Arthur finished setting everything up and turned to Alfred and Matthew, both of whom were sitting next to his bed.

"Put a cover on the window."

Knowing Arthur was talking to him, Alfred leapt up and covered the windows.




"Leave the room."

Matthew's face fell as he stood up and quietly slipped out of the room.

Alfred sat down again and watched closely as Arthur started whispering a spell.

The little glass ball on the bed started to glow and he leaned closer in amazement.

"Show me Francis," Arthur ordered.

Glowing a bright green, the orb seemed to obey.

A faint, out of focus, picture filled the ball.

"It's all blurry," Alfred complained.

"Give it a moment."

The picture grew and sharpened.

Both nations gasped.

"I-Is that really France?"

"The ball wouldn't show us anyone else."

"B-But look at him! He wasn't that bad when I left him!"

Arthur frowned.

"Exactly why you shouldn't have left him."

"Don't start this again."

"Fine." Arthur focused his attention back on the little ball. "He looks miserable," he whispered sadly. "We have to rescue him. We can't just leave him there."

"You need to rest and get better first."

"Give me my book," Arthur snapped.

Alfred sighed and tossed the old book at him.

"Hey! Be careful! This is older than I am! If you break it I don't even know what a suitable punishment would be!"

The teen rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry for hurting your fairy book."

"They're real!" Arthur almost screamed. Taking a calming breath and closing his eyes, he counted to ten before opening them again and looking for the right page. "Here it is." He whispered the spell under his breath and Alfred watched in amazement as all the lesions on Arthur's body glowed a soft green.

"I-Is it working?

Arthur's grumpy face turned calm and he nodded.

The light faded and all of Arthur's injuries were gone and he was completely healed.

"So much better," he murmured with a soft sigh.

"How do you feel?" Alfred asked curiously.

"Amazing. It always feels so good. Now to get these things out of me."

"Maybe we should let the nurse do that."

Pushing the call button again, Alfred continued to stare at Arthur's healed body.

"Can you call Matthew back inside?"

Alfred nodded.

Going to the door, he pushed it open and stuck his head out.

"Bro? Bro you can come back now!"

"It's about time," Arthur heard the other boy mutter.

He reappeared in the room instantly.

Just then the nurse walked in.

"Can I help?"

Arthur nodded.

"Yes. I would like to go home so if you could please disconnect me from these vile things."

The nurse bit her lip as she thought.

"Well you see…before you can leave, a doctor has to examine you and say you're clear to leave. Then you can check out."

"Go get a doctor then. I need to leave soon."


She turned around and left.

"Matthew? Can you pack up my belongings while we wait?"

"Yes Dad."

"And Alfred? Can you prepare a jet for us to get Francis?"

He nodded sternly and walked out the door to do as he had been asked.

On his way out, the doctor came in.

"Good day Mr. Kirkland. Did you ask to leave?"

"Yes I feel fine."

"That's good but we'll have to make sure you're alright first."

Smiling kindly, he checked Arthur's vital signs before going for the problem.

He peeled Arthur's shirt off and gasped.

"My word! You're completely healed!"

"I told you I was fine."

"But you healed so fast!"

Arthur shrugged.

"I tend to do that. Can I go now?"

"Y-Yes. I'll tell a nurse to check you out."

"Thank you."

"O-Of course."

Arthur watched the doctor leave and smiled.

"I can finally leave," he whispered to himself in awe. "They're finally letting me go get Francis."

Matthew walked over and set the bad holding all of Arthur's belongings on the bed.

"Do you think Papa will be okay?" he asked in his innocent voice.

The English nation turned to him.

"I hope so Matthew. I truly hope so."

"I think you're done for today," the cruel voice said finally.

Prussia pushed the little button and the shocks stopped.

Gasping, Francis fell forward, his chains catching him.

He raised teary eyes to the albino.

"D-Danke Meister!" he forced out between gasps.

Prussia grinned down at him.

"You've learned your place, right?" Francis nodded. "And that place is."

"Z-Zu ihren fϋβen."

Prussia's smile turned into a smirk.

"Correct." He pet the top of the captured nation like an animal. "You're doing better. Maybe we won't have to hurt you so much."

Francis's eyes widened.

"D-Danke Meister!" he cried, happy tears filling his eyes.

"I said 'maybe'. Don't push it."

The French nation bowed his head obediently.

"Es tut mir leid," he whispered.

"Gut." Prussia stood up straight. "I'm going now. Be a good sklave and do what your meister tell you."

He walked to the door.

"W-Warten sie!" Francis called in his broken voice.

Prussia didn't turn.


"Will I ever be allowed to leave?"


He left.

AN: Okay so recently I found these two notebook pages in a drawer and I was like, 'Huh. I wonder what these are.' So I flipped through them and started to read them when I realized that I had actually missed a chapter. This was actually supposed to be chapter 9 but I didn't know so now you get it! :D

I hope that makes things a little clearer and that you like it.

And I have no idea what I had written. Anyone who speaks German? Can you tell me what I was trying to write? This is a really old chapter so I'm absolutely clueless about what it is I was trying to write.