Helloooooo! This is a Christmas poem I wrote during class when I had finished all the work already, and I was wondering what I should do, and writing a poem came into my mind. I'm such a nerd :p Anyway, I hope you like this and MERRY CHRISTMAS! And a Happy New Year :D

Disclaimer!; Don't own anything but this poem, not the people in it.

It is Christmas Eve,

And you look more beautiful,

than you could ever believe.

We stand under the mistletoe,

so close, we are whole.

We pull apart, your eyes look at me,

those hazel eyes I adore,

filled with nothing that looks like glee.

I swoop in and give you a sweet kiss,

bringing us to a place of full bliss.

You pull away and whisper in my ear,

"Don't leave me this Christmas, that's my worst fear."

A tear slips out of the gorgeous eyes,

almost making me want to cry.

I pull you into an embrace

and I hold you close,

hoping I never have to let you go.

You brown locks nuzzle into my neck,

sobbing, making yourself feel like a wreck.

When you finally take your head away,

I put my forehead to yours and say,

"I promise to to be here Christmas day."

Done! Hehehe :3 You could tell who was narrating...right? If not, it was Kendall! Well, I hope you liked this short little poem, I thought it was adorable :3
