that before you came to Mistawis, girl?"

It almost seemed as though his voice was intent to woo her now. She knew that couldn't be so she answered his question with sheer honesty.

"I never laughed at all—really. I used to giggle foolishly when I felt I was expected to. After last year, feeling a release of so many inhibitions that dominated my ever-going existence, I began to see the humor in so many things and now the laughter just comes for me. Your laugh has changed too since...there's not so much of the cynical edge that I used to...hear...maybe it's...

Valancy loses her train of thought as Barney runs his fingertips up the inside of her forearm. He raises her wrist up to his face and turns her hand until the palm is up. He kisses her inner wrist. Her breathing becomes heavier and so does his. She surveys again the snow and the night outside their window. When she looks back to him, she is caught up in a kiss that is intense, careful and yet passionate in nature. The lapse in time is unmeasurable when they are able to separate. Barney exhales a deep breath against her neck and then gets up to take leave of their room. Valancy is confused about what is occurring. She waits a moment before getting up to look for him. He is standing alone on their back porch without a blanket or coat to protect him from the cold night air. Roaring Abel still snores at the front of the cabin while Banjo sits in the hallway looking very irritated about that. Valancy goes back to bed. Thoughts of what has just transpired are more than enough to keep her warm. Barney returns not long after. Without a word, he nuzzles up close and then pulls her in tight with his arms. Valancy knows that something deep is changing between them on this night, their relationship in this new year might never be the same as before.